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'Limited time' for daring rescue mission to free Thailand's trapped boys


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4 hours ago, Jack100 said:

Seems drilling a hole seems the safest option to me . To drill a  reasonable width hole , say 20" would

require a big size  water well type drilling  rig .? Is it  possible to drag  such a rig up over their location?

Anyone have any ideas  on this ?

Elon Musk will be meeting with officials here tomorrow is my understanding. He tweeted that he has been working on a couple ideas, one is a design for an enclosed pod to bring the kids out. The other is a company that copyrighted a drill that uses infrared in front of the bit to super heat the rock before the bit bores through. He thinks he can drill the hole in 1/5 the time it normally takes. He also has the tech to locate the direction to drill from within the cave. I don't even pretend to understand this sh*t but the guys a genus like sent back from the George Jetson era. 

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2 hours ago, InfinityandBeyond said:

If true, that is good news. 

My assessment is this: waiting until Dec or Jan is a death sentence for the team (and possibly a number of rescuers). 

Striking while the iron is hot (when all available resources are at hand, the kids are in good spirits, and the weather is cooperating) may not see everyone egress from the cave alive, but even one survivor is better than none. 

That being said, the reality is that families should prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. 

In all due respect one death is not an option until all options that will bring ALL the kids home have been exhausted. One survivor is better than none expectations are for fools. Only on TVF could I expect to hear anything so insane.

Nobody ever said Dec or Jan. One hundred days plus or minus max, Google up an almanac. Elon Musk is working with experts here on an escape pod design to extract the kids plus a high-tech drill designed to cut drilling time by 80%. The official who signs off on this is going to own it to the grave. Political suicide is too kind of a way to describe it. If this goes down as I predict it will be the saddest day since the Tsunami. When they start pulling out those body bags they better have some iron clad geological proof that flooding in that cave typically reaches the ceiling at Pattaya Beach because that is the only justification there could be for this reckless kneejerk extraction. There also needs to be an investigation into exactly why an unlimited shipment of pumps with maximum ability to move water were not drop shipped on day 2. Not rocket science that we needed much more capacity from the jump and needed to add to that capacity continually until that hole was dry. The lack of proactive logic is inexcusable. If this insanity takes place, which I doubt, I will be hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. Pura Vida

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4 hours ago, Ulic said:

What is the probability the whole cave floods out during the rainy season? The first minor monsoon rain of the season was described as turning the cave water flow into a Colorado river like rapid that was impossible to move through. Unless they are certain that there is an area in the cave that remains dry and it will have breathable air they should probably attempt to swim out before the next rain.

A geologist can certainly determine mean and max high water marks. Only excuse for this bull rush extraction of kids totally unprepared would be if it was shown water typically reaches the ceiling of Pattaya Beach or whatever other location seems best for a long term site. The maximum stay of 100 days. Most likely much less if plans for a semi-horizontal boring pans out. The fact that this cave just ended the life of a veteran navy seal should be more than enough reason for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to conclude dragging out a freaking kid who cant swim is a fools game with a likely 50/50 chance of success. Likely less after todays downpours. Hoping whoever in charge will deep six this insane idea. Real life isn't like the movies.

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8 hours ago, Jack100 said:

Seems drilling a hole seems the safest option to me . To drill a  reasonable width hole , say 20" would

require a big size  water well type drilling  rig .? Is it  possible to drag  such a rig up over their location?

Anyone have any ideas  on this ?

This is the equipment that drilled the 28" hole needed to rescue the Chilean miners. It's 130,000 lbs, too big to lift by helicopter so it would have to drive in on a road made to the drilling location.


In an earlier post on another thread I incorrectly said it was too big to be airlifted to Thailand by anything but a Russian plane, but I was accidentally comparing the 130,000 lbs to another table that listed airlift capacities in kg. The rig is under 60,000 kg, so it could be airlifted by, e.g. a C-5 or C-17.  Airlift capacities.


A small hole, like 4 or 5.5 inches, could be drilled from a rig mounted on the back of a pickup, which could be helicoptered in, if they knew where to drill, which they don't.


In my view, the contribution Musk's team can best make is their advanced underground sonar location equipment, which might help with identifying where to drill.


If they are truly 700 m underground, the idea that they can wander around the rough terrain until they find a natural chimney that will be of any use seems fantastically unrealistic. OTOH, it doesn't get in the way.

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11 minutes ago, jerry921 said:

This is the equipment that drilled the 28" hole needed to rescue the Chilean miners. It's 130,000 lbs, too big to lift by helicopter so it would have to drive in on a road made to the drilling location.


In an earlier post on another thread I incorrectly said it was too big to be airlifted to Thailand by anything but a Russian plane, but I was accidentally comparing the 130,000 lbs to another table that listed airlift capacities in kg. The rig is under 60,000 kg, so it could be airlifted by, e.g. a C-5 or C-17.  Airlift capacities.


A small hole, like 4 or 5.5 inches, could be drilled from a rig mounted on the back of a pickup, which could be helicoptered in, if they knew where to drill, which they don't.


In my view, the contribution Musk's team can best make is their advanced underground sonar location equipment, which might help with identifying where to drill.


If they are truly 700 m underground, the idea that they can wander around the rough terrain until they find a natural chimney that will be of any use seems fantastically unrealistic. OTOH, it doesn't get in the way.

Not as easy as you make out as the cave is situated near the base of a big slope or even mountain which is pretty much covered by dense trees and undergrowth . You would need to identify the area then clear the forestation etc ,level the ground ,all needing big machinery , then bring in the drilling gear and hope they can drill down and it's in the right place while it's bucketing down rain

Edited by Nigeone
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47 minutes ago, Nigeone said:

Not as easy as you make out as the cave is situated near the base of a big slope or even mountain which is pretty much covered by dense trees and undergrowth . You would need to identify the area then clear the forestation etc ,level the ground ,all needing big machinery , then bring in the drilling gear and hope they can drill down and it's in the right place while it's bucketing down rain

I wasn't trying to make out it is easy, but if they can identify the area, I think it's doable to clear a small area with chain saws and lower in a small rig by helicopter. It doesn't need a concrete pad or perfectly level ground. The big rig, I agree, is not easy. You'd need to use heavy equipment to clear a road in.


But it's my opinion that once they found them they should have been working on this all along, in parallel to plan's A and B.

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2 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

A geologist can certainly determine mean and max high water marks. Only excuse for this bull rush extraction of kids totally unprepared would be if it was shown water typically reaches the ceiling of Pattaya Beach or whatever other location seems best for a long term site. The maximum stay of 100 days. Most likely much less if plans for a semi-horizontal boring pans out. The fact that this cave just ended the life of a veteran navy seal should be more than enough reason for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to conclude dragging out a freaking kid who cant swim is a fools game with a likely 50/50 chance of success. Likely less after todays downpours. Hoping whoever in charge will deep six this insane idea. Real life isn't like the movies.

Yes....real life dosn't wait for holes to be calculated and drilled while O2 falls and CO2 rises.  NOBODY wants to bring them out by diving but given a choice of that or death by CO2 poisoning they will have to take the chance. 


Could of, should of, would of..... too late.


A fools game it may be ..... but I fear its the only game in town given the deteriorating atmosphere underground. 



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4 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

A geologist can certainly determine mean and max high water marks. Only excuse for this bull rush extraction of kids totally unprepared would be if it was shown water typically reaches the ceiling of Pattaya Beach or whatever other location seems best for a long term site. 

If this was clearly established, why has it not been mentioned yet in the very detailed news reportage? Until right before the kids were found everyone was dead certain they were on Pattaya Beach, but on arrival they found contrary to expectation that area was flooded and the party had had to venture several hundred metres further into the cave. Comments have been made that there are places inside that never flood and have plenty of air, why then are they reporting oxygen is down to 15%?


Much more likely is that the territory inside there is very poorly charted. It's not known if there's an exit route for instance, and little is really known about the variation of conditions inside in the event of extreme rain, or the effect on oxygen levels if several people are in there breathing for a prolonged period. I doubt anyone in the course of human history has set up on Pattaya Beach in the rainy season to measure these things. 

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Guessing, analyzing and criticizing from the safety of mommys basement is wonderful, but the best rescue folks in the world from the US and GB are on the ground and they aren't talking. But he'll I'd trust them before I trusted Musk

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19 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Letter from Nik: “I love you father & mother and Toy. If we can get out, please can you take me to eat at a pan fried pork restaurant? I love you.”


แม่-พ่อ นิครักพ่อกับแม่เน้อ กับน้องโตย ถ้าออกไปได้ พ่อ-แม่พาไปกินหมูกระทะหน่อย นิครักพ่อ-แม่-แม่ #ThamLuang #ถ้ำหลวง #Thailand

I was confused by "pan-fried pork restaurant." Nik wants to eat "หมูกระทะ," better known to most of us as Moo Kata. 


Probably what I would want after weeks in a cave, too. 


Wishing the best for these guys. May they soon return safely to their families.

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(7:35am) WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR: All media have been told to leave #ThamLuang. In addition, anyone not directly related to the rescue attempt must leave. Reasons unknown. There will be a press conference at the local administration office in Pong Pha #ThamLuang #ถ้ำหลวง #Thailand

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4 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:



WATCH: Everyone - apart from rescuers, medics & security forces - now being cleared from main site next to the entrance of #ThamLuang cave in Chiang Rai. No reason given but governor said last night it was a “perfect time” to embark on a rescue attempt. #ถ้ำหลวง #13ชีวิตติดถ้ำ

I know what the Governor means - but I think his expression the 'perfect time' is a little ill-judged - considering that they have decided (it seems) to move precisely when the rains start bucketing down (when for days before that it was dry).


I'm not criticising, however - as all decisions in this case are fraught with difficulty, danger and uncertainty.

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Here we are three weeks later. Thai 'experts' still figuring what's best to do.


Experts from everywhere, all circles of life, all kinds of backgrounds, with or without clues are calling different versions of how to to get these poor guys out from their watery cave.


With the huge logistic complex the super powers have at their disposal, none came forward to offer the equipment that could have solved the problem in a few days.


They have pumps which can drain 15 Olympic size pools in an hour. By now such eqquipment could be in place and move every drop of water out, never mind the location.


All could have been set up within days.

Platforms, power supply, flexible suction tubes a la Elon Musk style Kevlar reinforced.


But no, we are still doing guesswork, hearing this, or that.


Now, limestone drilling may be easy.

Question is : Are they drilling 1 mile down shafts and are they correctly positioned, or are we then saying another thing?


When considering all the factors, pumping out the sludge and water would have been the best, though not the cheapest way.


To move a 5000 HP centrifugal pump to a hillside in Chiangrai requires planning, and experts no doubt. All these are not available in the country.


The military operation where a country like Iraq was levelled to ashes wasn't cheaper, but brought more revenue.


This is where the problem lies.


Anyone who has been involved in logistics operations in Thailand understands the indecisiveness that is seen locally everywhere.


Without a clue of what is to be done at the precise moment.


This disaster has proven this phenomena again.


Drilling 500 holes: what it really means is: someone has made a contract with a drilling firm and collects huge kickbacks on the back of the taxpayer. It also means they have no clue where to drill, hence 500 drilling positions.


I guess, in the end it's going to be Elon Musks 'rescue tubes' that will succeed.


He is the kind of visionary and has the right instincts to make it work.


The only question will again logistics and time.


But if Elon puts his hands - and brains behind it - at least there is substantial hope these guys get finally out of their misery.



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2 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

i am a minority that does not have twitter, so i appreciate that you post these updates, thanks


about "perfect time".. he says this in English?


If big storms coming maybe they assess a higher risk level in the cave

so its the best or only option left right now.


lets hope they get them out and none of the tunnels is pounded while they doing it.


I agree this is the case. The risk of leaving in there with heavy rain imminent has been judged higher than try to get them out. 



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