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Poipet NIGHTMARE What the hell?????

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17 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

that's honourable. can you or at least your 'ngo' hmm sort your visas, WP and insurance for you. you see the problem?

ngo's using free labour from clueless kids. go to another border and think is this part of the world really for you. you seem like like you have alot to learn. i wish you the best

No dude, see that superintendent could see straight through me; in my simple thongs and tshirt trying to look like an aussie bogan soaking up the sun after saving for a year as a brickies laborer just wanting to sink cheap piss out on the hammock near the river-side. She knew it was all a ruse. She knew I was just there to sneak 10 thai girls over the border then fly them out of Phnom Pehn to Israel to sell to the Rabbinical class. That's my NGO.

Get with the game mate.

Gee. I wasn't just a simple tourist, she really had all the reason to raise hell and destroy the whole plans over about a dozen people all in one hour for absolutely no reason. She knew were were all professional pimps and that all our girls were waiting outside having come through in the morning to make it all look less suspicious, and that the big bus to Tel Aviv was waiting there.

She was on to us mate.

She needs an award mate .Front page of the Thai press: Aussie Bogan Cover Busted Wide Open. Big Thai Sex-Slave Ring Busted. Smuggling Girls to Saudi Arabia (The Israelis would have paid to have that little detail amended- just blame it on Saudi Arabia).

She's on her way up to the top mate. Chief of Police. Busted the whole fake Aussie Bogan pretenders, all actually high-class pimps who live in palaces in Saudi Arabia, just dress as ''Áussie Bogans'' for show so they can smuggle the Thai girls out.

I had to have only $250US mate, crimpled up, pulling it out of odd pockets, smelling like a brewery, that was the whole Aussie Bogan cover-act mate. I thought she would fall for it. Let me go off to the ATM, grab some more money to show her. But no way mate. She could see straight through me, she could see me for the high class Saudi Arabian Honorary Prince Pimp that I was, building up the Saudi Arabian Palace Harems of the Wonders of the World Harem in Saudi Arabia mate.


Edited by KarminLine
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6 minutes ago, KarminLine said:

No dude, see that superintendent could see sraight through me. She new I was just there to sneak 10 thai girls over the border then fly them out of Phnom Pehn to Israel to sell to the Rabbinical class. That's my NGO.

Get with the game mate.

Gee. I wasn't just a simple tourist, she really had all the reason to raise hell and destroy the whole plans over about a dozen people all in one hour for absolutely no reason.

i would give you some constructive advice best i can but now i don't know the circumstances. i'm not a fan of ngo's, most anyway but i know a fraction are good. so what you said you were doing is breaking thai immo law. can i suggest you don't do that. just my advice

** the reason is because you were doing or planned to do a border hop and they will do their best not to let that happen there. that's it really.

you were on overstay trying to get into poipet on overstay, you had little to no chance.

perhaps you should get with the game mate, or leave SEA for good. its not for everyone.

to thai immo, you are a simple tourist

Edited by Happy enough
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12 minutes ago, KarminLine said:

Man I am just a simple tourist and Cambodia give easy visas for Extended Holidays up to 6 months.


So what is the best way now? Just fly? Or just go to another border and go for a 1 night holiday in Saigon?

yeah, and HK give brits 9 months and other countries more. irrelevant since you're asking about thailand.

you can get a bus to the next border and it should be fine. in and out

i think it might be 6 months actually, anyway, you get my point



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7 minutes ago, KarminLine said:

Man I am just a simple tourist and Cambodia give easy visas for Extended Holidays up to 6 months.


So what is the best way now? Just fly? Or just go to another border and go for a 1 night holiday in Saigon?

No you're not. You're obviously working to make your $350k a year. 

No country gives their workers 6 months holiday. 

You come on this forum asking for advice but half of what you say doesn't make any sense.....very easy for an Immigration office with half a brain to see something doesn't add up. And that's why Thailand rejected you.


Advice, use some of your money to get a visa, or buy an air ticket to exit Cambodia and then return.

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