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Why questions (just for fun)


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I saw some WHY questions on the net, added some of my own, just thought some of these would make you smile.(but for sure some statement are 100% true)


Point taken MarkT - but -

I support what Chonabot wrote

If posters would only read what has gone before

instead of jumping in with both boots on - blind

The above quote is the Original post

it is meant to be SANOOK !!!

And Thais are invited to post Farang Why's ...

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Why do cops (upcountry) pull over the driver if he/she's not wearing a helmet, but ignore pillion riders (like their heads don't crack on impact)?

A question:

If there are 4 people on a motorbike, who is obliged to wear the helmet? The driver or the passenger at the front?

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If there are 4 people on a motorbike, who is obliged to wear the helmet? The driver or the passenger at the front?

jayenram, I think its whoever looks like he's got the biggest wallet! :o

Why do they want farangs for the technical and teaching jobs, yet think we're stupid enough to fork out a mill on a bit of plastic giving us free cab rides from the airport?

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Why do Thai males comb their hair on the back of motorcycle taxis?

Why can't I buy a decent hamburger at Chatuchak?

Why do I look more ridiculous in tight brown pants than a Thai policeman who's got a bigger gut than me?

Why do I always get the ugly girls at Playskool? (Oops, that's not PC, Dex.)

Why does my car have more dents than those of Thai drivers when I'm a pretty #### good driver?

Why do I always step in potholes in the rainy season and Thais don't?

Why does the katoey insist on pouring my beer at my local restaurant when there's a very sexy Beer Chang girl standing there waiting to do the job? (Sigh, see above about PC, Dex.)

Why don't pirated videos have English sub-titles when a foreign language (non-English, non-Thai) is being spoken?

Why do Thai fans always rattle and shake?

Why is it so difficult to get a plumber, then when you do after about 2 years, he says "pay me next time"???? (True)

Why do Thais put sugar on everything, eat condensed milk sandwiches and so on, yet have perfect teeth?

Which brings me to the question: Why do toothbrushes last longer in Thailand than back home?

Why doesn't Thongchai McIntyre answer the question about whether he is gay?

Why do Thai ballpoint pens so quickly clap out after you've already tried them on that little scrap of paper that is conveniently placed beside the sale bin?

Why don't Thais make more low-fat salad dressing?

And a question aimed at us farangs: Why don't we adopt the brilliant Thai practice of constantly snacking in the office? (I absolutely love this -- it creates a comraderie among Thais that we farangs can only envy.)

God! The frustrations of living in Thailand!!! -- LOL. Thoroughly enjoying this thread, folks, but don't take it seriously, OK? :o  :D


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  • 1 year later...

why,when you are walking past a line of parked tuk tuks, does each and every driver you pass, whistle at you ,and ask if you want a ride?

and why is it that when your with a bar girl one night, then go with another the next night ,the former one goes crazy if she sees you!,yet when they are with you,they constantly talk on their mobile phone to all their "former"boyfriends?if you ask them who it was ,they always tell you" it was my brother! "

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<font color='#000000'>social security!!!! lets start some english why's!!!!

why do the asylum seekers keep coming here!!!!!! because of the social security.

lets get back to basics and start looking after our parents and elderly people instead of letting them rot in old peoples homes.

the thai have their way of doing things so stop complaining.accept their ways instead of trying to make the whole world like the west.

i like thailand because it is different.just imagine that everywhere was like bush and blair-----what a nightmare.

start to enjoy yourselves there and stop complaining because T.I.T------THIS IS THAILAND.</font>

WELL SAID. I am an Englishman living in Greece and thay have the same saying here, "THIS IS GREECE". If people do not like it here they can phuck off. And beieve me, there are a million 'why's' in Greece :o

... and in USA and in Russia and in Tunisia and in... and in... and in....

My question is: If you got so many complaints don't live there. If you think your life is miserable, take a walk around any hospital for incurable diseases... If that don't make you feel more fortunate, go visit my third ex-wife. :D:D:D

nobody is complaining about thailand on this thread, its simply a tongue in cheek discussion about Thai ways
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While I don't mind people having a sound off about certain things about life in Thailand this list is too much.

If anyone really can find this many things wrong with life in Thailand that they need to not only compile a list of supposedly amusing problems, but then have to post it on a forum looking for support then it really is home time for them.

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<font color='#000000'>

Why do they cover their mouth while they pick their teeth yet pick their nose openly?

Why do 7-11 girls always say swatdee kapp everytime I go in?</font>

What kind of girls work in your 7-11?? The ones here say Ka.

Why do so many people tell you to 'uck off home when you say you don't like something?

Why did so many posters fail to put a question mark at the end of their 'why' question? Bet even your Thai matayom students don't do that.

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Why do they cover their mouth while they pick their teeth yet pick their nose openly?

That one has allways had me wondering, it just doesn't make sense (to us Farangs) :D

Maybe a Thai on this forum could explain...

Is there a Thai nosepicker in the house? :o

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<font color='#000000'>Why do they prefer to pay a Bht 200 fine than wear a Bht 180 crash helmet?</font>

Why do the others buy a crash helmet, only to hang it off their arm, hold it on their lap, carry it in their hand...... anything but put it on their head! :o

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<font color='#000000'>Why do they prefer to pay a Bht 200 fine than wear a Bht 180 crash helmet?</font>

Why do the others buy a crash helmet, only to hang it off their arm, hold it on their lap, carry it in their hand...... anything but put it on their head! :o

Ask any girl. Helmets are mai suay (not beautiful) :D

Thai logic......... again.

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<font color='#000000'>Why do they prefer to pay a Bht 200 fine than wear a Bht 180 crash helmet?</font>

Why do the others buy a crash helmet, only to hang it off their arm, hold it on their lap, carry it in their hand...... anything but put it on their head! :o

Ask any girl. Helmets are mai suay (not beautiful) :D

Thai logic......... again.

I suggest they resort to public service advertisments showing how fast asphalt removes expensive make-up. THAT they will understand. :D


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<font color='#000000'>I saw some WHY questions on the net, added some of my own, just thought some of these would make you smile.(but for sure some statement are 100% true)


Why are the Thai people so proud of never having been colonized?. They have been turned into slaves, by their Chinese bosses (5000B / month is only a survival wage)

Why do they never hold the door open for you?

Why do they believe in ghosts?

Why do 25-year-old girls behave like a 12 year old children?

Why are they so proud of Thailand and throw litter everywhere?

Why do they think that if a shop makes a good profit, building 10 other same shops near the first one will also make money?

Why do the girls always have photos of themselves in their purse?

Why do they use so many plastic bags, adding to the litter?

Why are they so materialistic whereas their Buddhist faith teaches them to get rid of material goods?

Why are they lacking so much of honesty?

Why are they always late, and if they don’t show up at all they won’t bother to give you a phone call?

Why is prostitution illegal yet there are huge massage parlours everywhere?

Why do the rich think so little of the poor, showing absolutely no compassion for their own brothers?

Why is it that the first thing they ask you is if you have already eaten, as if eating was all their life?

Why in the case of a road accident does the faulty driver always will run away?

Why can’t they say “sorry”, I made a mistake”?

Why is it that when you invite a girl for dinner she always come with a bunch of freeloaders who won’t even say as much as thank you when you pick up the bill for everyone?

Why do they increase prices when business is low, failing to understand that it will turn more customers away?

Why do they have such a high self esteem whereas the whole world sees their country as an upside-down culture?

Why do they think every white man has a massive bank account?

Why do they try to get on the Sky Train before the others can get off?

Why do they say, ”Look after old people” but children make them stand up on buses?

Why do they look at fruit and touch everyone before they buy?

Why do they wear a smart suit with green flip-flops?

Why do they ask a person where they have been when they are carrying 6 Robinsons shopping bags?

Why do they use the expression ‘Lot Tit’ (traffic is bad) more than 20 times in the same day?

Why do they go swimming with all their clothes on?

Why do they put sugar on the sweetest fruit?

Why do they carry their bus fare in their ear?

Why do they watch a whole movie through the window of a video shop?

Why do they stand at a bus stop, but run towards the bus when it appears on the horizon?

Why do they irritate everyone on the sky-train by talking loudly on your mobile phone and saying ‘khap’ or ‘kha’ a lot?

Why do they actually start smiling while watching a game show on TV?

Why do they enjoy looking at other people’s crappy holiday photos?

Why do they carry a little dog around the supermarket?

Why do they stand in the express checkout line at the supermarket with enough shopping to feed an army?

Why do they buy the largest box of popcorn possible, and go into the movie theatre ten minutes after the film starts?

Why do they spend 5 hours choosing a lottery ticket?

Why do they read all the books and magazines in a bookshop before deciding not to buy anything?

Why do they listen to the TV or radio about 10 decibels louder than it needs to be?

Why do they cover their head with a sheet of soggy newspaper during a rainstorm?

Why do they order a Big Mac, large french-fries, massive Coke, and an ice cream, and only finish the ice-cream?

Why do they walk on the footpath as slowly as you can in a zigzag pattern?

Why do they produce about 50 different kinds credit cards at a supermarket checkout before realising the one they want is still at home?

Why do they dilute their whisky with enough soda to render it virtually colourless?

Why do they stand at the mouth of an escalator and have an in-depth conversation?

Why do they get into an elevator before everyone else gets out?

Why do they order the hottest dish on a menu, and then spend the next ten minutes telling everyone dining with them how hot and spicy it is?

Why do they put a toilet roll in a gaudy looking box on the coffee table instead of up in the W/C?

Why do they stand around and admire at a supermarket display of shampoo because there’s 2 baht off, then buy enough to last a year?

Why do they manage to fall asleep on the washing line?

Why do they adopt the same routine for 52 weekends a year?

Why do they pride themselves on not knowing where the southern bus terminal is, let alone another country?

Why do they own a tape cassette collection of 120 tapes, of which 119 of them are movie soundtracks?

Why do they have posters on their wall, which includes two babies kissing each other, and one of that tennis girl scratching her arse?

Why do they park their car in the living room of a shop-house?

Why do they organise a trip to Pattaya, which includes a guitar, an enormous ice-box, and five people who all turn up three hours late?

Why do they say MAI-PEN-RAI (no problem) every 2 minutes, yet they moan about everything?</font>

Answer: &lt;deleted&gt; education.

Here's my 2 baht - Why the &lt;deleted&gt; does the person in front of you at the atm spent ages checking loads of accounts and end up pulling out 500 baht? &lt;deleted&gt; infuriating.

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