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The week that was in Thailand news: Thailand is lethal enough without executions


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Whilst I share Rooster’s concerns about the wrong people being convicted, and agree that statistics do suggest that capital punishment does not act as a deterent, there is one group for whom rotting in jail is too good.

Those are the unspeakable misfits who commit horrific offenses against children, including some of the indigenous people in my home country involved in sexual offenses against children as young as two years old.

Such people in my book are not fit to live on this earth.

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1 minute ago, StevieAus said:

Whilst I share Rooster’s concerns about the wrong people being convicted, and agree that statistics do suggest that capital punishment does not act as a deterent, there is one group for whom rotting in jail is too good.

Those are the unspeakable misfits who commit horrific offenses against children, including some of the indigenous people in my home country involved in sexual offenses against children as young as two years old.

Such people in my book are not fit to live on this earth.

The problem is that many of those whom you have just described, have languished on death row for 20 years only to be later proven innocent due to DNA evidence.  What do you say about that?

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The Death Penalty is fundamentally wrong for a number of reasons not least of which is the countless wrongful convictions in every jurisdiction around the world (and executions in some).  Second, executing someone 10 - 15 or 20 years after the crime following endless appeals and stays amounts to cruel and unusual torture.  If there really could be no doubt whatsoever and the execution took place the same day it would be a perfect solution, sadly not possible - who would vote to top the Burmese pair?  Many deserve it without a doubt but in the absence of a cast-iron system who is to judge who gets it?

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On 6/24/2018 at 12:48 PM, johnsuma01 said:

when there are strong evidence that a people is a criminal I am 100% for immediate execution.

All criminals are always claiming they are innocent as they know that jury believe it it will escape the dead sentence.


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On 6/24/2018 at 5:16 PM, TonyClifton said:

The problem is that many of those whom you have just described, have languished on death row for 20 years only to be later proven innocent due to DNA evidence.  What do you say about that?

I say that you are welcome to your opinion as I am to mine.

Some people always looking for a reason to forgive the unforgivable.

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Thousands of "innocent" people die on the roads every year but we don't ban driving.

Whilst it would be regrettable if innocent people were executed by mistake, I don't see that as a reason not to have a death penalty. It doesn't have to be expensive or cruel. Nitrogen fed helmet would be not a bad way to go. Quick and painless....and cheap. That's what I will do if I ever get MND or a similar horrific disease. For criminals that's too good though. I would bring back the collosseum and make some money for society instead of taxing us ever more.

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Obviously, many people don't understand what a death sentence actually means. It's been the subject of much literary treatment. They can't make it public cos then it becomes a circus. Overall, I would say a death sentence suits a savage society. And that's fair enough. But a rational society? I suppose we're in an in-between stage. 

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