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Living in a quiet Issan village.


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1 minute ago, connda said:

I have four dogs within the fence that can freely roam within the fenced property. They make a hell of a racket when strangers come around and I'm pretty sure if one came over the wall he'd be attacked.  You need more dogs or at least one dog that is a trained guard dog. 

 I fully agree with you about dogs, problem is we only got the dog after the murder across the road, she is still young and still learning.

She did her job last night until the bar steward attacked her.

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You need 3 or more dog

Then you need ither animals like chicken or goise that make niise when see stranger.

Then you need kights that can de switched on and of automaticalky and light remote switched on an ogf.


Always have digs clise to you they will protect better when bund.


You seen to neee care and bind ind bed. Then recommend to have extra people at your house to stay or movr to a bugger place with guard or in a cinde to reduce that attractiveness you are seen the local wealthy mam and seen by some people as attractive prey


They area you live in seem to have problems and drug users see you as one of their sources.

Edited by Autonuaq
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I live in a quiet Issaan village. I have a security light which comes on from dusk till dawn. My dog roams around only the vicinity of the house at night, he wears a collar and will not touch any food other given by myself. My advice would be to try to befriend the neighbours, mine are very friendly, never had any trouble with them, learn a little thai language. Hope everything works out for you

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Have you thought about getting a gun? Doesn't even have to be a real one, let the jungle drums beat the warning that the farang is armed and it is highly unlikely you will have and more visitors.

At the very least you need to follow the others suggestions and install lights and a siren.

What would happen if there were a fire while your wife was away?


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6 minutes ago, stevkob said:

Have you thought about getting a gun? Doesn't even have to be a real one, let the jungle drums beat the warning that the farang is armed and it is highly unlikely you will have and more visitors.

At the very least you need to follow the others suggestions and install lights and a siren.

What would happen if there were a fire while your wife was away?


Excellent post mate, i discussed getting a gun after our neighbour was murdered, sadly my wife didnt follow it through, not happy having a gun in the bedroom.

I spoke to her this morning and said to hell with this bs being afraid to have a gun, get 1 now.

Yes i will have to do something about censor lights and siren.


You say what would happen if there was a fire............ Well mate i would be dead.

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22 minutes ago, colinneil said:

You say what would happen if there was a fire............ Well mate i would be dead.


Colin I hope you have smoke detectors in the house.

I think you will be able to beef up your security quite easily and it won't be as expensive as you think.

Your peace of mind is worth a few baht


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27 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Excellent post mate, i discussed getting a gun after our neighbour was murdered, sadly my wife didnt follow it through, not happy having a gun in the bedroom.

I spoke to her this morning and said to hell with this bs being afraid to have a gun, get 1 now.

Yes i will have to do something about censor lights and siren.


You say what would happen if there was a fire............ Well mate i would be dead.



The idea of a loud alarm...something a bit off beat..is a good one..

The idea of a gun is not so good.

Believe you me I KNOW what it is like to be disabled-you know that.

This suggestion might not appeal to you but I had the support of my local abbot (a very honourable man)who got the word out-along with my M-i-L.




Edited by Odysseus123
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6 minutes ago, colinneil said:

 Well mate i will be getting a gun, because enough is enough, and believe me i have had enough.

If i had a gun last night the bar steward would be in hospital now, because i would have certainly used it, you are 1 of the only people on here who can understand my problem, it is bloody frightening being stuck on my bed, unable to stop things happening.

I understand-but he could be in the morgue right now instead..and then all hell breaks loose..

Please do not get a gun.


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1 minute ago, Odysseus123 said:

I understand-but he could be in the morgue right now instead..and then all hell breaks loose..

Please do not get a gun.


Getting a gun is the last resort, but sorry i think the time has come.

I am not a complete novice regarding guns, i have been trained in their use, and i would not be aiming at the body, but either lower down or very close warning shots.

Just imagine if he had seen me last night, and decided he didnt want any witnesses?

I was on my bed unable to defend/ protect myself, called for police help which even now 16 hours later has not come.

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2 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Getting a gun is the last resort, but sorry i think the time has come.

I am not a complete novice regarding guns, i have been trained in their use, and i would not be aiming at the body, but either lower down or very close warning shots.

Just imagine if he had seen me last night, and decided he didnt want any witnesses?

I was on my bed unable to defend/ protect myself, called for police help which even now 16 hours later has not come.

I too..am trained in the use of firearms.

However,I kept the Browning 9 mm (wife's) locked well away and in a safe downstairs.

I am extremely unsure of how a "self defense" plea would go in Thailand if you are a foreigner against a Thai.

You know what I am saying...

(No-one shoots to wound-it cannot be deliberately done in a crisis situation)


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50 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Excellent post mate, i discussed getting a gun after our neighbour was murdered, sadly my wife didnt follow it through, not happy having a gun in the bedroom.

I spoke to her this morning and said to hell with this bs being afraid to have a gun, get 1 now.

Yes i will have to do something about censor lights and siren.


You say what would happen if there was a fire............ Well mate i would be dead.

Must confess as I am trained in the use of sidearms l would like one again, as our lad is a cop it could be done...But, Thai folk talk, if l you had a gun low-life would hear about it and l/you would be a target to relieve you of it..So stuff must be taken into consideration..I mean, if Mrs.Trans turned the same as my ex I would not want a gun in the house...


Think I would like the old Browning 9mm HP though....Drat...All this has got me thinking...?



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10 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

MeToo, trained with SAS, Special Forces, Marines, Seals, along with everyone else in my local bar.

I wasn't, not up to that stuff...But had some fun learning....?


Now I don't fear guns, perhaps the same as I worked with live electricity, don't fear that either...?

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I installed 2 x 500 watts with motion sensor in front yard and cameras are right behind lights. They could work for you too. There is a switch if I want to keep them off, but you could have a light switch to activate them at dusk and diactivate them at down. They work pretty good since I adjust them to keep it on for about 3-4 minutes at least. 

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