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Viphavadee hospital OBGYN


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Hello! Sorry for the long post. For my first baby I went to a doc at St. Louis recommended here in this forum and she was really good. Even though I ended up having my baby back in my country, I was satisfied with the ultrasound sessions and other stuffs at St. Louis. I was hoping if I could get any recommendations for Viphavadee hospital as St. Louis will be really far from my place and specially because I will have my second one in Thailand I don’t want to get trapped with any commercial doc. My first one was natural birth, I want a doc who encourage the same this time around. Thank you!

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I don't have any doctor specific info on Vibhavadi Hospital, sorry. And its web site does not provide details by specialty.


I don't understand the part about wanting to avoid a commercial doctor - Viphavadi is a private hospital just as commercial as any. Unlike St Louis, which is non-profit, it is for-profit.


Ensuring a natural birth (assuming no complications require otherwise) in a private hospital in Thailand is difficult, especially in the for-profit hospitals.  The c-section rate is extremely high.


Only a handful of Thai doctors in private practice really support/encourage natural birth, and the ones I know of are at Samitivej which is probably equally far for you (and also expensive).


If you deliver at a government hospital there is usually no problem re natural vs c=section but there are other disadvantages: language barrier with the nurses,  husband nto allowed in delivery room, no rooming in etc etc (think obstetric practices in the west in the 1950's).


Best I can suggest is to carefully interview each of the OBs on staff at that hospital, I don;'t think the number can be that many as it is nto too large a hospital. Or else reconsider location.



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