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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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21 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

So much of this thread focuses on the UK, naturally, but it's worth looking occsaionally at the EU and its issues. The Observer today splashes with "EU mired in [non-Brexit] crises".


How about this from George Soros from Business Insider earlier ths year:


“The European Union is in the midst of an "existential crisis" and may cease to exist”

"There is no longer any point in ignoring the reality that a number of European Union member countries have explicitly rejected the EU’s goal of "ever closer union,'" Soros said.

"Since the financial crisis of 2008, the EU seems to have lost its way. It adopted a program of fiscal retrenchment, which led to the euro crisis and transformed the eurozone into a relationship between creditors and debtors. The creditors set the conditions that the debtors had to meet, yet could not meet. This created a relationship that was neither voluntary nor equal – the very opposite of the credo on which the EU was based.""


Soros must be worried all they money he pours in to destabilise elected governments such as Hungary. And of course his millions for the ‘millionaire vote’

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1 hour ago, bkk_mike said:

The whole straight cucumber thing was requested by the supermarkets.


Because you can fit more straight cucumbers in a tray, and therefore more in a pallet, and therefore more in a truck - when shipping it from one country in Europe to another.


The Brexit vote was essentially stupid.

You had 3 possible options...

1. The Status Quo.

2. Something better than the Status Quo.

3. Something worse than the Status Quo.


The EU will never in a million years give us a deal as a non-member that is better than being in the EU. It said that from the outset. It's not a surprise that that's turning out to be the case. That meant the Brexit vote was a vote between the Status Quo (Remain), and something unspecified that was worse (Leave).


It could have been a less bad deal, but we decided to come out and say we're leaving the single market and the Customs Union (which is what turned the Irish border into the issue that it is). After all it's Britain and Ireland that signed the Belfast Treaty (Good Friday agreement), but Britain is choosing to do stuff that requires it to be ripped up. (Leaving the Customs Union means there has to be Customs checks under WTO rules, and leaving the Single Market means that Ireland and Northern Ireland will have different rules for immigration that means people who will have the automatic right to enter Ireland (like non-EU spouses of nationals from other EU countries), but will no longer have the right to enter the UK. Meaning you also need immigration checks.


You also have to wonder if Spain may decide to emulate the UK's ripping up of the Belfast treaty by ripping up the Utrecht Treaty - the one that gave Gibraltar to the crown, if, apparently, choosing to unilaterally rip up International treaties where Britain is one of the signatories is now an acceptable thing to do?

yea yea yea,

but the innovative response would be curved crates and curved pallets and curved lorries


the bit about the cliff will be interesting


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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

More right wing lies about Soros.

You appear to be incorrect.


Soros has put lots of money, many millions into the anti democratic ‘millionaires vote’. That is true.


He has also funded several things that are anti the democratically elected Hungarian government.


How can you say it is lies in your non evidence post?


heres something from the far left Guardian newspaper who love Soros.




There you go proof! 

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13 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

yea yea yea,

but the innovative response would be curved crates and curved pallets and curved lorries


the bit about the cliff will be interesting


He is correct over cucumbers and bananas to an extent. 

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4 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I don't trust people who don't have a good old moan sometimes- life's tough- Brexit a real pain whether for or against.  Likewise, I'm wary of people who haven't had at least one honest vice in their lives.

Well said and very true!

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9 hours ago, vogie said:

But I do have to admit most of your posts leave me very "perplexed", but confused would be a better word methinks, but I just don't think you are perplexing the leavers, judging by the support you get from your remainer friends, they too are completely baffled by your wisdom. ????????????

Fortunately we are not baffled by yours.

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4 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

Soros must be worried all they money he pours in to destabilise elected governments such as Hungary. And of course his millions for the ‘millionaire vote’

Conspiracy nuts ahoy front-running for the hard right. Dog whistle politics.

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Just now, vogie said:

You could learn a lot from the said poster.

I have. What I have learned is that several Hard Brexiteer contributors to this thread are just the usual Conspiracy Theory extremist nutcases riding the Brexit cause with old songs previously buried.

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10 hours ago, kwilco said:

Britain was a democracy - that means there will be changes - even if Brexit happens - in whatever form, it will eventually be reversed. Those who damaged the country so badly will have to explain themselves to the people - any attempts to set up a facists state will be met with whatever resistance is necessary.


BTW - I think your avatar fits the Brexit profile

Are you Owen Jones in disguise? ????



Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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12 hours ago, kwilco said:

Britain was a democracy - that means there will be changes - even if Brexit happens - in whatever form, it will eventually be reversed. Those who damaged the country so badly will have to explain themselves to the people - any attempts to set up a facists state will be met with whatever resistance is necessary.


BTW - I think your avatar fits the Brexit profile

Comrade Kwilco

Here is  a good  reasons why you beloved leader will never be in number 10



Labour MP and Corbynista Lloyd Russell-Moyle wants to ‘nationalise’ private homes across the UK by giving councils ‘right to buy them’

Left-wing MP has called for new powers to be given to councils to buy up swathes of housing



Russell-Moyle will be hoping that Corbyn’s commissars don’t start off their mass confiscations in his own constituency of Brighton Kemptown, where a certain Mr Lloyd Russell-Moyle happens to be a significant shareholder, Director and Company Secretary of Arlington Mews Management Company, which according to his declared financial interests owns the freehold of a residential block. Arlington Mews consists of 5 properties with total estimated value of £1.8 million, while Russell-Moyle himself pockets over £10,000 a year from lodgers in the property. Expropriation of homes should start with taking his private property back into public hands



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8 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Conspiracy nuts ahoy front-running for the hard right. Dog whistle politics.


8 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Conspiracy nuts ahoy front-running for the hard right. Dog whistle politics.

No truthfull non millionaires who dont like foreign billionaire influencing our politics?


you seem to be a dog. Wistler with calling us far righ!

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4 hours ago, nontabury said:


I take it you’re not in the U.K. otherwise you would have have been able to watch Andrew Marr interview Arron Banks, yesterday.

He answered all the questions put to him, without any hesitation. Insisting that all the money originated from his own, or his companies accounts. based in the U.K. The only point in dispute,was does an account in the I.O.M count as a British bank.

  Unfortunately as regards to Banks, they will be unsuccessful, even though the Russian owed so-called Independent,the E.U.supporting Guardian and the rest of the remoan crowd are hoping that if they throw enough mud at him,some may stick.

 Strangely no investigation is taking place regarding the donations to the remain side, by foreign companies such as J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley or indeed from George Soros. I wonder why?





Indeed he was able to nullify the poliically motivated charges laid against him.


A great self made man poud of his country Sir Banks and Sir Farrage?

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6 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Comrade Kwilco

Here is  a good  reasons why you beloved leader will never be in number 10



Labour MP and Corbynista Lloyd Russell-Moyle wants to ‘nationalise’ private homes across the UK by giving councils ‘right to buy them’

Left-wing MP has called for new powers to be given to councils to buy up swathes of housing



Russell-Moyle will be hoping that Corbyn’s commissars don’t start off their mass confiscations in his own constituency of Brighton Kemptown, where a certain Mr Lloyd Russell-Moyle happens to be a significant shareholder, Director and Company Secretary of Arlington Mews Management Company, which according to his declared financial interests owns the freehold of a residential block. Arlington Mews consists of 5 properties with total estimated value of £1.8 million, while Russell-Moyle himself pockets over £10,000 a year from lodgers in the property. Expropriation of homes should start with taking his private property back into public hands



Yes but not his obviously, no he's wood Socialist, are they going to steal our land an houses? Sounds like the evil ANC mind you we do have their now dead leader and convicted terrorists, statue in parliament square

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14 hours ago, nontabury said:

Same as those rumors that the E.U intended to create anE.U. Army.

Rubbish said the E.U. At the time. NOW however the E.U admit plans are well advanced.

it makes you wonder, who are the gullible.

Only the French and UK have true military capability in Europe and spend a decent amount on it. Will they the French be prepared to subsidise  Germany whom have never got close to meeting heir agreed NATO commitment in terms of military spending ?


Actually, the EU will have war controlled by committee  rather than the generals so heywillget walked over.

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9 hours ago, SheungWan said:

I have. What I have learned is that several Hard Brexiteer contributors to this thread are just the usual Conspiracy Theory extremist nutcases riding the Brexit cause with old songs previously buried.

Song song blue ? Obviously how remoaners feel blue lol

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Brexit is teaching Britain its true place in the world

Politicians and voters alike have nourished delusions about the nation’s global role





The philosophy of Brexit was that, freed of EU constraints, the UK would take its rightful place in the world. This is indeed what is happening, but alas that place is not as the great power of their imagination. The UK’s place in the world is hardly terrible but, as Mr Johnson learnt during his brief but undistinguished term as foreign secretary, our emissaries no longer bestride summits like Castlereagh.



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