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Iran's special forces chief warns Trump - 'If you begin the war, we will end it': Tasnim


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I seem to remember S Hussein recently late of Iraq saying more less the same thing about a conflict between the two countries and look what happened!

The Iranians in charge should wake up to the fact that its not Obama they are dealing with.

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11 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

I worked with the Iran army aviation out of Isfahan and Tehran for four years as an instructor and trainer.Their army couldn't beat an armed UK or US Boy Scout Troop.

Neither could the Vietnamese against the Americans, the Vietnamese against the Chinese or the French colonial army, the Afghans against the Soviets - you get the picture? None of these far weaker adversaries had any air power and still won out at the end of the day. See my earlier posting for why. No one could claim that any country has anything superior to the USA except Russia who allegedly has more nuclear missiles but many are arguably not in great shape. But that is not the point.

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8 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Iran is doing a lot more meddling in the Middle east than just supporting Palestine. Removing Saddam Hussein was like a dream coming true for Iran and they have spread their evil wings ever since.


You will like this: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/bitter-rivals-iran-and-saudi-arabia


Yes, they further their own foreign policy in their own back yard. They have to put up with the Saudis because the Saudis are sunnis and hate shia muslims. Saudis are also monarchists and therefore have an additional reason for hating a republic, even if it is an islamic one. Saudis are also Arab and that is a third reason for hating the Iranians who are not Arabs but Caucasians. For a long time the Saudis have longed to be the top dogs in the region and to an extent they are because they are the wealthiest. And this is a reason for not getting along with the Iranians because the Iranians are industrious and do a lot more than sit around and live off their oil surplus.


The Iranians do work with the Quatar, even though it is a monarchy, Sunni and Arabic, so the hatred seems to be somewhat one-sided between the Saudis with their allies against the Iranians.


And before anyone accuses me of being Iranian or pro-Iranian - I am as much a critic of the regime as anyone. The the Revolutionary Guards organization pervades its power centres, acts as a second administration, source of most of the human rights violations (of which are many and vicious) and a complete drag on the economy because of their corruption. The irony, of course, is that if Iran ever got rid of that drag on their economy, their power would eclipse just about everyone else in the Middle Ease, including possibly Israel. So anyone, such as Saudi/USA/Israel who actually goes for regime change and is successful with the enormous loss of life, destabilization and cost far beyond what the Iraqi adventure,  may find the resulting regime far from their liking.

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9 hours ago, nong38 said:

I seem to remember S Hussein recently late of Iraq saying more less the same thing about a conflict between the two countries and look what happened!

The Iranians in charge should wake up to the fact that its not Obama they are dealing with.

...and look what happened.

Yeah....4,491 U.S. soldiers came home in body bags 32,000 injured, and about half a million Iraqis including many civilians dead, at a cost of about $2 trillion!



And the brave war hero Trump wants to repeat this on perhaps a grander scale.

Total madness.

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11 hours ago, dexterm said:

...and look what happened.

Yeah....4,491 U.S. soldiers came home in body bags 32,000 injured, and about half a million Iraqis including many civilians dead, at a cost of about $2 trillion!



And the brave war hero Trump wants to repeat this on perhaps a grander scale.

Total madness.

Not mentioning that it was based on lies.

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