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Work Permit for small food business

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48 minutes ago, Dave9019 said:

Thank you very much everybody. I'm very glad that you are worried for my job but it is definitely out of topic.

I just want to cook on a stall, I have the money to invest in a small business but I'm not putting 2 million baht for selling food for 50 baht. It's no sense and sure the other food stalls in Bangkok didn't register with that money otherwise I want to see them selling ka phrao with rice for 40 baht. 

I saw already 2 farang selling food in the street in tv. One with the bycicle selling veggie burgers and another one in a open market also selling burgers, was a guy with no legs. I don't think the guy with the bycicle have 4 employes while he is alone. There must be a way.

What you are wanting to do is exactly why the law is so strict. It is to protect Thai jobs/businesses. You can invest in any business but if you want to work for that business you need permission, and it is highly unlikely that you will get formal permission to "cook on a stall".


Any foreigners you see doing jobs like that are doing so because the authorities are turning a blind eye or being paid off. There is a foreigner that runs a market stall with his Thai wife at our local market. It's illegal, but the authorities let him get on with it and will probably do so until/unless one of the other stall holders protests.


There is no legal solution to your problem other than to set up a business/company. Even then getting a work permit to " cook on a stall" is, IMO, very unlikely.



Edited by elviajero
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I am married to a Thai and live in Thailand a long time. A workpermit is just as difficult for me as one who just steps of the plane the first time. Time learned me about what businesses NOT to start and areas to NOT live in. Valuable by itself....


So you either do it the proper way with a work permit or ... well there is no other way.

If you are a good cook, first goal is to make more money, save it and then invest in your own restaurant. Who cares if it takes one, two or three years or more to accomplish it. Start now! Not tomorrow!

If it requires you to go work somewhere else (other country, cruise line, big hotel etc) to be able to get that good salary, then do it.

Thailand sucks when you not have enough money, so make sure you have enough of it.

Once you got the money needed then start a business.

Two waiters, one assistant cook, one  cashier and you are set. Sure it will cost some investment but ANY restaurant that serves good food for a good price will manage to make money.


Don't fall into the Thai trap of 'i can not do it now, so it will be forever impossible'. Think like a foreigner and plan your future. Even if it requires some sacrifices.


But if it is the easy live style you like which requires little effort..... well ..... give it a few years and you will go mad because you will only go backwards with less and less opportunities to change it.

Edited by Khun Jean
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Thank you very much to everybody. Sure I didn't come to thailand to get a higher salary and I'm not going back to a shithole like europe or other rich countries.

I don't want to open a restaurant, I don't want to be rich, just make my life like anybody else. When I mean there must be a way I'm not thinking of do something illegal, my goal is to become thai citizen so the last thing is to go against the law. I will go to the department of labour to get a clarification.

Thank you very much for the time and the effort you spent for me.

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It is always best to go right to the source. "Department of labor" in this case.

I did that also, few times even. Unfortunately no exceptions.


Compared to Europe, my wife got a 10 years permission to stay for 60 euro (Austria) and was allowed to work. We foreigners in Thailand get a bad deal.

If i was to hit some bad times, long enough to use up my savings, i have no other option then to return to my home country. I can still work, over 50 would be difficult to get a job but i would not mind cutting grass, painting houses, having a food cart, driving a taxi etc as i am not a lazy person and have many usable skills. But no, the answer will always be "Get the $%^# out".


What you HAVE TO DO in Thailand is save for that moment, so you can at least try something.

Better is to have some investments (we own many small condos) that will provide enough income IN Thailand and is not depended on an exchange rate. Hopefully my strategy works, and i know it will....... as long as i am healthy. Once you get sick........ it will be "Get the $%^# out" very quickly again. So for that reason i did not burn all my bridges and have some fallback in my own country. (For instance i still pay into the social security/healthcare/retirement fund in my own country).


Maybe this is just because i am 53, because then you realize how important those safety nets are.


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17 minutes ago, Dave9019 said:

Thank you very much to everybody. Sure I didn't come to thailand to get a higher salary and I'm not going back to a shithole like europe or other rich countries.

I don't want to open a restaurant, I don't want to be rich, just make my life like anybody else. When I mean there must be a way I'm not thinking of do something illegal, my goal is to become thai citizen so the last thing is to go against the law. I will go to the department of labour to get a clarification.

Thank you very much for the time and the effort you spent for me.

To become a Thai citizen, you need to earn a lot more money then you do now


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1 hour ago, Dave9019 said:

Thank you very much to everybody. Sure I didn't come to thailand to get a higher salary and I'm not going back to a shithole like europe or other rich countries.

I don't want to open a restaurant, I don't want to be rich, just make my life like anybody else. When I mean there must be a way I'm not thinking of do something illegal, my goal is to become thai citizen so the last thing is to go against the law. I will go to the department of labour to get a clarification.

Thank you very much for the time and the effort you spent for me.

At your time of life, I'm going for 20/30? it may sound like boring 3ddold fart suggestions but honesrly replying to your don't want to be rich statement.

Now is the time to look carefully 30/40 years ahead. 

( Told you it was a BOF idea )

You really need to think about what is going to happen when you are 60/70.

In my 30's I started work in UK with my own small company and put every extra pound into two private pension schemes.

People told me I was stupid and to enjoy life when I was young and the UK pension system would look after me. Ha!

In your case I would head back to Italy and if you're good you'll make it work.

Start your own business there but don't rely on gov' pensions.

The vertical welcoming smiles will still be here, I arrived in the 90's and the welcoming vertical smiles are still here.


Have a wee look at Vietnam for your idea.

Edited by overherebc
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Work your ass off while you are between 20 and 40. Save like crazy. Have some holidays to relax.

Resist the urge to buy a new car, large house, to many fancy clothes etc.

Then when you are 40 either have a large sum saved or a huge amount of experience that can be monetized. If you wait to long then your saving and learning/experience building period will be skipped and you end up much much less comfortable. And in your older days, comfort is the greatest good.


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Work your ass off while you are between 20 and 40. Save like crazy. Have some holidays to relax.
Resist the urge to buy a new car, large house, to many fancy clothes etc.
Then when you are 40 either have a large sum saved or a huge amount of experience that can be monetized. If you wait to long then your saving and learning/experience building period will be skipped and you end up much much less comfortable. And in your older days, comfort is the greatest good.

Well said
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Thank you again but our ideas of life are quite different.

I appreciate everything but I will never give up on freedom for safety. Thank you very much, If I wanted to be pumpered I could have stayed in Europe. I didn't come here to live that kind of life, going to discotek and to the shopping malls. No thank you. But this is my private life and I know what I want, I'm not looking for comfort. Thanks again for your answers. Have a good evening.

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Can anyone suggest how the foreign ice-cream sellers on walking Street manage to swing working without a permit? Or the Russians doing all sorts of things? Is there a magical document like what Dr. Who uses?

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27 minutes ago, stud858 said:

Can anyone suggest how the foreign ice-cream sellers on walking Street manage to swing working without a permit? Or the Russians doing all sorts of things? Is there a magical document like what Dr. Who uses?

No magic document. They just work illegal and hope they don't get caught, just like the OP proposes to do.

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mate, if that foreign dude is paying you 18k he's taking the piss. i assume you have free food and accommodation with that. otherwise you really are living cheap but each to their own and whatever makes you happy.

last thai firm i was working at the office peeps, just standard with a normal degree started on 50k.

it's a shame but i think you can throw your idea out of the window with regards citizenship, 18k?! not paying tax obviously.

please think about medical insurance and pension and future, there is no safety net here without family.

your idea kind of reminds me of the foreign bloke with one leg who was running a food stall (burgers i think, good reputation on the food) and had to quit once he got on social media as he wasn't actually permitted to do so.

no one grassed him up if i remember, until it got on social media and knob heads kept on about the work permit thing.

think about finding a proper chefs job if you're qualified or go and get qualified.

you're situation now looks not good for the future mate, trust me on that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Such a shame.  I would love to buy some authentic Italian food from you.  Thailand is not very open to have non Thais working and it seems it's becoming the standard.  Each country looking after their own. 

The only way forward like someone else said is to train your girlfriend and be a very silent partner.

Good luck. 

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