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Trump urges Republican lawmakers to drop immigration bill until election


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Trump urges Republican lawmakers to drop immigration bill until election

By Doina Chiacu and Richard Cowan



U.S. President Donald Trump takes part in a working lunch with governors in the Roosevelt Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 21, 2018. REUTERS/Leah Millis


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump urged Republican lawmakers on Friday to drop their efforts to pass comprehensive immigration legislation until after the November elections, sending mixed signals to his party amid an ongoing crisis over his border policies.


Trump, faced with a public outcry over his policy that separated children from their migrant parents at the U.S. border with Mexico, has gone back and forth on ways to solve the country's immigration problems, which he blames on Democrats.


By seeking to keep that blame on the opposition party, he is hoping to galvanise support from his base for midterm elections that could swing the balance of power on Capitol Hill.


"Elect more Republicans in November and we will pass the finest, fairest and most comprehensive Immigration Bills anywhere in the world," Trump said on Twitter.


"Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November. Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!" he said.


All 435 House seats and a third of the 100-member Senate will be up for grabs in November. Democrats are hoping discontent with Trump’s policies, including on immigration, will help them pick up the 23 seats needed to recapture a majority in the House. Their task is more daunting in the Senate, where they need to pick up only two seats for a majority but are defending 26 seats to just nine held by Republicans.


Trump bowed to intense pressure on Wednesday and signed an order ending the separation of children from their families while parents are prosecuted for crossing the border illegally, which had caused uproar at home and abroad. He said then he wanted Congress to pass a more comprehensive immigration bill.


The House on Thursday rejected a bill favoured by conservatives that would have halted the practice of splitting up families and addressed a range of other immigration issues.


The bill was defeated in a 231-193 vote, with 41 Republicans joining the opposition. The House also postponed, likely until next week, a vote on a more moderate bill in order to try to drum up more support.


Trump's latest tweets could gut that effort.


"Game over," said Representative Mark Sanford, a Republican critic of Trump who came under withering attack from the president before losing his primary race this month.


"Without the president having legislators' backs, there's no way they're going to take the risks that would be inherent in a major reform bill," Sanford told CNN.


Republican Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who represents a majority Hispanic district in Florida and is not running for re-election, said that Trump’s tweets amount to “schizoid policy making.”


House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy insisted the bill would be brought to the floor, where it faced an uncertain future and almost certain rejection in the Senate, where Republicans' slim 51-49 majority makes some Democratic support necessary to pass most legislation.


Both Republican immigration bills had received backing from Trump but were rejected by Democrats and immigration advocacy groups as too harsh. They would fund a wall Trump has long proposed along the border with Mexico and would also reduce legal migration.




As Republicans in Congress struggled to reach consensus on immigration legislation, the White House has grappled with fierce criticism in recent weeks over the policy that has separated more than 2,300 children from their families.


Despite his concession on Wednesday, Trump suggested on Friday that some of the wrenching tales that have emerged from the border were fabricated by Democrats, tweeting, "We cannot allow our Country to be overrun by illegal immigrants as the Democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief, hoping it will help them in the elections."


The White House criticized Democrats and journalists for focusing on a picture of a girl who cried while her mother was searched near the border. Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders tweeted: "It’s shameful that dems and the media exploited this photo of a little girl to push their agenda. She was not separated from her mom. The separation here is from the facts."


Following the president's order to keep families together in detention during immigration proceedings, it remained unclear how and when those children would be reunited with their parents, and where families would be held while the parents face criminal charges.


It was also not clear if the government would keep prosecuting cases against people caught crossing the border illegally. It was the administration's policy of zero tolerance - announced in April - that led to blanket prosecutions, including of adults travelling with children.


Officials said on Thursday the U.S. military has been asked to get ready to house up to 20,000 immigrant children.


The U.S. military has been asked that the facilities be ready as early as July and be available until the end of the year, according to a Pentagon notification to Congress.


The notification said the Department of Health and Human Services or its contractors would provide all care for the children, from transportation and supervision to meals and clothing.


Trump sought to make the case for his immigration clampdown at an event on Friday with members of so-called Angel Families who had a loved one killed by someone who had entered the United States illegally.


"These are the stories that Democrats and people that are weak on immigration, they don't want to discuss," he said.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-23


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Buffoon dotard whatever we are better than you America is better than you soon Donald soon you will get the boot rite up that cheeseburger loving.......ass of yours just hope it happens before you wreck the economy 

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The Dems have no interest in passing immigration reform. They want the status quo so they can build a support base of illegal immigrants, which is the only way they can save their failing party. So their only hope is by pretending immigration problems are Trump's fault, and maybe they can win enough seats back to control the house. 

But Americans are all on to you and come Nov, Dems are really going to need their crying towels. Trump is right, drop the immigration thing until after Nov, when the GOP will have unfetted power to get this all worked out, including building that wall. Rino's and Dems will soon be purged and we can get on with the business of MAGA.

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Immigration is good for America. Immigrants are good for America. We need more immigrants. We should encourage more legal immigration.


Any free-market conservative would agree. Immigrants help harvest our bounty, prepare our food, care for our children, serve in the military, spit in Trump's taco bowl, pay into social security, commit far fewer crimes on average the native-born 'Mericans.


I cannot comprehend why so many are fearful of immigrants, but it's nothing new of course. We have a long, long, long history of last year's immigrants dissing this year's immigrants.



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9 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

We should encourage more legal immigration. 


And always discourage illegal immigration, especially those putting their small children in danger using Coyotes or crossing deserts to avoid points of entry.

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14 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Immigrants help harvest our bounty, prepare our food, care for our children, serve in the military, spit in Trump's taco bowl, pay into social security, commit far fewer crimes on average the native-born 'Mericans.

And support an aging America.

Last year was the lowest birth rate in the US since 1978, according to data from the US National Center for Health Statistics. The decline in fertility in recent years means that the US population is not able to replace itself through reproduction alone.

“Immigration has allowed the population to increase at a healthy rate,” he says. “Without that, the population would shrink, and more of the population would be older – which we see in places like Japan.” - Kevin Doody of the Center for Assisted Reproduction in Texas


See also statistics in The Consequences of the U.S. Baby Bust - Boosting the birthrate would go a long way toward resolving a lot of political arguments.




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19 minutes ago, dcutman said:


 Please tell Stephen Miller, and most hard-liners who wish to halt legal immigration, unless from Norway, with a PhD, hot-looking (must be a "9" minimum), and fluent in English (yes, I imagine most Norwegians probably speak better English than the average 'Merican).


10 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

And support an aging America.

Yes, I more or less meant that by saying that hard-working immigrants will pay into Social Security.

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2 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


"Americans by an almost 8 to 1 margin — 79 percent — think Dreamers should be allowed to remain in the country and apply for citizenship. Quinnipiac poll, January 11, 2018

Huge majority of Americans want Dreamers to stay in US: poll


Quinnipiac poll, lmao.


Someone's too dense to have learned the lessons of mainstream media polling from the 2016 election.

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53 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

Someone's too dense to have learned the lessons of mainstream media polling from the 2016 election.

"Someone" needs to understand the difference between 'mainstream media' and 'university' polling.



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8 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Unnecessary, already won the popular vote so we just have to move ~ 80,000 folks around and we'll be good to go, thank you.


You do understand that illegal immigrants cannot vote, once or more than once, right?

I understand that perfectly well. However the democrat button pushers don't, have have allowed many votes in the last presidential election cast votes. Now they are even allowing convicted felons vote. Desperate dems have no law.

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8 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

 Please tell Stephen Miller, and most hard-liners who wish to halt legal immigration, unless from Norway, with a PhD, hot-looking (must be a "9" minimum), and fluent in English (yes, I imagine most Norwegians probably speak better English than the average 'Merican).


Yes, I more or less meant that by saying that hard-working immigrants will pay into Social Security.

It's funny now most of you liberals post about immigrants, leaving off the most important word....ILLEGAL. Conservatives (myself included) welcome immigration legally. There is no argument how they can benefit our society.


The rest of them, including dreamers, can go piss up a rope. The whole lot of them. They contribute nothing, take everything, then complain when they don't get handed enough. We're not gonna take it anymore.


So you all liberals please stop talking out the side of your mouth. Say what you mean, don't be like fake news. This debate concerns ONLY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. 

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9 minutes ago, jackh said:

I understand that perfectly well. However the democrat button pushers don't, have have allowed many votes in the last presidential election cast votes. Now they are even allowing convicted felons vote. Desperate dems have no law.

You might want to rewrite your first sentence. Right now it's inscrutable. As for allowing conviced felons to vote..why not? If they've served their time, what grounds are there to keep on punishing them? In fact in most states ex convicts are eventually eligible to vote. 

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7 minutes ago, jackh said:

It's funny now most of you liberals post about immigrants, leaving off the most important word....ILLEGAL. Conservatives (myself included) welcome immigration legally. There is no argument how they can benefit our society.


The rest of them, including dreamers, can go piss up a rope. The whole lot of them. They contribute nothing, take everything, then complain when they don't get handed enough. We're not gonna take it anymore.


So you all liberals please stop talking out the side of your mouth. Say what you mean, don't be like fake news. This debate concerns ONLY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. 

Really, it's only liberals who support the dreamers? Exactly how many times does that Fox News poll have to cited before it penetrates your psyche? You've heard of Fox News? In case you haven't, it's Donald Trump's favorite news source.

Here it is once again:

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants


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15 hours ago, bristolboy said:

You might want to rewrite your first sentence. Right now it's inscrutable. As for allowing conviced felons to vote..why not? If they've served their time, what grounds are there to keep on punishing them? In fact in most states ex convicts are eventually eligible to vote. 

Liberal minds exploding here. I'm sure you also agree the convicts should keep their right to own a gun. 

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1 hour ago, jackh said:

Liberal minds exploding here. I'm sure you also agree the convicts should keep their right to own a gun. 

No, I don't think convicts should have the right to own guns.

As for ex-convicts, I guess it depends on the crime.

Do you believe ex convicts shouldn't have the right to own a gun?

I just hate it when Trump supporters disrespect the 2nd Amendment.

It's just so wrong.


You mean if ex-convicts get the right to vote, they might point their ballot at someone? 

Maybe they should bring a SWAT team in before he pulls the lever.

You've made an excellent point. I'll have to give it a serious rethink.

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17 hours ago, jackh said:

It's funny now most of you liberals post about immigrants, leaving off the most important word....ILLEGAL. Conservatives (myself included) welcome immigration legally. There is no argument how they can benefit our society.


The rest of them, including dreamers, can go piss up a rope. The whole lot of them. They contribute nothing, take everything, then complain when they don't get handed enough. We're not gonna take it anymore.


So you all liberals please stop talking out the side of your mouth. Say what you mean, don't be like fake news. This debate concerns ONLY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. 

I just  checked title to this thread and the opening post, the debate seems to concern

"Trump urges Republican lawmakers to drop immigration bill until election" 


Which is problematic for Trump supporters who blame Congress or indeed the minority Democrats in Congress. 


Whatever the rights and wrongs, Trump is urging his Republican colleagues to do nothing about it. 


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