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How safe is touring Thailand by motorbike?


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2 hours ago, 5633572526 said:

You will be riding on the most dangerous roads in the world. Not because of the conditions of the roads but because of the other drivers on it.

Why don't you go San Marino ? ?


Not so Thailand is a holiday destination for which warnings are given.

Eritrea, the deadliest driving destination,.

Libya and Iraq are unlikely to feature on the travel itineraries of most Britons but obviously dangerous.

But a couple - Thailand and South Africa are popular holiday destinations.

Risky roads can also be found in Ecuador, Vietnam, Brazil, Paraguay, Kenya and Laos.

Portugal is less safe than the rest of Western Europe and the US is twice as dangerous as Canada.


The safest places to drive include the Maldives , Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland.

 Britain is just behind, with only 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants per year but they are all outshone by San Marino, which recorded not a single death for the year in question (2010).


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13 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Why don't you go San Marino ? ?


Not so Thailand is a holiday destination for which warnings are given.

Eritrea, the deadliest driving destination,.

Libya and Iraq are unlikely to feature on the travel itineraries of most Britons but obviously dangerous.

But a couple - Thailand and South Africa are popular holiday destinations.

Risky roads can also be found in Ecuador, Vietnam, Brazil, Paraguay, Kenya and Laos.

Portugal is less safe than the rest of Western Europe and the US is twice as dangerous as Canada.


The safest places to drive include the Maldives , Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland.

 Britain is just behind, with only 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants per year but they are all outshone by San Marino, which recorded not a single death for the year in question (2010).


So afty a safe ride in SanMarino you Shower, slip on the Tiles a smash your head open. Always ware a Crash Helmet, even non Bikers. Jeez theres some Mambies postin here.

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Some interesting reading here: http://www.searo.who.int/thailand/areas/magnitude_web-eng1.pdf

It states that 22% of road related deaths are to pedestrians and 23% to motorcycle riders (globally)


And here: https://www.avert.org/professionals/hiv-around-world/asia-pacific/thailand

States 16000 people died of HIV in 2016 those figures aren't too far away from all bike deaths per annum in Thailand (24000 total PA. with 73% being two or three wheeled vehicles.) http://www.searo.who.int/thailand/areas/roadsafety/en/


There might need to be absolute warnings about "it's not if you get HIV, but when" when people ask about thai potential partners around here.


Edited by Farangwithaplan
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Riding a motorcycle is dangerous wherever you do it, its part of the thrill.

My personal expierience with riding in Thailand is fairly limited,  i have had " big bikes" here for about 8 years and only ridden around 40 000 kilometres here, however in my country of origin i have been riding for over 40 years.

I have fallen off heaps of times in my home country and never had an accident here.

As a lad i raced motorcross and as an adult i road raced, i am not a particularly talented rider and i am rather conservative < by Thai standards, in my approach to road safety.

i will never ride a bike without some sort of protective wear, fully enclosed crocs as a minimum, and i approach the road here a challenge.

Thailand is no more dangerous than any other place if you ride to the conditions, remember your own limitations and expect that every other vehicle will not behave like they would in your own country.


This is THAILAND, these little buggers own the country and they can drive/ride however they like, expect them to drive against the traffic flow, use indicators for no reason, speed, overtake on blind corners and generally do everything that we think is wrong.


Grow some testicles, get out on the roads and enjoy this country for the great place it is, just remember you aint in Kansas anymore Dorothy.


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Riding a motorcycle is dangerous wherever you do it, its part of the thrill.
My personal expierience with riding in Thailand is fairly limited,  i have had " big bikes" here for about 8 years and only ridden around 40 000 kilometres here, however in my country of origin i have been riding for over 40 years.
I have fallen off heaps of times in my home country and never had an accident here.
As a lad i raced motorcross and as an adult i road raced, i am not a particularly talented rider and i am rather conservative i will never ride a bike without some sort of protective wear, fully enclosed crocs as a minimum, and i approach the road here a challenge.
Thailand is no more dangerous than any other place if you ride to the conditions, remember your own limitations and expect that every other vehicle will not behave like they would in your own country.
This is THAILAND, these little buggers own the country and they can drive/ride however they like, expect them to drive against the traffic flow, use indicators for no reason, speed, overtake on blind corners and generally do everything that we think is wrong.
Grow some testicles, get out on the roads and enjoy this country for the great place it is, just remember you aint in Kansas anymore Dorothy.


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