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Trump revokes ex-CIA chief's security clearance, slamming critic


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1 hour ago, utalkin2me said:

If you refresh your memory and watch Apocalyspe Now again, you'll remember, Kurtz was "out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any himanly acceptable conduct." "His ideas, and methods became, unsound. And he has very obviously gone insane".


Kurtz also had an "army that worshiped him like a God, and followed every order, no matter how ridiculous". 


In the end, Kurtz's command needed to be terminated. 

It was a great movie, but only that.  It wasn't real. It was fiction.

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Nice graphics. I call it a landslide Trump calls it a landslide, but Maybe you're right.

It was a great political upset. He will win again in 2020, handily

I was literally on a plane to Bangkok six or seven hours in  a dread hangdog funk knowing  the corrupt and venal socialist demagogue Hillary Rodham Clinton would be installed as President, the media told us so.


One of the greatest moments in recent years.



Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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19 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

not in the land of lefty.......



Nice try.


But in the land of facts, many of the blue areas represent highly populated areas (e.g., NYC, LA, Chicago, etc.) while the red areas are largely rural.  Do you really think a modern country as large as the USA is evenly distributed by population?  Votes are counted by people, not by land mass.  


Maybe this explains why Clinton had won the popular vote by almost three million votes. 


PS, I have just noticed that Attrayant just above is making the same point from a different perspective.  We were typing at the same time.  Thanks!

Edited by helpisgood
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1 minute ago, helpisgood said:

Nice try.


But in the land of facts, many of the blue areas represent highly populated areas (e.g., NYC, LA, Chicago, etc.) while the red areas are largely rural.  Do you really think a modern country as large as the USA is evenly distributed by population?  Votes are counted by people, not by land mass.  


Maybe this explains why Clinton had won the popular vote by almost three million votes. 

yes we know the large urban areas are dominated by Dem voters. 


I do not need your lectures, but it if it makes you feel superior for a brief moment, go for it

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Powerful pushback against our American fascist clown president!




Revoke my security clearance, too, Mr. President

William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, was commander of the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014. He oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation.




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31 minutes ago, attrayant said:


That map assumes you think the population is evenly distributed across the country.  Do you think that?  If so, you need to learn what a cartogram is.  It's a map showing the sizes of the states or counties based on population.  


Here a cartogram at the state level:





Haha those "cartograms" make me laugh every time I see them. Embodies liberalism so perfectly. Dont like the data? Swirl it up and make your own smfh... 

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

this is why Comey got fired,he held back intel from the POTUS! Comey , Brennan and Clapper cared so much about their country,their power went above and beyond  .They so opposed and hated Mr. Trump,  they were conspiring  to take down a president elect and president . If Mr.Trump didn't win the world would of never knew about the coup.

That is an absurd possibility without one shred of evidencebut I have a better reason why they never informed Trump.


A.   If Donald Trump and his campaign were under investigation as being possibly compromised- meaning deals were made with the Russians to get Trump elected- why would US Intelligence alert those under investigation so they could destroy evidence and cover their tracks?


B.    If in deed Trump used Russian money to get himself and his company out of deb- American intelligence may be aware that there was a quid pro quo and that Trump is possibly compromised. Let's not forget that as President -Trump has access to the most sensitive US secrets.


C.   What if the dossier is indeed accurate-  no evidence has been presented saying it is a hoax- in fact the Trump regime lied indicating Trump was not there at the time- but airplane records show he was in Moscow for at  least 24 hours.  


Somehow- many of you have begun to believe the lie that the FBI/CIA and others have become the enemy of the people.  It is just possible that these men and women are patriots who have significant evidence that may link Trump to potential compromise with the Russians. ( Just as a side note- I have a very good friend who was an Assistant Attorney General during the Nixon Administration who was investigating Nixon during Watergate. Mr Nixon labelled him as an enemy- but we all now know  Nixon was a crook! My friend had no hate for Nixon- He was doing his job!)


So far, I and others are not willing to say Trump is a traitor or in bed with the Russians- but I want the investigation to continue.  There is no way that Mr Mueller would fabricate the investigation and falsify evidence. His background is as a Republican and a longtime Public Official/  In addition- the Media is not the enemy of the people. Do some lean against Trump-possibly but others lean toward him. Neither media side is making up news stories. There is not fake news   This is a way for Mr Trump to skirt the reality of the situation. 


Also, while I dislike Trump's rhetoric and find him a poor example as President and as a human being- I do not hate him. I do dislike his policies but he was elected as President. Not by a landslide- he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes so his mandate is weak.


As I have mentioned- ALL Americans and others should want to find out if there was any  collusion; if the Russians interfered in the US election and if God forbid there is a Russian agent in the White House.


Donald Trump could do his cause some good by showing  his tax returns; stop using  his Presidency to intimidate people; and start supporting an investigation.  The problem is that Trump is acting like a possible criminal with something to hide.  His own words continue to build the case against him.


We can debate his policies; his racist tendencies; his lack of decorum forever but the real issue boils down to whether he was legally elected.  If there is nothing to find- it won't be found. Then we will debate only the issues.


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11 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Now do the electoral college....

So what?  And, France won the World Cup. 


Your statement is not relevant to my own point.  Regardless of who won the Electoral College, my point is still sound. 


Go argue with the DNC or whomever.  


Now do logic.....


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Trump was completely wrong and stupid to do something like this.  He does have the authority to do it but his own words indicated he did it because Brennan and others on his list were involved in the Russia investigation.


I got news for Trump- that was their job at the time-


If the investigation shows there was no Trump collusion with the Russsians- I will accept that and move on.


However, I doubt whether the Trump supporters will accept it if Trump is found to have colluded with the Russians. Tell me I am wrong and you all will accept the  results of the investigation.

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Just now, stevenl said:

Yes, where you see from the graph it was not a landslide.


I never said it was a landslide. He did win with plenty of room to spare though, thanks to the Electoral College... 


2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

However, I doubt whether the Trump supporters will accept it if Trump is found to have colluded with the Russians. Tell me I am wrong and you all will accept the  results of the investigation.


Well Collusion isn't a crime, we aren't at war with Russia, there was TONS of proven "collusion" going on with foreign countries and people from the DNC against Trump, but hey lets forget all that because Trump is a meanie and hurts your feelings. 

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15 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:

He did win with plenty of room to spare though, thanks to the Electoral College... 


Plenty of room?


According to the WaPo, and I am sure many other sources:


"This election [2016] was effectively decided by 107,000 people in these three states. Trump won the popular vote there by that combined amount. That amounts to 0.09 percent of all votes cast in this election."  [Bold added to the pct. amount.]


I am sure that gamblers would not calculate a 0.09% chance of winning as "plenty of room."  In other words, far from a safe bet.  


To make it even plainer, if the Clinton campaign had the good sense to campaign a little harder in those industrial Midwest states, a mere 107,000 votes going the other way would have won her the election. 


By the way, the aforementioned three states are Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. 

Edited by helpisgood
further explanation
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12 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:

Well Collusion isn't a crime, we aren't at war with Russia, there was TONS of proven "collusion" going on with foreign countries and people from the DNC against Trump, but hey lets forget all that because Trump is a meanie and hurts your feelings. 

At this point it does not matter what the DNC did because Trump is President. If Donald Trump and/or his campaign met with the Russians and accepted their help to win the election- this is more than collusion- it is  possibly Treason.  In either event- Collusion or Treason are impeachable offense.


I would hope that there are patriotic Americans whether Republican or Democrat or others that if the investigation finds Trump culpable that they would support his removal from office.. If not, then America is lost and no longer has any moral standing in the World.  Nixon was removed from power because he was a liar and obstructed justice.  A collusion finding for Trump would be worse.  The end never justifies the means- ever.


By the way- Trump doesn't hurt my feelings but he does embarrass me.  What he  represents is someone who is a compulsive liar; a poor example to our youth; a racist; someone who demeans the disabled and much more.  Those who support him may like those things but the majority of the World does not. Do you really want your children to talk and be like him?

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26 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


I never said it was a landslide. He did win with plenty of room to spare though, thanks to the Electoral College... 



Well Collusion isn't a crime, we aren't at war with Russia, there was TONS of proven "collusion" going on with foreign countries and people from the DNC against Trump, but hey lets forget all that because Trump is a meanie and hurts your feelings. 

You are correct, Collusion is not a crime.


Conspiracy, theft, fraud, obstruction of justice, money laundering, bribery and  corruption and a few other things are definitely  crimes. 

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2 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Yeah, crimes that you have just completely made up in that noggin of yours and then convicted Trump of the same. But please, tell me more about how we should all "just wait until the end of the investigation" because it sure seems like youre an objective and impartial observer here. 



The  investigation is not over yet. 


I very much look forward to discussing its findings with you when it is.




I have a sneaking suspicion you might regret your choice of username by the time Mueller is done with Trump.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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