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Pushy bars


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Somehow,in the scale of world history, this particular problem is like the mosquito to the blue whale?


Really? I lost 2 minutes of my life reading this. Hey let's start a thread about serving staff who do nothing...then the mods can combine the two and it will be western style good service!

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7 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

“ I drink enough” .........we know you do !!


You drink enough???????????? In YOUR opinion, at least.... seems a difference of YOUR opion and the BAR's opinion... Not sure I'm convinced by YOU.......

Sorry..... I've heard so much of your side of YOUR story.... and don't believe much of it...... I am quite sure the (3) 'BARS' have a very interesting  "Their side of the story"..... LOL...

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20 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

That is probably exactly what they are doing and you are to 'dense' to figure it out....

Edited to add that this was quoted from a 'Dick Crank' posting.... Not from smotherb as this post shows it to be....

Yeah, that was Dick Crank in post #47. I am inclined to believe those who are asked often, drink slowly; those who get upset with the asking, have another issue.

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19 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

I will reply to you so you can think more about what you are saying...

1.  Its not the girls making money from your drinks its the beer bar owner,unless of course you buy the girl a drink. My reply: Wouldn't you think that 'already' understood by any customer?????? Yes, the bar and owner is making the profit..... How else will he stay open to offer a job to the girls and pay their salary if he doesn't make a profit????? YES... The bar makes a profit (But the girls benefit as well)...... 7-11 sells the same drinks cheaper... Are you thinking that 7-11 is NOT making a profit????? The OP maybe should buy his beer cheaper at 7-11 and sit on their front steps and drink it (as I've seen a few farangs doing)........

2.  So if i owned a sports bar and you came in and bought a drink that profit goes to me not my staff ----- My reply: ARE YOU SURE?????  Think again......... where are the gitls salaries coming from in your estimation???????

3.   good to know theres guys like you around to help out bar owners....... Seems there  a large number of US around..... Look at all the Bars that are open and have girls there for the guys who want a girls company....... If you are in a lady Bar and paying too much that you feel you need to make your drink last 'an hour' and don't have enough to tip and are having your drink checked every couple minutes...... I suspect the bar knows you (or at least knows 'your kind') and are giving YOU a hint that THEY DON'T NEED YOUR KIND.

I must admit that there are some really 'Bad Bars' and are too 'pushy'........ BUT in retrospect you must face a fact that there SO MANY MORE cheap ass farangs trying to have pleasures without paying (Trying to get a free ride, if not a 'senior discount')..... So many more than the Bad Bars.......

The OP received this BAD SERVICE in 3 different Bars......... Doesn't that suggest something to YOU...... It DOES to ME.........

It's MY opinion (and possibly others) that girls are in lady bars for a reason and do have an attraction to some who will spend their money...... If it doesn't fit your requirements then you can sit in a restraunt, or on the steps of a 7-11..... which ever fits your needs (or that you can afford to pay for)...... Many of these bars are tired of giving 'free rides' may be a decent summary of the OP............

And one Last comment..... We only heard the OP's side of the story.... NOT THE (3) BAR's SIDE of the story Think a bit more, if you will......



Yes I agree with your comments. There will always be the odd pushy bar. But most I have sat in from Swampy to Hua Hin Phuket etc haven’t experienced this.i was drinking one time in Pattaya in I think it is called Armageddon bar in soi lk metro. Football was on a few punters in not crowded. A farang came in sat down to watch. Lady asked him what he wanted to drink. He waved her away. The boss of the bar asked her again to ask him the same. No reply so the boss told him to leave. After all the bar has to pay for power cable etc plus bar staff.

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This topic was a peeve of mine when I frequented Tijuana. 


Didn't have this issue while in Pattaya. In fact the opposite in Insomnia as I struggled to get a waiters attention at 958PM for another Chang at 40Baht. At 10P prices reverted to 180 Baht. 


This tendency did creep back while back in Bangkok, at Stumble Inn in Nana. I told the gal I take two more beers and  I'll  be good for a while. She layed off. 

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this also annoys me in bars--i leave if they are too persistant.

the next annoying thing---they spread there arms.saying "you want lady"...

how dumb, i can see the ladies...i will pick a lady when ready...

i was at a busy bar in lk on sat.. drinking with my long time friend who recently started work there.

we had the opposite problem.....it took too long to get drinks service..

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On 8/3/2018 at 10:44 AM, krabi local said:

I know it’s their job to push the drinks and asking doesn’t bother me that much.

What does really irritate me is if they pick up my bottle and shake it to see if there is any left.



Or remove it from the condom holder and look at  it through a light source. 

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