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Is Reincarnation and Fate a Rookie Mistake

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27 minutes ago, Enoon said:


"The vast majority of Thai's will look at you like you have 2 heads, like you are some kind of idiot."


As do Western "atheists" who fail to see, when it is suggested to them, the extent to which they have internalised and subliminated certain Christian beliefs (as opposed to Christian morality) and made them a fundamental (but unrecognised/unacknowleged) part of their "independent" world view.


Greeks, Romans, Christians.........without them no Western Civilisation.


Without them.......Thailand and the rest of the "East".




Christian morality, so "they" own it now!


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On 7/2/2018 at 9:22 AM, scorecard said:

Agree. My Thai adult son studied Buddhism from a small child (his desire, not forced in any way) and he's quite knowledgeable on the Buddha' philosophies and teachings he is appalled at what he sees from his own outer family and the current corruption in temples etc etc.


He gave up trying to rationally discuss with his aunties, uncles, cousins years ago. They tell him he's wrong and in next breath they talk about visiting some temple hundreds of kilometres away to get lucky lottery numbers....


He spends time talking with his kids to ensure they have a correct understanding and he ensures as much as possible they are kept away from the rubbish attitudes and beliefs etc.


His view on Thai attitudes to road safety etc., adds one more word 'lazy' . Too lazy to put on a helmet, too lazy to check if there's cars coming into the intersection, before you change lanes, etc. Plus he won't allow his wife and kids to travel in many of the vehicles driven by outer circle family members. 


In the family outer circle there have been several accidents and death, and always the attitude 'it's fate you can't stop it so it's a waste of time to drive slowly, carefully etc., and it's too serious, have to think too much'. 



I agreed wholeheartedly with your comments. May be if you have a good life and many good things to look forward then you will take care not to get into accident.

I drive carefully because I look forward to my 3 pm coffee and cheese cake and also I love to read some books going around secondhand bookshops for cheaper books is a great fun for me. So I take care to avoid getting into accident.

How much value do you put on your life?

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18 hours ago, Ctkong said:

If you reincarnate into an animal, it meant in your past life, you did not do much merit, partake carnal delight, do harmful deeds like killing living things,... a discredit to Buddhism. You may then downgraded to animal or ghost or Hell realms. To upgrade from one realm to another may take many reincarnations.  

Animals may also upgrade into human realm after many reincarnations as animals.. there are various grade of animals too. 


So THAT's why there are so many stray mangy dogs everywhere in this country!


Anyway, it reminds me of the agnostic insomniac who lay awake all night wondering if there was a Dog.

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With too many Thais there is a very weak to non existent notion of cause and effect,  there is so much outrageous nonsense that your average Thai has to get with and play along with 24/7 that it seems that there is no room for developing any sense at all. There is so much that is so opaque in relations and day to day situations, so many deceptions and an acceptance of lies and obvious falsehoods and illogic and the perpetration of such things and so on and you can see how many would just develop into completely self-destructively illogical beings, living completely in fantasies and dreams to the point where they cannot begin to drive or even walk down the street. Talking about Buddhism, Thailand is samsara on steroids.

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3 hours ago, Antonymous said:


So THAT's why there are so many stray mangy dogs everywhere in this country!


Anyway, it reminds me of the agnostic insomniac who lay awake all night wondering if there was a Dog.


God spelt backwards is dog. Coincidence? Spooky.

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3 hours ago, IssanMichael said:

Christian morality, so "they" own it now!


Both Reincarnation (becoming again flesh) and Christian Heaven are metaphors unfortunately taken literally by the rabble of both societies. Anyone who believes in either is ignorant and not worthy of discussion. It's tiring listening to westerners who know nothing of their own culture come along and criticize yet another culture they are woefully ignorant of, then fret about illogical locals. Christians, to Thais, are ridiculous children, praying to the sky, crossing themselves, then expecting the physical world to miraculously change! Educated Thais see the world, assess best strategies and proceed to a goal that they know is only a concept and not a goal post on the field. If they fail they try again, having gained experience from the previous attempt. Westerners here do an Einstein: They repeat the same stupid action and expect a different result, ie Insanity.  

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2 minutes ago, Spidey said:


God spelt backwards is dog. Coincidence? Spooky.

Terrifying and prophetic. Are all dogs gods just keeping quiet? But what about Bob? Spelt backwards it's also Bob. Is he a reincarnated Janus, the god who sees in both directions at once? Spooky.

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6 hours ago, Enoon said:


"The vast majority of Thai's will look at you like you have 2 heads, like you are some kind of idiot."


As do Western "atheists" who fail to see, when it is suggested to them, the extent to which they have internalised and subliminated certain Christian beliefs (as opposed to Christian morality) and made them a fundamental (but unrecognised/unacknowleged) part of their "independent" world view.


Greeks, Romans, Christians.........without them no Western Civilisation.


Without them.......Thailand and the rest of the "East".




Dont kid yourself that any of the social structures passed down through the years rely on a belief in a monolithic  sky daddy. Christian celebrations at Xmas and Easter are borrowed from Pagan festivals , SUNday is Pagan . More accurate to say that western civilisation evolved from animalist / pagan/atheist tradition !

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I remember as a child in the 50s the big push on in the states for more saftey rules and better highways. When seat belt laws were mandated people resisted using them the same for helments even today a few states do not require helments. You have to remember this was in the 50s after the big war and people were prosperous buying cars and going on trips becoming more aware of safty.


Fast forward to Thailand I have to ask when did Thailand really become a big car country, when could people really afford a car to drive. I would guess about 30 years ago say around the 1980s. Really they havn't been a car country that long it takes time to get people to do things they view as uncomfortable, wearing a helment, putting on a seat belt, comes to mind. Also building safer highways takes time but the big one will be changing peoples attitudes. You can see it in wearing helments, more people wear helments now than 8 years ago when I moved to Chiang Mai and defiantly more people wear them than in 1998 when I started coming here regularly. Changing attitudes takes time it isn't because Thais are stupid, lazy, or any number of racist discriptions I have heard thrown about. it is just human nature hard to figure harder to change.

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They get everything blessed by the monks because they are brainwashed into believing it will somehow protect them. ALL religions are full of superstitions and b s. If there was NO religions in the world we would be a lot, lot better off. ALL religions are about 3 things and 3 things only MONEY, POWER AND CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.!!!

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On 10/4/2018 at 12:19 AM, NCC1701A said:

When one of my old girlfriends was six months old she began speaking in her crib in a strange language her parents could not understand. Her father was a engineer who made a recording and took it to UCLA in Los Angeles where the language was identified as a dead language (I can't remember which one).


Isn't that interesting?



It would have been more interesting if YOU and not one of your old girlfriends fathers had heard it , ,sorry but its always somebody who was told by somebody else about these things , ????.

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