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Saudi Arabia expelling Canadian ambassador, freezing trade with Canada


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On 8/6/2018 at 9:50 PM, Sydebolle said:

Maybe it is high time to hang Saudi Arabia outside to dry. If nobody buys their oil for, say, three to six months, the whole circus will collapse. The fidels need the West more than vice versa and it is time to show, who is who on the banana boat. 

Pissing onto Canada while creating havoc in Yemen - what do these idiots at the helm think, if at all? 


Other than this not going to happen, and not all countries sharing the same civil/human-rights notions - is the "circus collapsing" really a good thing? Another ME country going down the drain - complete with religious nutters and a wider effect on oil prices doesn't sound all that attractive.

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8 minutes ago, pegman said:

555, good thing Canadians in general are not spineless wimps. There are a few ^^^^^^^^^ but not so many as to worry about. If that state sponser of terrorists wants to  put the screws to students who presumably will lose their $$ deposits that's on them. More spots for Canadian kids or Chinese. It seems the nut bar is going to take his people out of Canadian hospitals too. What a low life. Any oil or gas workers needing work should head to Alberta where you can have a Blue after your shift. Same guy who jailed then shock-down businessmen and his own family members for $121b.  The Thug Prince  might be getting to chicken little here ^^^^^^ but most of us say bring it on and let's hope for an Arab Spring comes to the Kingdom soon.

True dat. The real snowflakes are the pearl-clutchers on the Right, they're scared of everything except White folks. 

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On 8/6/2018 at 10:58 AM, bristolboy said:

A very spoiled rich kid is now running Saudi Arabia.


Reacting badly to instances deemed as interference in domestic affairs is nothing new with regard to Saudi Arabia (or other ME countries, for that matter). Regardless of your standing crusade, I doubt this is uniquely associated with the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince.

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


Reacting badly to instances deemed as interference in domestic affairs is nothing new with regard to Saudi Arabia (or other ME countries, for that matter). Regardless of your standing crusade, I doubt this is uniquely associated with the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince.

There's reacting badly and there's reacting disastrously. Foreign investment in KSA actually declined in 2017. There is now serious talk that sales of a piece of Aramco will be called off due lack of interest. What rational investor seeking profits would want to invest in a country ruled by a mercurial and petulant manchild?  3 independent and respected news sources report that MbS nearly invaded Qatar! MbS is clearly steering Saudi Arabia over an economic cliff.


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5 hours ago, stevenl said:

There we go, admitting your issues with this are due to your Israel ideas, therefore anti Iran, therefore pro SA.And that is what it comes down to, a fight over hegenomy of the middle east.

This is not about Israel. It is a double standard and hypocrisy. Trudeau has talked of  restoring political ties with Iran, despite the repeated deaths of decent Canadians at the hands of the Iranian government.  Here's an example. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/09/let-grieving-wife-of-dead-environmentalist-leave-iran-son-pleads


3 hours ago, Canuckabroad said:

What a load of BS.  Every point you made is a stretch.


- 16K students leaving Canadian colleges and universities will not "decimate" anything.  Do you think those schools have trouble filling seats?  What this means is 16K wait-listed students are going to get last-minute acceptances.  The vast majority of students will be glad to see them gone from their campuses.


- Trade with Saudi Arabia is about 0.25% of Canada's total exports.  This will not hurt Canada's economy.  On the contrary, Saudi Arabia has half the GDP and their tantrum is scaring off potential investors around the world.  Who the heck would bank on a business relationship with an irrational dictator who has a hair-trigger temper?


- 1000+ oil workers will go to neighbouring gulf states, or other countries, and right now they're likely getting bombarded with voicemail and email recruitment offers.  It's not like oil workers have trouble finding work.  They pick their jobs based on bonuses and perks.


- I think Canada's health care system can survive without a dozen or so Saudi residents and nurses.  My bet is any medical residents simply won't leave - certainly not the women.


- Saudi Arabia cancelling flights to Toronto does not cause "desperation".  Pearson airport is overcrowded, and it's not run like a private enterprise that makes money off the number of flights it gets - it's owned by Transport Canada.


- Canada is asking UK and UAE for assistance calming down Saudi Arabia because your mad prince is acting irrational and inciting nationalism and possibly terrorism.  (Veiled threats to back off or a 9/11 attack on Toronto?  We know Saudis are capable of that stuff since they comprised 80% of the 9/11 hijackers.)  This isn't Canada being afraid - this is a situation comparable to a coworker suddenly going crazy because you asked them to clean up the smell coming from their cubicle.  You might not be afraid of that coworker but maybe you'll ask his friends to calm him down so you can get back to work.


Your crown prince might be wily(he did manage to outfox or murder his rivals) but he sure doesn't act educated.  He's irrational, bad tempered, bullies his subjects, treats half his population like slaves, and quite frankly can go drill himself.


As a Canadian I find this all rather amusing.  What's your stake in this?

You are wrong, and obviously  have no understanding of the cost of tuition.You call me outlandish, but you have  no clue as to how dependent Canada's post secondary education system needs those Saudi students. For example; 

At McGill for undergrad a  local student pays about  $4,000 tuition and fees, and international students pay $16,000

The  Saudis pay  about $40,000 more than Canadians for Med school at the U of T.

At Dalhousie Dental school, 1st year  locals fees are $54,000 and the Saudis pay  $80,000.

The Saudis also pay the  salaries of the interns and residents. For example  in Nova scotia where there are  20+ Saudi medical residents that's  about $2million alone that is picked up by the Saudis, $2 million that the Nova Scotia government did not have otherwise. 


The windfall profits  gained from the foreign students are used to provide grants/subsidies/bursaries and interest free loans to Canadians, such that some Canadians pay no tuition fees because of the foreign students.


You say that the Canadian oil workers will easily find new jobs. That is not going to happen. The  Canadian oil industry has been shedding jobs and there hasn't been any new investment in years. Why would you think that the Canadians are going to easily find work, if the  Arabs in the region are supporting  the Saudis here? Do you think the UAE is going to say come on in, we'll terminate other workers for you? Those Canadian oil workers are there because of existing canadian contracts that are now at risk.


You ASSUME that there are only a dozen or so  Saudi specialists. You are very wrong. When upwards of 10% or more of specialists are Saudi residents and Fellows they cannot just be  replaced with the snap of the fingers.

Are you not aware that there are multi year long waiting periods for surgeries, and that there are regions and hospitals that are already shortstaffed? Try and get an appointment with a cardiology specialist in Toronto or Montreal and you will wait months. Good luck trying to  see a pediatric surgeon outside of an emergency in Halifax or  Regina.  You  have no appreciation of how dependent some  teaching hospitals are on these people. 


The issue isn't   the suspension of flights from Saudi Arabia, and I made  no reference to them.


The  reality is that Canada's so called allies are not helping Canada in this regard. I remind you that the last blow up with the Swedish foreign minister ended with the Swedes backing down and apologizing after they started losing contracts. The former German foreign minister also found himself  out of a job when he  talked of human rights. Meanwhile the Europeans  and Americans are rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of picking up all the contracts Canada will lose.


The multi ,million dollar  mineral exploration and export contracts with  the Canadian mining sector is a question of life and death for those companies and their employees.


3 hours ago, JCauto said:

Ah, you were an immigrant to Canada? No problem, sorry for writing at too high a level of English. Just goes to show you how many directions life can lead.
Most immigrants to Canada enthusiastically take to the place and, sooner or later, start acting pretty much Canadian. Others of course cling to their old ways. Perhaps you came from a more authoritarian state prior to Canada and miss having Big Daddy tell you what to do? If only you'd lived in Ontario, you could be somewhat placated by having Rob Ford's brother Doug be your authority figure. 

Where have you been for the past 25 years? Most immigrants from certain regions do not take to Canada and do not assimilate. One need only look at the   violence plaguing the Sri Lankan and Jamaican community in Toronto. If you consider  engaging in gang land wars  assuming the Canadian identity, then you need to go visit their neighborhoods. Your manage to bundle racist dismissal with your embrace of the defeated corrupt liberal government of the shrill harpe Wynne.



3 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

from today's Guardian...

"A Saudi Arabian organisation has apologised for tweeting a digitally altered image that showed a plane flying towards Toronto’s CN Tower – in an apparent reference to a 9/11-style attack – amid an escalating row over Canada’s call for the release of detained human rights activists in the kingdom."

This is from the state that spawned 15 of the 19 9-11 attackers, and gave the world Wahabbist terrorism.

What a hypocrite. The Saudi government did not sponsor the attacks. Yes, Saudi nationals were willing participants.  Many UK, Canadian, and European nationals  have joined ISIL and engaged in   criminal acts.  You are not  condemning these countries are you? The small group which posted the awful tweet  has been held accountable. It has been terminated and won't be posting on twitter again. The Saudis acted a lot faster than Canada  has done in respect to known murderers  acting on behalf of Hizbollah or ISIL.



1 hour ago, pegman said:

555, good thing Canadians in general are not spineless wimps. There are a few ^^^^^^^^^ but not so many as to worry about. If that state sponser of terrorists wants to  put the screws to students who presumably will lose their $$ deposits that's on them. More spots for Canadian kids or Chinese. It seems the nut bar is going to take his people out of Canadian hospitals too. What a low life. Any oil or gas workers needing work should head to Alberta where you can have a Blue after your shift. Same guy who jailed then shock-down businessmen and his own family members for $121b.  The Thug Prince  might be getting to chicken little here ^^^^^^ but most of us say bring it on and let's hope for an Arab Spring comes to the Kingdom soon.


More spots for Canadians? Really? And who will pay for their tuition? You just don't get the fact that the  Saudis generate $600,000,000+ of revenue for Canada .Surprised? Are you even aware that the International education sector generates  $7 billion of revenue for Canada. The canadian government in 2010 stated that International students  gave a  $4.2 billion in GDP contribution to the Canadian economy, and represent about 7% of the GDP contributed by the overall education services sector in the Canadian economy.

Saudi Arabia is the 4th largest component of that contribution.

Oh sure, bring in more Chinese. Are you oblivious to the  intellectual capital theft being sucked out of Canada by those  Chinese grad students?  Not only that, the Chinese intend to reduce the numbers in North America and are favouring Europe and Australia.


How ignorant of the Canadian economy can one be to say "head to Alberta if you need a job in oil & gas"  The jobs lost in the sector are not coming back. That's what the industry, the economists and the government say.  


Saudi Arabia is necessary to have onside if there is ever to be peace in the middle east. It is the country which   props up key countries like Jordan, and Egypt and upon which regional stability hinges. 


Mark my words; The Canadian government will be begging for forgiveness and saying that it is all a misunderstanding once the  losses hit. it will do what Sweden did and will grovel.   And this is all because the foreign minister  decided to release an offensive tweet. You folks  take Trump to task for his use of tweets, well the Canadian  FM did the same. What is so difficult in having a face to face or a phone call to express one's views. Why is it assumed  that a brief tweet is  sufficient?

Do people not understand what happened? The Canadian government used twitter to send an offensive  message. In diplomacy one doesn't do this.

Edited by geriatrickid
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15 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

This is not about Israel. It is a double standard and hypocrisy. Trudeau has talked of  restoring political ties with Iran, despite the repeated deaths of decent Canadians at the hands of the Iranian government.  Here's an example. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/09/let-grieving-wife-of-dead-environmentalist-leave-iran-son-pleads


You are wrong, and obviously  have no understanding of the cost of tuition.You call me outlandish, but you have  no clue as to how dependent Canada's post secondary education system needs those Saudi students. For example; 

At McGill for undergrad a  local student pays about  $4,000 tuition and fees, and international students pay $16,000

The  Saudis pay  about $40,000 more than Canadians for Med school at the U of T.

At Dalhousie Dental school, 1st year  locals fees are $54,000 and the Saudis pay  $80,000.

The Saudis also pay the  salaries of the interns and residents. For example  in Nova scotia where there are  20+ Saudi medical residents that's  about $2million alone that is picked up by the Saudis, $2 million that the Nova Scotia government did not have otherwise. 


The windfall profits  gained from the foreign students are used to provide grants/subsidies/bursaries and interest free loans to Canadians, such that some Canadians pay no tuition fees because of the foreign students.


You say that the Canadian oil workers will easily find new jobs. That is not going to happen. The  Canadian oil industry has been shedding jobs and there hasn't been any new investment in years. Why would you think that the Canadians are going to easily find work, if the  Arabs in the region are supporting  the Saudis here? Do you think the UAE is going to say come on in, we'll terminate other workers for you? Those Canadian oil workers are there because of existing canadian contracts that are now at risk.


You ASSUME that there are only a dozen or so  Saudi specialists. You are very wrong. When upwards of 10% or more of specialists are Saudi residents and Fellows they cannot just be  replaced with the snap of the fingers.

Are you not aware that there are multi year long waiting periods for surgeries, and that there are regions and hospitals that are already shortstaffed? Try and get an appointment with a cardiology specialist in Toronto or Montreal and you will wait months. Good luck trying to  see a pediatric surgeon outside of an emergency in Halifax or  Regina.  You  have no appreciation of how dependent some  teaching hospitals are on these people. 


The issue isn't   the suspension of flights from Saudi Arabia, and I made  no reference to them.


The  reality is that Canada's so called allies are not helping Canada in this regard. I remind you that the last blow up with the Swedish foreign minister ended with the Swedes backing down and apologizing after they started losing contracts. The former German foreign minister also found himself  out of a job when he  talked of human rights. Meanwhile the Europeans  and Americans are rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of picking up all the contracts Canada will lose.


The multi ,million dollar  mineral exploration and export contracts with  the Canadian mining sector is a question of life and death for those companies and their employees.


Where have you been for the past 25 years? Most immigrants from certain regions do not take to Canada and do not assimilate. One need only look at the   violence plaguing the Sri Lankan and Jamaican community in Toronto. If you consider  engaging in gang land wars  assuming the Canadian identity, then you need to go visit their neighborhoods. Your manage to bundle racist dismissal with your embrace of the defeated corrupt liberal government of the shrill harpe Wynne.



What a hypocrite. The Saudi government did not sponsor the attacks. Yes, Saudi nationals were willing participants.  Many UK, Canadian, and European nationals  have joined ISIL and engaged in   criminal acts.  You are not  condemning these countries are you? The small group which posted the awful tweet  has been held accountable. It has been terminated and won't be posting on twitter again. The Saudis acted a lot faster than Canada  has done in respect to known murderers  acting on behalf of Hizbollah or ISIL.




More spots for Canadians? Really? And who will pay for their tuition? You just don't get the fact that the  Saudis generate $600,000,000+ of revenue for Canada .Surprised? Are you even aware that the International education sector generates  $7 billion of revenue for Canada. The canadian government in 2010 stated that International students  gave a  $4.2 billion in GDP contribution to the Canadian economy, and represent about 7% of the GDP contributed by the overall education services sector in the Canadian economy.

Saudi Arabia is the 4th largest component of that contribution.

Oh sure, bring in more Chinese. Are you oblivious to the  intellectual capital theft being sucked out of Canada by those  Chinese grad students?  Not only that, the Chinese intend to reduce the numbers in North America and are favouring Europe and Australia.


How ignorant of the Canadian economy can one be to say "head to Alberta if you need a job in oil & gas"  The jobs lost in the sector are not coming back. That's what the industry, the economists and the government say.  


Saudi Arabia is necessary to have onside if there is ever to be peace in the middle east. It is the country which   props up key countries like Jordan, and Egypt and upon which regional stability hinges. 


Mark my words; The Canadian government will be begging for forgiveness and saying that it is all a misunderstanding once the  losses hit. it will do what Sweden did and will grovel.   And this is all because the foreign minister  decided to release an offensive tweet. You folks  take Trump to task for his use of tweets, well the Canadian  FM did the same. What is so difficult in having a face to face or a phone call to express one's views. Why is it assumed  that a brief tweet is  sufficient?

Do people not understand what happened? The Canadian government used twitter to send an offensive  message. In diplomacy one doesn't do this.


You are right about double standards and hypocrisy but not so right about the country.


Can you remind us all about how many US and other citizens who died in the 9/11 "incident" where 15 of the 19 terrorists came from Saudi America, or perhaps Bin Laden who was a Saudi citizen?


Yet the USA still arms and supports SA.


I get a bit confused with double standards and hypocrisy and the USA and SA.

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The former respected Canadian ambassador to KSA  sums it up and explains why a Tweet was not appropriate to  express foreign policy.  How can anyone support the government here when it treated the issue in the same way that a 12 year old treats the latest Justin Bieber song?




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7 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Mark my words; The Canadian government will be begging for forgiveness and saying that it is all a misunderstanding once the  losses hit. it will do what Sweden did and will grovel.   And this is all because the foreign minister  decided to release an offensive tweet. You folks  take Trump to ask for his use of tweets, well the FM did the same. What is so difficult in having a face to face or a phone call to express one's views. Why is it assumed  that a brief tweet is  sufficient?

Do people not understand what happened? The Canadian government used twitter to send an offensive  message. In diplomacy one doesn't do this.


You are spending a lot of effort and emotion in explaining how powerful Saudi Arabia is and how anyone who upsets their dictator will feel their wraith.  That seems to be very important to you.  Do you identify with Saudi Arabia?  Or perhaps some other authoritarian, repressive, and almost-universally despised regime?  Or do you just like to play devil's advocate on the Internet?


I kept your last paragraph because that's the only part I'm going to specifically address.  The Canadian government didn't send an offensive message, they sent a warning about human rights and an injustice.  And anyone - person, organization, or nation - can do so, about any other country in the world.  Because no country should be able to repress and enslave their "citizens" within their borders.  (I put "citizens" in quotes because women in Saudi Arabia don't have rights coming anywhere close to that.)  Canada (and Germany and Sweden) have a lot of failings and you are welcome to point them.  The governments of those countries aren't so insecure that they'll threaten you personally over your criticisms.


In a more perfect world - one that we'll eventually get to, if humanity lives long enough - the international order will penalize barbaric countries like Saudi Arabia.  A tiny, hereditary, ruling elite should not have the power of life and death over 99% of the population.  For now, we have to settle with tweets and public statements.


But the days are numbered for authoritarian regimes like Saudi Arabia, and they will be remembered in history books like the monsters they are.

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8 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

I worked over in the KSA. The experience was like being employed in a huge prison. They control all. I witnessed a shopkeeper get beat and his store vandalized by the 'religious police' for finishing up with customers (me included) lined up in his store, 2 minutes after prayer time happened to be called. I don't believe for a minute that this tweet aired without the complicity of the government, the oppression is absolute and very effective. This 'small group'  bs was a convenient story to fall back on when the world rightfully condemned this terrorist propaganda. The town where I lived held a three day celebration a day after 9/11, where revelers danced in happiness at the lost lives in the U.S.A. And you're a cheer leader for them? You live long enough in this world and  you see and hear it all - wow.

being an experienced former "Saudi hand" with at least one visit per year i don't believe a single word you said. :whistling:

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Just now, billd766 said:


You are right about double standards and hypocrisy but not so right about the country.


Can you remind us all about how many US and other citizens who died in the 9/11 "incident" where 15 of the 19 terrorists came from Saudi America, or perhaps Bin Laden who was a Saudi citizen?

Yet the USA still arms and supports SA.

I get a bit confused with double standards and hypocrisy and the USA and SA.


That is a side issue. This isn't about 9-11. Nor about the USA. Germany and Sweden  arm  KSA as well and other Europeans will gainif the $15billion  LAV supply agreement  is killed off with Canada. This is about a supposed responsible  competent minister allowing a supposedly important government position to be  conveyed  by twitter.

In what mentally deficient  world would anyone consider that diplomacy by twitter with emotionally sensitive people, appropriate? Again, I state that this isn't  high school where the kids send  tweets.It's the land of grown ups.


In respect to blaming  the KSA,; Yes Saudi nationals were involved in 9-11. It was a terrible crime. It can be argued that their country facilitated this  event, even though these terrorists were not resident in  KSA at the time.

Canadian, European Australian and US nationals have joined ISIL and  have engaged in some very evil violent acts. It can be argued that these countries have facilitated their  nationals' war activities because they did not intervene, nor target them fast enough. Canada has welcomed back several ISIL terrorists who have admitted their activities, but has taken no action against them. Yes, it's true.  The federal government says about 200 extremists left Canada to join terror groups in the region. Another 60 have returned after having served in overseas terror groups.  None have been arrested, nor charged. This makes the Canadian government  as guilty of crimes as the KSA is with the 9-11  terrorists.  I remind you that the Trudeau government says it will embrace and "reintegrate" returning fighters.


Trudeau also revoked Bill C-24 which allowed the government to revoke the citizenship of dual nationals who have been convicted of offences related to spying, treason or terrorism.


Please explain to me why Saudi Arabia is blamed, yet Canada gets a pass for doing nothing. Murder and acts of terror are the same.




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19 minutes ago, Canuckabroad said:
40 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Mark my words; The Canadian government will be begging for forgiveness and saying that it is all a misunderstanding once the  losses hit. it will do what Sweden did and will grovel.   And this is all because the foreign minister  decided to release an offensive tweet. You folks  take Trump to ask for his use of tweets, well the FM did the same. What is so difficult in having a face to face or a phone call to express one's views. Why is it assumed  that a brief tweet is  sufficient?

Do people not understand what happened? The Canadian government used twitter to send an offensive  message. In diplomacy one doesn't do this.


You are spending a lot of effort and emotion in explaining how powerful Saudi Arabia is and how anyone who upsets their dictator will feel their wraith.  That seems to be very important to you.  Do you identify with Saudi Arabia? 

he stated facts, you answered with irrelevant and boring blah-blah! :coffee1:

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36 minutes ago, Canuckabroad said:


You are spending a lot of effort and emotion in explaining how powerful Saudi Arabia is and how anyone who upsets their dictator will feel their wraith.  That seems to be very important to you.  Do you identify with Saudi Arabia?  Or perhaps some other authoritarian, repressive, and almost-universally despised regime?  Or do you just like to play devil's advocate on the Internet?


No that's your attempt to prejudice this issue. It's about an immature  and inappropriate approach to a serious issue. Twitter messages  are not appropriate for the delivery of  foreign policy. And what I have explained is that the  error  has the potential to cost Canada billions and cripple its post secondary education system. The best policy now is to apologize and to keep quiet. Trudeau should instead concentrate on protecting NAFTA, responding to the deadly  Tuberculosis epidemic in Nunavut and the redress of longstanding first nations human rights issues at home before trying to grandstand in international relations. Did you know that Nunavut now has one of the worst TB infection rates in the world, as bad as Somalia? He's all over the place trying to get political points and meanwhile his much touted commission on murdered and missing indigenous women is floundering.  Two faced BS spouting hypocrite.  Apparently  Inuit coughing up their lungs and bleeding out isn't worth any attention.

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33 minutes ago, Naam said:

being an experienced former "Saudi hand" with at least one visit per year i don't believe a single word you said. :whistling:

don't really care what you believe. I was also invited to the Friday executions in Hofuf but when I was  told foreigners are usually put in the front row so 'you better wear a raincoat' to keep the blood spray off I declined. I was based in the edge of the empty quarter- Mubarraz. But as I said earlier, what you believe is entirely up to you. 

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15 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

What's your point with the  childish anti semitic reference. I  don't have shekels. It's a fact that Canada's financial services sector were counting on the income. Your guaranteed government pension relies on their performance since some of the  biggest institutional investors are union pension funds who invest in the sector.

So we're going to need to hold a Go-Fund-Me  for the Big 5 Canadian banks now are we? My union negotiated defined benefit private pension pays out the same regardless of how it's investments are doing. Oh, I see there were 77 Saudi would-be jihadists enrolled at UofT this fall. Doubtful they will be missed by the other >60,000 campus students. Let's hope airport security pay special attention to this bunch and screen out all their box cutters.

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I have little time for this seriously undeserving group of fossil enriched fanatics, and take comfort in their inevitable decline and eventual return to desert infested decrepitude.

If America is now self sufficient in oil, why does a right wing POTUS kiss their keister?

Oh, that's right, Iran, that slow mo disaster of the west's own making.


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3 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

don't really care what you believe. I was also invited to the Friday executions in Hofuf but when I was  told foreigners are usually put in the front row so 'you better wear a raincoat' to keep the blood spray off I declined.

that nonsense confirms that you have actually no idea what you are talking about. :cheesy:

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9 hours ago, Small Joke said:

I have little time for this seriously undeserving group of fossil enriched fanatics, and take comfort in their inevitable decline and eventual return to desert infested decrepitude.

If America is now self sufficient in oil, why does a right wing POTUS kiss their keister?

Oh, that's right, Iran, that slow mo disaster of the west's own making.



US and Saudi Arabia sign arms deals worth almost $110bn



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