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Chinese media invited to Phuket to check on marine safety updates


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Chinese media invited to Phuket to check on marine safety updates

By Kritsada Mueanhawong




Deputy Commander of the Tourist Police Bureau based in Bangkok, Maj Gen Surachete Hakparn, was in Phuket over the weekend (twice) and yesterday (Sunday) led Chinese media to follow up on marine safety measures on the island.


A team of officers led 24 Chinese journalists from 12 Chinese media outlets were invited to Phuket to follow up on marine safety measures implemented since the July 6 boating disaster. The Tourism and Sports Ministry, and the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) are in a frenzy to renew Chinese tourist confidence after years of avoidable deaths, especially in bus and marine accidents.


The first area of inspection was Chalong Pier, then Boat Lagoon in Koh Kaew and Rassada Pier. Officers checked boats and lists of passengers before boats departed from the piers.


Source: https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/chinese-media-invited-to-phuket-to-check-on-marine-safety-updates

-- © Copyright The Thaiger 2018-08-06
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4 hours ago, quadperfect said:

So if half the boats are unsafe did they just show the other half.

If the chinese pay attention to safety like they do crossing the street here then i think all will be rosy.


And what about all the Thousands of boats that are still plying their deadly trade all around the Thai Coastline ? 

Will the Chinese Delegates be going to inspect all of them while they are here.

After the accident that claimed so ,any lives in Phuket, the Thai Authorities should have had ALL Tourist boats and Ferries " grounded " and each and every one of them should have had all documentation checked, and safety checks conducted.

Then, and only then after a clean bill of health should a boat be allowed to operate again.




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Showing Chinese media a shiny new boat with a cleaned up yard isn't going to convince anyone !!

Putting untrained personnel in a boat that have no idea what they're doing except put it into gear, point it out to sea & hit the throttle, told what to do by unscrupulous operators!

TAT just doesn't get it, even after this disaster, it's about training & safety standards.. two things which are still missing.

While profits rule over lives the same mistakes will be made time & time again with the same results...

As we see on the roads daily.. nothing changes because nothing changes.. lessons are never learned!!

TAT will do photo op's for a while, give out all the BS as usual & when the media has gone things will be back to normal.

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They keep on talking about Marine Safety updates / upgrades.... how about publishing the list of these items, i want to see as i'm sure many people are interested in seeing.  And if this list includes the likes of 'special lanes for check at immigration, special bus lanes to / from airports, wrist bracelets with name and hotel etc'..... heaven help us!! 

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15 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Authorities should have had ALL Tourist boats and Ferries " grounded " and each and every one of them should have had all documentation checked, and safety checks conducted.

Then, and only then after a clean bill of health should a boat be allowed to operate again.

Setting up this tour so quickly after the tragedy will do more harm that good. The Chinese must be laughing at the Thai officials, they know it's not going to be a quick fix and will take months if not years for the boats and safety procedures to be upgraded throughout the whole of Thailand.

A report from the Chinese media that the standards are still below acceptable levels will just compound and reinforce the ban on tourists visiting Thailand.


On the other hand if enough brown envelopes are found under the journalists pillows in the morning it's because the Thai tooth fairy is kissing ass?‍♀️

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another <deleted> circus...lies on top of lies on top of lies.....The headline should read.TAT bends over  and spreads wide to woo back Chinese tourism...do the Chinese really believe this crap?..are they that stupid...C'mon! Safety standards don't even exist in Thailand so how can you possibly improve on a nonexistant item?

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