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Thailand developing guidelines to end torture of suspects in custody


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10 hours ago, YetAnother said:

no effect until you have a culture where people care about each other; that isn't here


And also where those in authority who fail to abide by the law and international norms are held responsible for those violations, which also isn't here.


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18 hours ago, grollies said:

Were you as vocal in your condemnation of the US who had a black site here in Thailand routinely torturing people? How can anyone condem the Thais when they've been led to believe waterboarding was legal?

Yes. As a US citizen I was extremely vocal in condemnation of the US practices of torture, waterboarding, extraordinary rendition and many of the other practices they used. The rule of law is here for a reason. If you do not respect the laws you become the same as the  Philippines, or Russia. Despot dictatorships, or in the case of the PI, killing zones.


In addition I was extremely opposed to both the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. So far, the coalition has lost 3,500 soldiers in Afghanistan, spent several trillion dollars, and now the Taliban occupies and controls 76% of the country. Money and lives well spent? All I can say, is that I wish a few of the offspring of Cheney, Bush Jr, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Trump, Pence, Pelosi, Reed, and a few others were fighting over there. I guarantee it would give those nitwits some perspective on war. Most were either draft dodgers, or did not serve their country in battle. Easy for them to wage war, when there is nothing personal at risk for them. 

Edited by spidermike007
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