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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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5 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

The UK economy is unbalanced in favour of Services and there is far too many '' Goods '' that are being imported, when they should be getting produced and manufactured in the UK.


Tell that to Maggie Thatcher, completely decimated the UK manufacturing industry. Even today, most Tories sing her mantra. Chances of replacing the service industry with manufacturing - zero!

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32 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

You really shouldn't let yourself be taken in by things like this. As I've said before, there are too many moving parts for anyone to accurately predict how the economy will perform beyond the next few months. Almost every negative event will also have a positive impact. Most of these pro-Remain 'studies' you hold so much faith in just ignore any positive impacts.

A simple example would be the GBP exchange rate since the referendum. We mostly only hear about how this negatively impacted our holiday spending money and businesses importing goods. But the more realistically valued pound has given a huge boost to exporters and to the tourist industry in the UK. Swings and roundabouts.

Plus nobody knows what other events will occur between now and then.


To suggest Brexit will cause a greater recession than 2008 is simply scaremongering.

Why ever plan or consider the probabilities of various outcomes for any course of action? After all, "Almost every negative effect will also have a positive impact." 

Edited by bristolboy
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31 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

You never led me by the nose anywhere.


The UK economy is unbalanced in favour of Services and there is far too many '' Goods '' that are being imported, when they should be getting produced and manufactured in the UK.


That would create.


1. Employment


2. Beneficial for the UK economy


3. Reduce reliance on overseas imports


4. Would benefit climate change.


Just 4 advantages off the top of my head.


Somehow you think that this is '' Hilarious '' which actually speaks volumes about you.


I refuse to discuss your Micky Mouse ideas about economics. Hilarious is indeed the correct word. Let's leave it there.

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Just now, Grouse said:

I refuse to discuss your Micky Mouse ideas about economics. Hilarious is indeed the correct word. Let's leave it there.

As it said before, it's the North Korea model!

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

Do you think that Renegade is actually Jeremy Corbyn?

Well Jeremy Corbyn has to be doing something , as it not doing any actual oppositioning ...

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Pete North

There is actually no point planning for a no deal Brexit because its going to be such a clusterfuck that plans will fall apart at first contact with reality - especially since the government has no idea what to plan for and how.

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48 minutes ago, tebee said:

Am afraid this just shows you don't understand how a modern economy currently works - there are developments that might change some of this coming in the future, but we're not there yet.



I am sick of telling you.


Do not live your life on might's, could's or forecasts.


Not surprising that you are scared witless of the UK leaving the EU.

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7 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Why do you keep quoting a washed up ex porn star ? ?


To the point of your comment.


Remainers, including May have no idea what to plan for.


Her shambles of a White Paper removes any doubt that she is clueless.

I'm quoting this Pete North, rather than yours, because he is from your side, but now sees it all going wrong, rather than sticking his head in the sands and doubling down on a 3 high. 


I don't like his solution, but at least he'll admit it's not going to come out well if we continue to charge on with our present course 

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21 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Drag yourself up to date.


Thatcher has been dead 5 years.


The reason for your obvious confusion is now very apparent, you are at least 5 years behind where you should be.

And I did say, if you had the ability to read, most Tories still sing her mantra.


Do try to keep up!

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

You might be right about fruit picking, but the rest is simply Remain propaganda.


I was chatting to the builder working on my house this morning. My next door neighbour is also having work done, but he's opted for a low cost job.

Apparently the contractor has 8 Romanians all living in one caravan. They come to work at my neighbour's place, strolling in at around 9:30am (my builder has been there since 7:30am), and spend a lot of the time sitting around smoking and going off for walks.

They spent a whole day building a foot high 6 feet long wall  - something a proper bricklayer would do in about 2 hours. The wall looks awful - like they've never laid bricks in their lives. Not surprising really, as it turns out they worked as farmers back home.

So, shoddy workmanship, exploitation, trained bricklayers losing out on work.  I don't think that's a good thing.

Many British are only interested in price and don't care about quality. Exporting has driven quality up. I don't mean ISO 9000 I mean TQM a la Japan. Meanwhile we still build crap houses for example. Why?

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Sometimes it's better to retreat, retrench and rethink.

Is it really ? Wow


That is what May and Robbins have been doing with the EU for months. 


It does not appear to be working. So it might be better going full loco and telling the EU, no more negotiation, the UK leaves the EU on 29 March and WTO rules apply from that date.


That might just focus their minds a little bit.


6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Postpone Article 50, play for time

A remainers wet dream.


It is no longer a UK decision to postpone Article 50. That would be a decision taken by the EU 27. 

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