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Scotland's Sturgeon prepares for early UK election ahead of Brexit


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3 hours ago, The Renegade said:

How about keeping it simple - More wanted to stay than leave ?


Commonly known as bog paper ?


As for the article


What election ?


There might be a change of Tory Leadership, but it is highly unlikely that there will be another GE.


Great crystal balls Sturgeon has, or is she also suffering from delusion ?

Take your infantile rhetoric elsewhere and keep my name out of it.

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Just let the English vote in the next Scottish  independence referendum.  Scotland will be free the day after.  The problem would be if the Scots voted to stay, but the English voted to say goodbye.

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10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Interesting rumblings this morning in that Scottish independence might finally be won, not through a referendum but by a simple dissolution of the Act and Treaties of Union in court.


The UK government has set aside 2 days in the Supreme Coury in late July to try to overturn the EU Continuity Bill, which was passed under Scots Law at Holyrood.


Under the Act and Treaties of the Union, Scots Law is protected "in perpetuity", and cannot be subjugated - the Supreme Court does not have the legal authority to overrule Scots Law. As the EU Continuity Bill was passed under Scots Law, if the Supreme Court sides with Westminster, in effect this means that Scots Law has been subjugated without legal authority. Then the Scottish Government simply holds a vote in Holyrood that the Act and Treaties of the Union has been breached through the subjugation of Scots Law, with the intent of the vote being to dissolve the union.


Of course, the Supreme Court may side with the Scottish Government and acknowledge that they cannot overrule the primacy of Scots Law - and that opens up a whole different can of worms for the UK government.

RR does that law override the majority (emphasis on majority) of the Scots that do not want to leave the Union. What about Scinuk?

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19 minutes ago, vogie said:

Please don't take it out of genuine Scots what the Scottish nationalists are after. The Scots don't want to leave the Union, we have a good history together.

What is a genuine Scot - those born in Scotland? I have shown you the evidence, have I not, that the majority of those voted to leave the union? Scotland's electorate didn't want to leave the UK but the majority of Scots-born do.

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A signficant motion passed in Westminster last night, where, "...this house endorses the principles of the Claim of Right for Scotland... and therefore acknowledges the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of government best suited to their needs."




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On 6/28/2018 at 12:37 PM, Baerboxer said:


So political party membership, of any party in the UK is a tiny fraction of the population.


Reuters say 7k, Sturgeon 7.526k but you said nearer 10k. Where did your figure come from then?


There are no accurate estimates yet post April.


Latest data on party membership

 The latest available estimates from political parties’ head offices, press releases and media outputs indicate that:

  • The Labour Party has around 552,000 members, as of January 2018[1]
  • The Conservative Party has 124,000 members as of March 2018[2]
  • The Scottish National Party has around 118,200 members, as of April 2018[3]
  • The Liberal Democrat Party has around 100,500 members, as of April 2018[3]
  • The Green Party (England and Wales) has 41,073 members, as of April 2018[3]
  • UKIP has around 21,200 members, as of April 2018[3]
  • Plaid Cymru has around 8,000 members, as of April 2018[3]
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Opposition to a second indyref below 50% according to latest Survation poll.


indyref this year - 23%

indyref but not this year - 19%

no indyref - 49%

don't know - 9%


Support for independence remains strong at 47% before any campaigning has begun.



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A bit more detail to the Survation poll, carried out 5th to 10th July; sample size: 1,002 people.


18-24: Yes = 71%, No = 29%

25-34: Yes = 63%, No = 37%

35-44: Yes = 54%, No = 46%

45-54: Yes = 46%, No = 54%

55-64: Yes = 36%, No = 64%

65+  : Yes = 31%, No = 69%

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  • 2 weeks later...

An important week ahead, as the UK government takes their fight to overrule the sovereignty of the Scottish Parliament to the UK Supreme Court.


Supreme Court to rule on Holyrood’s powers after Brexit


Personally, I expect the Supreme Court to rule in favour of Westminster, however either way, it will be a win for supporters of Scottish independence.


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The economic rules proposed in the SNP’s independence plan would have reduced public spending by up to £66 billion had they been applied over the past decade, according to analysis.


The study, backed by leading economists, argues that instead of making the case for independence, the SNP’s growth commission strengthens the argument for preserving the Union.



When your commission report was conducted and put together by a former RBS economist, it might be wise  to request a 2nd opinion ??

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1 minute ago, The Renegade said:



When your commission report was conducted and put together by a former RBS economist, it might be wise  to request a 2nd opinion ??


But you are happy to use the analysis of a pet food salesman, issued through a lobby group dressed up to resemble a think tank?

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19 minutes ago, The Renegade said:




We would rather be ruled by Brussels ??

That will be something for the Scottish electorate to decide at later date - but one step at a time; first we take control of our own country.

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Interesting developments in Scotland's attitude towards the EU.


At the time of the referendum, the remainers claimed 62% of the vote. In the most recent Survation poll (19th-20th July), support for remain has risen to 73% north of the border.




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