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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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43 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

How are planning to stamped them out

I noticed you are a fan of ThyssenKrupp and no doubt you are aware thay used 75,000 slave labourers 


And No Doubt for anyone that refuses to take part would be sent to  something like Auschwitz concentration camp


...and no doubt you are aware that the Daily Mail supported Hitler before the war?

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15 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Definition of fascism 

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.


Not really applicable to UK politics.


Yet we do have a growing hard right imo, which pretends to be otherwise, and hides within the mainstream conservative party, whilst promulgating its extreme elements through fringe parties or causes.

Oh yes it is!, ....and basing your argument on one singleb premise just leads to a fallacious conclusion.

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16 minutes ago, mogandave said:

That they’re socialists and socialism leads to fascism?

The name National Socialist was chosen as a cynical ploy because the main opposition groups were the communist party and the social democrats. In German, the name was shortened to NAZI. Your conclusion is entirely incorrect.



Edited by Grouse
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5 hours ago, adammike said:

Does that mean you want an English independent party?

Do I want one?... well given I am Labour, then no.  I also don't want the end of the UK.


But I am pointing out that there is a growing far right wing in this country that needs a legitimate platform for its views.  At the moment its just a rather horse loosed collection of unaccountable reactionaries who wreak havoc. 

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3 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Do I want one?... well given I am Labour, then no.  I also don't want the end of the UK.


But I am pointing out that there is a growing far right wing in this country that needs a legitimate platform for its views.  At the moment its just a rather horse loosed collection of unaccountable reactionaries who wreak havoc. 

MB, Corbyn recently stated that brexit cannot be stopped now, which appears to be Labours Party policy, however Keir Starmer said that brexit can be stopped. The guy is obviously intelligent, but I am not too sure if he knows how to act like a politician. Why is he acting againgst his leader and the Labour Party, is he a lone wolf.

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This is good reading imo:




The Brexiteers prevailed in 2016 by peddling the illusion that the UK could leave the EU while continuing to enjoy all its benefits. Now they face the reality: a deal that will satisfy nobody and leave everybody worse off. 

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8 minutes ago, vogie said:

MB, Corbyn recently stated that brexit cannot be stopped now, which appears to be Labours Party policy, however Keir Starmer said that brexit can be stopped. The guy is obviously intelligent, but I am not too sure if he knows how to act like a politician. Why is he acting againgst his leader and the Labour Party, is he a lone wolf.

should suit Corbyn fine

just standing there doing zilch, achieving Brexit and achieving Tories making fools of themselves

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9 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

This is good reading imo:




The Brexiteers prevailed in 2016 by peddling the illusion that the UK could leave the EU while continuing to enjoy all its benefits. Now they face the reality: a deal that will satisfy nobody and leave everybody worse off. 

Including the Irish I think the Republic or Ireland imports 89% of its oil from the Uk and 70% of its gas

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18 minutes ago, vogie said:

MB, Corbyn recently stated that brexit cannot be stopped now, which appears to be Labours Party policy, however Keir Starmer said that brexit can be stopped. The guy is obviously intelligent, but I am not too sure if he knows how to act like a politician. Why is he acting againgst his leader and the Labour Party, is he a lone wolf.


I'm not sure many politicians are acting like politicians, right or left, such has been the non-midas touch of Brexit.


I think Corbyn appears to be the one out of line with Labour policy.  Still, he was asked to give his opinion and he honestly gave it. Generally, the problem for Labour remains sticking with its Socialist principles whilst attracting broad electoral support.  


Both parties are damned if they do, damned if they don't, hence both throw out seemingly paradoxical messages- it's tedious.



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10 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


I'm not sure many politicians are acting like politicians, right or left, such has been the non-midas touch of Brexit.


I think Corbyn appears to be the one out of line with Labour policy.  Still, he was asked to give his opinion and he honestly gave it. Generally, the problem for Labour remains sticking with its Socialist principles whilst attracting broad electoral support.  


Both parties are damned if they do, damned if they don't, hence both throw out seemingly paradoxical messages- it's tedious.




Not sure how relevant Corbyn's statement is since the ECJ will now be deciding this before UK parliament get a meaningful vote as UK court has blocked UK govt appeal regarding this.



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Politics normally operates on consensus and compromise.  Neither is suited to Brexit, where a more autocratic approach has proved mandatory.  Had it have been a Thatcher government the matter would have been done and dusted, and likely a Blair one too.  I'm not unconvinced that a Corbyn Government wouldn't have made a better fist of it.  This Government is singularly failing.  I don't think it has got what it takes to see Brexit through.


People say Brexiteers never had a plan.  On the face of it that seems true. Yet, my opinion is that of course they had a plan, to win the vote by hook and crook, and then simply create as much agro as possible so that their desired aim of a clean break from the EU could be engineered. 


I wouldn't be surprised if we are heading for no deal, or a reversal, and I wouldn't bet against a reversal, given public sentiment.



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I don't think fascism (call it what you will) can be defined in party terms- it simply is monstrously extreme and undemocratic.  

I would generally agree. I just disagree with what end of the spectrum it comes from.

One could argue that there are no ends, but rather a circle.

Conservatives want less government, and less control.

Leftists want more government, and more control.

I believe that if you keep going right you end with anarchy.
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10 hours ago, Grouse said:

If there is a referendum result to remain, that will be the end of it. No government will ever ask the opinion of the masses again. Ever.

Quite, national referendums may well be confined to the history books. Another one now could be more of a problem than its worth, possibly another contentious result which would have to go before parliament.

They could very well short circuit the system and have a secret ballot in parliament. Decisions take on a different perspective when you do not have to explain yourself.

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16 hours ago, mogandave said:


Ever notice how brave and resolute the left is when attacking Christians, and how tolerant and accommodating they are of Muslims?


Wonder why that is.

...quite right. I think those of us with any nous and ability to see through the BS understand that:


1) 'Halo polishing' goes a long way today in the our society dominated by the state mandated 'doctrine of equality and diversity' that has become virtually systemic in the West. 

2) Self preservation and cowardice, covered by a wafer-thin veneer of highly selective 'outspoken' or 'forthright' rhetoric is a popular vehicle for grandstanding politicians and bourgeois metro trendies.


Sure, these people will attack groups they know pose no threat to them, but they simply don't have the balls to criticise the people that they probably know, deep down, are a) the source of the real issue we're facing, and b) are militant enough to attack them in their own homes/offices.


As one of the very few honest and outspoken in the media with regard to this matter, I'll paraphrase a small excerpt of Douglas Murray's excellent polemic against the 'appeasers' in the liberal media:


When discussing the Catholic church's impediment of gay marriage:


'As a gay man, I really do wish the same people who are so critical of the Roman Catholic church and can be heard crying "bring me a cardinal, string up a monsignor" would save their ire for those who would not only prevent me and others like me from marrying, but who would also see us thrown from the top of the nearest tall building'.


 He alone has more balls than the combined writing staff of The Guardian, Evening Standard etc., do. ????

Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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guys, you that know everything - help me out


some sort of deal seems to surface shortly

it must be presented to and given the hand by high level EU meeting, heads of state or pm like


likewise, it will be presented to the UK national assembly - seeking approval



parliament voting yes - I understand what government will do

parliament voting no  - what then? what to do? brexit no deal - ask for prolongation of the a50 period or whatever?


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