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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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1 minute ago, transam said:

Thank you for showing your true colours, your hatred of Brit folk...



I do have, as friends, British folks who are smart and articulative. We can have good discussions as well as arguments with each other. I can assure you, I have nothing against British people. 


I do however have a lot against people who bully and use their powers, which could be used to do good, to simply enrich and empower themselves. 


The same applies to all the people I have met during my years on this little rock. Some people are good and strong, some are weak and lost. There are also some people who do teach me that I was wrong, likewise the sort of people, who try to look strong by abusing and placing the blame on others. 


Which group of people do you think you belong to?

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1 minute ago, oilinki said:



I do have, as friends, British folks who are smart and articulative. We can have good discussions as well as arguments with each other. I can assure you, I have nothing against British people. 


I do however have a lot against people who bully and use their powers, which could be used to do good, to simply enrich and empower themselves. 


The same applies to all the people I have met during my years on this little rock. Some people are good and strong, some are weak and lost. There are also some people who do teach me that I was wrong, likewise the sort of people, who try to look strong by abusing and placing the blame on others. 


Which group of people do you think you belong to?

British people.....British people voted to let the EU get on with their thing and revert back to doing British stuff...Very simple to understand..Well isn't it..?

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40 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

I really don't understand the mindset of remainers where they quote from an article and then fail to provide a link to support their claim

Leavers prefer No Deal to Deal

Survation found that in those circumstances 54% of Leave voters would prefer to exit without a deal, while 24% would want the deal. Meanwhile, when YouGov forced all their respondents to say which they would prefer, without giving them the option of saying ‘Don’t Know’, 64% of Leave voters said they would prefer no deal, and just 36% the deal. Meanwhile, Opinium report that 48% of Leave voters agree that ‘leaving without a deal would be better than leaving with the current deal’


Another Dose of Chequers? Voters’ Initial Reactions to the Draft Brexit Deal

Posted on 19 November 2018 by John Curtice




if 24% of leavers want the deal why did they vote leave in the first place,answer is they didnt understand what the whole thing was all about,now they do hence the change in thinking,to many listened to their grandma's and granddads and the gob shites down the pub,if 24% want the deal then vast majority of that 24% will want to change to remain that in itself would over turn the 52/48 result,ya could make it up

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Matt Hancock, Cabinet Minister, acknowledging this morning that a second referendum is possible, yet he does not support it. Source the Guardian ... Good Morning Britain tv interview.


For those people who think that “no deal” is the default option.

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2 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

I think perhaps you refer to the capitalist system and Elite globalists the EU support?


The EU increases poverty as will not allow many products in without tariffs or silly restrictions on what comes in. Mostly to protect CAP the French farmers friend.


You look around the world and all you can see is conspiracies ... there are fewer people in poverty today in the world than ever before ... as more countries embrace capitalist ideas. China being a prime example. 

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1 minute ago, Patriot1066 said:

I think perhaps you refer to the capitalist system and Elite globalists the EU support?


The EU increases poverty as will not allow many products in without tariffs or silly restrictions on what comes in. Mostly to protect CAP the French farmers friend.

I actually prefer a combination of capitalism and socialism. Let people to be free to do business and be creative. Meanwhile we also have obligation to take care of the people who are not doing so well.


I personally use an trampoline as visual example. Having a safety net, a trampoline, which will protect those who try and fail. That happens. Afterwards let's help them get back to their feet and try again.


Once these people, who have been helped by our societies, are back in their feet, they'll support the next people who will eventually do the same mistakes they did before. Hopefully there will also be few of those, who learned from the mistakes of others and don't have to drop down at all ????


If you want to call me a capitalist pig or a socialist swain, it's up to you. I don't care.. but I actually would be rather curious to know which one I am.

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3 minutes ago, bomber said:

if 24% of leavers want the deal why did they vote leave in the first place,answer is they didnt understand what the whole thing was all about,now they do hence the change in thinking,to many listened to their grandma's and granddads and the gob shites down the pub,if 24% want the deal then vast majority of that 24% will want to change to remain that in itself would over turn the 52/48 result,ya could make it up

cherry picking again 

When Survation faced their respondents with a choice between the draft deal or no deal, 44% of Remain voters indicated that they would prefer the deal, and only 18% no deal. The margin was even bigger when YouGov posed the same choice without allowing respondents to say Don’t Know; in this instance no less than 81% of Remainers said that they would prefer the deal.


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24 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Fake news is what you bought when the Leave campaign told you that the EU would bend over backwards to give the UK a great deal.

there is nowt made in the UK that the EU relies on,probably rolls royce engines for airbus is about it.hardly going to bring 27 nations to its knee's,we stopped making things to export in large numbers many moons ago.

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2 minutes ago, oilinki said:

I actually prefer a combination of capitalism and socialism. Let people to be free to do business and be creative. Meanwhile we also have obligation to take care of the people who are not doing so well.


I personally use an trampoline as visual example. Having a safety net, a trampoline, which will protect those who try and fail. That happens. Afterwards let's help them get back to their feet and try again.


Once these people, who have been helped by our societies, are back in their feet, they'll support the next people who will eventually do the same mistakes they did before. Hopefully there will also be few of those, who learned from the mistakes of others and don't have to drop down at all ????


If you want to call me a capitalist pig or a socialist swain, it's up to you. I don't care.. but I actually would be rather curious to know which one I am.

Socialism is ok as bing as it respects the Nation, when it doesn’t you go down the communist route.


Small scale capitalism is good but when the capitalist system doesn’t put enough back it can be very bad with globalisation, like the EU supports 

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1 minute ago, bomber said:

there is nowt made in the UK that the EU relies on,probably rolls royce engines for airbus is about it.hardly going to bring 27 nations to its knee's,we stopped making things to export in large numbers many moons ago.

No your right!


But we are one of their biggest export markets and there is nothing they grow or make we can’t buy elsewhere.   


No deal Brexit brings the EU economy down as it is so fragile.

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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

"Now I want to brush my teeth.".      I would wash your mouth out with soap and water too.

Olly is back on his hatred posts. If all you've got of proof is "reading between the lines" It might be better you keep your rediculous suppositions to yourself, unless you can prove of course that we want to get rid of you Europeans. Do you know how rediculous that makes you sound, does it never embarrass you to make up lies. 

Are you again trying to create friction? It is really time you grew up.

Your ad hominem attacks are better left in Brussels.

Yes no one should sprout hate. I like Europe and Europeans. What I don’t like is the unaccounted costs the EU creates.


Why should my taxes be paying child benefit in Poland when it cold be spent here in the UK helping outlet own economy!



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11 minutes ago, transam said:

British people.....British people voted to let the EU get on with their thing and revert back to doing British stuff...Very simple to understand..Well isn't it..?

Yes they did and now you are going to be able to take care of the full responsibility of YOUR OWN actions. How great is that?


I would suggest, stop whining and prepare for the future you fully deserve. 

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47 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 How many times do you have to be told. It’s not Europeans that we don’t like it’s the So called E.u.  Exactly the same as an ever increasing number of Europeans are also against this monstrosity.



and which nation are you expecting to leave next? i can tell you now there will not be another nation leaving in the next 10-15 years if ever again,who would want the crap the UK is going through and who would want to drop 5 places in a league of 7 in the GDP table and its currency take 16% hit.......nobody 

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

"Now I want to brush my teeth.".      I would wash your mouth out with soap and water too.

Olly is back on his hatred posts. If all you've got of proof is "reading between the lines" It might be better you keep your rediculous suppositions to yourself, unless you can prove of course that we want to get rid of you Europeans. Do you know how rediculous that makes you sound, does it never embarrass you to make up lies. 

Are you again trying to create friction? It is really time you grew up.

Your ad hominem attacks are better left in Brussels.

Hatred posts? By that, I assume, you mean that I don't just bend over and let whatever hatred our brexiteers are spreading to go unnoticed? 


I believe you spelled ridiculous wrong. Do you want to close the borders from us Europeans coming to UK or not?



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7 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

No your right!


But we are one of their biggest export markets and there is nothing they grow or make we can’t buy elsewhere.   


No deal Brexit brings the EU economy down as it is so fragile.

The £274 billion exports of goods and services to other EU countries were worth 13.4% of the value of the British economy in 2017. It’s been at around 12-15% over the past decade.

Exports from the rest of the EU to the UK were worth about 3-4% of the size of the remaining EU’s economy in 2016.


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7 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

No your right!


But we are one of their biggest export markets and there is nothing they grow or make we can’t buy elsewhere.   


No deal Brexit brings the EU economy down as it is so fragile.

ya talking rubbish,go up to aviemore and try growing grapes and orange's report back and tell us how you got on

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11 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

No your right!


But we are one of their biggest export markets and there is nothing they grow or make we can’t buy elsewhere.   


No deal Brexit brings the EU economy down as it is so fragile.


I really think you are deluding yourself if you think the UK could bring down the EU ... leaving impacts them but not significantly, the impact on the UK is much greater. 

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1 minute ago, AlexRich said:


I really think you are deluding yourself if you think the UK could bring down the EU ... leaving impacts them but not significantly, the impact on the UK is much greater. 

No The ecconomies that actually make money Germany in particular we account for large amounts of trade! Spain takes millions of our tourists and we buy their produce. Southern Ireland will go ban riot without us buying their stuff. 


Thats is why they will never stop our planes flying or put too many border restrictions. We can bring anything we want from around the world by ship so they are a bit stuck with no deal.

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12 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Socialism is ok as bing as it respects the Nation, when it doesn’t you go down the communist route.


Small scale capitalism is good but when the capitalist system doesn’t put enough back it can be very bad with globalisation, like the EU supports 

Well, we have a strong common ground. Let's build, not destroy, on this. 


I don't like the people who abuse the system anymore than you do. In fact I hate the people who don't contribute to the common good and abuse others. 


One of the reasons Brexit was supported by the people on top level (Mogg etc), is that EU is actually going to be implement rules, which are more able to dig deep in to the tax haven schemes, UK's very rich people have been using to hide their wealth. I think it's perfectly ok to be rich. Yet I think everyone should contribute to the society in fair manner. Some of these very rich folks don't think alike. 


So what do we do? How can we have a fair society to us all residents of the European Union, while making sure that most of the abuse is being subdued, by the poor as well as by the really rich?


I believe that is what we, common working people, all want. Let's work towards that goal, instead of having fights among ourselves. 

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

Ideed we will, we did from 1939 onward....


As for whining, it is you an EU bloke who is whining, not me..But don't worry, your EU clan will take care of you without the Brit cash, Turkey to the rescue....????


Yes Turkey will never join! They will not have an EU army!


Move on nothing to see here!

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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The £274 billion exports of goods and services to other EU countries were worth 13.4% of the value of the British economy in 2017. It’s been at around 12-15% over the past decade.

Exports from the rest of the EU to the UK were worth about 3-4% of the size of the remaining EU’s economy in 2016.


the table shows we sell a lot to Eire which understandable,after that a decent amount to sweden and a small amount to Latvia,the rest sell us more,so we export very little,even with a no deal spain will still sell us oranges,france wine because we cannot grow them,they know this and they aint worried about a no deal whatsoever,we mean little to them,yes there might be the slightest noticeable drop in trade but nowt to worry them,they have better GDP figures than us at present and will be just fine

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