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The Angry Brigade


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There's not much written on Expat Anger is there? :D But one sees and reads it everywhere. Was moved to these thoughts by grumpy posts on the Forum.

Three stages

(in case of LOS, but anywhere?)

1. Infatuation with discovered Land of Charms. :o Dress up in Native Costume, take Local Wife, , sell up and move to country, make arrangements to retire etc. cautious: maintain source of funds from home!

2. Intense irritation, frustration at perceived 'incompetence', 'difficulties' 'difference' of land of Charms..look at all those posts slagging off LOS, visa regulations, driving, bureaucracy, men, women, can't speak English,..........etc.etc. :D Has Generated endless volumes about Culture Shock/The Thai Way/The 'Oriental'/The 'African'/'The Arab', but not enough about 'The European'.

3. Acceptance, :D reluctantly or otherwise..either because as a European/American etc. ie white..you want to get on and work/live/come to visit their lands, or the countries you rather thoughtlessly constructed for them.

Original precursor to all this colonialism/trade..still some of that...Original 19th/20th Century Anger just meant you could slaughter them/educate them/missionise them

Sounds as of now the tables might be turned, for a while. I am looking forward to $1=20Baht, but as one poster said 250million Americans don't care, and nor do 1000million Brits/Aussies/Russians.EU'Nationals'

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People who are dissatisfied with their home country often move far away to another land altogether and find themselves, well, dissatisfied! Sometimes it takes decades, sometimes several lifetimes, to look within and start the long, long journey towards knowing oneself.

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And your point is?

Don't take the griping too seriously, it's mainly folk just getting things off their chest and an attempt to see how others feel about and deal with the situation. Of course Thailand has it's problems, as does Malaysia where I am currently, but they can't be that serious because we are all here or intend to be here in the future.

I guess your unstated question is why do all the expats complain while the Thai's don't? I'd be interested in a Thai take on that but I would say it is us expats that are more used to questioning everything plus, in the UK, we have the best complaint platform in the world : The weather!

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I enjoy complaining (somewhat), did it in my home country. Do it here. I don't usually take my own or anyone elses complaints too seriously and when the negativity starts getting to me, I lay off TV for a while (at least those topics that we know are going to bring the whiners out). There are some things that are REALLY starting to bother me more and more, though and I am not sure why.

At the top of the list is CORRUPTION.

When they recently broke the patent for AIDs drugs and heart medication (could it be because of Old Ginger?), I thought of how much more money the country would have if it weren't for corruption and how money from my country is now going to fund their corruption. The new airport is also an example of the impact that is far reaching. It's not just the Thai's who suffer, now it's everyone who gets on an airplane--even if they aren't coming here, they may hve to transit through an unsafe airport.

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I guess your unstated question is why do all the expats complain while the Thai's don't?

The Thais don't know any better. They haven't lived or traveled elsewhere to compare.

Very true also Thai's are brought up to believe complaining is childish and showing (angry) emotions is immature.

I must admit I am part of the 'angry brigade' at times, usually becuase I am comparing with western standards and logic which I shouldn't but it's hard not to! :o

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I had a Thai friend who lived in OZ when I lived there (in OZ). He was puzzled why so many Australians felt free to complain about things. I told him that if nobody complained, the place would be overrun by tyrants & corruption (amongst other things). I asked if complaining was a problem for him. His reply, "We don't do it in Thailand...it's against Thai culture". I said, "But you're not in Thailand now!" 'Silence' was the stern reply.

Maybe the saying, "What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve", can be reversed in Thailand...."What the heart doesn't grieve, the eye won't see".

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I don't know what rock or island the rest of you hail from, but some of us come from entire continents where complaining and anger are national pastimes, great art forms, and sovereign rights. It says right there, in the first amendment to the Magna Carta, "Every subject shalst complain incessantly...."

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I don't know what rock or island the rest of you hail from, but some of us come from entire continents where complaining and anger are national pastimes, great art forms, and sovereign rights. It says right there, in the first amendment to the Magna Carta, "Every subject shalst complain incessantly...."

It does? :o

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

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There's a disporportionate amount of complaining here because it's the one place people can vent in their own language. Back home they could do it in little bits here and there but in Thailand many of them go the whole day without much communication as they aren't fluent in Thai yet.

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

Sounds like a moan to me... off with his head!

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I don't know what rock or island the rest of you hail from, but some of us come from entire continents where complaining and anger are national pastimes, great art forms, and sovereign rights. It says right there, in the first amendment to the Magna Carta, "Every subject shalst complain incessantly...."

It does? :o


Shalst . . . ! :D

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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not. :o

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There's a disporportionate amount of complaining here because it's the one place people can vent in their own language. Back home they could do it in little bits here and there but in Thailand many of them go the whole day without much communication as they aren't fluent in Thai yet.

Also, back home in my neck of the woods, neighbours chatting often in fact was two people taking turns complaining about this or that (weather, politics, health, taxes, the deteriorating quality of health care, the impertinence of youth, the uselessness of the other sex/their 'better half' or 'ex', the latest famous person scandal, immigrants, global warming, dole bludgers, etc.), each trying his/her best to beat the other at finding something even more 'outrageous' to complain about so they could nod in joint indignation at other people's imperfections.

When people used to this type of conversation move to a country such as Thailand where people focus on bringing up mostly positive subjects in conversation, I am sure it makes them feel lonely and so try to find somebody else willing to join in the complaining session and nodding in unison like they are used to. :o

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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not. :D

Terry doesn't need a .357...he's batman. Him & 'Robin', the other guy who wears his undies on the outside of his leotard, can simply perform non-violent arrests etc to control these pesky 'wastes of fresh air'. :o

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99% of expats living in Thailand are eccentric/nutty. Their anger comes from a sense of thwarted personal entitlement, and a lack of belonging to any community in Thailand.

This is why places like online forums do well, but its ersatz community, and one should switch off and participate in real social flows......

....word from the management...sorry, .............do not switch off, continue as normal.

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :D

When you live here full-time, I'll be happy to re-quote this back to you. Until then, a lot of subjects on here don't really directly affect you. Do they?

Western culture achieved quite a lot from moaning and not being happy with yer lot / the status quo.

It helped us stamp out a lot of corruption, wastefulness; dysfunctionality, separated church from state; took us to the moon; etc. :o

If you don't complain, you get nothing. Especially here.

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :D

When you live here full-time, I'll be happy to re-quote this back to you. Until then, a lot of subjects on here don't really directly affect you. Do they?

Western culture achieved quite a lot from moaning and not being happy with yer lot / the status quo.

It helped us stamp out a lot of corruption, wastefulness; dysfunctionality, separated church from state; took us to the moon; etc. :o

If you don't complain, you get nothing. Especially here.

Well said :D

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :D

When you live here full-time, I'll be happy to re-quote this back to you. Until then, a lot of subjects on here don't really directly affect you. Do they?

Western culture achieved quite a lot from moaning and not being happy with yer lot / the status quo.

It helped us stamp out a lot of corruption, wastefulness; dysfunctionality, separated church from state; took us to the moon; etc. :o

If you don't complain, you get nothing. Especially here.

Well said :D

I couldn't agree more. It is the silence of the majority that allows vote rigging, people to get ripped off, corruption and lawlessness to continue unabated in this country. To be a good Thai (as most Thai kids in school are taught), one must listen to the pooyai, shut up and put up with your lot in life.

The biggest problem facing this country is the corruption. It is a cancer.

I do not make a habit of moaning too much and tend to mutter it under my breath. I have had my fill of people in the pub winging about this and that. However, the customer service helpline serves a very good purpose. The complaint form alongside the right to a free vote is the second most important right a human can possess.

The status quo is that Thailand is corrupt. From the teachers and their tea money to the policeman with the non functioning radar, to the land officers etc etc. How can this persist in such a pervasive way in the 21st century? I love Thailand and want it to improve so that my kids and grand kids can live in an ever improving country. I don't want it to become Singapore or the UK, just a better version of it's unique self.

SILENCE may be golden but it protects wrongdoing. I laugh when I hear the statement "If you don't like it go home." This would seem to suggest that the people of Thailand actually like corruption. This I do not believe for one second. I have lived here long enough to speak to enough Thai people to know that they hate it too. It is that the normal man on the street feels he is completely powerless to change it.

Thailand will only improve as a country both morally and culturally when people are brave enough to stand up and name the people who steal their money every day. If Thais love their country, they should learn to moan a lot more!!!!

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Shock Horror!

This is turning into a 'Why don't Farangs who complain go home?' thread again, with the usual deap thinkers chipping in on why they would deny other's an opinion.

As for anger in Thailand.

My observation of anger in foreigners and Thais in Thailand is that the greatest cause is frustration. And there is plenty of scope for frustration.

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Shock Horror!

This is turning into a 'Why don't Farangs who complain go home?' thread again, with the usual deap thinkers chipping in on why they would deny other's an opinion.

As for anger in Thailand.

My observation of anger in foreigners and Thais in Thailand is that the greatest cause is frustration. And there is plenty of scope for frustration.

Frustration is a big part of it. I complain only because I am passionate about the potential of this country, and it pisses me off to see the good people (a big majority) of Thailand sit on their hands and let the corrupt; the cronies; the connected; etc, p!ss down their backs and tell them its raining.

I also pay taxes here. And employ over 70 local people, some of whom I happen to think a lot of... And their future concerns me. Rather more than my next piss-up or fishing trip / golf outing.

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Frustration is a big part of it. I complain only because I am passionate about the potential of this country, and it pisses me off to see the good people (a big majority) of Thailand sit on their hands and let the corrupt; the cronies; the connected; etc, p!ss down their backs and tell them its raining.

That was one of the hardest concepts to explain to my wife.

Wifey...... "why you angry"

Me ...... "I'm not angry, I'm frustrated, it's not the same thing"

This would happen frequently during our house construction and in almost any dealings with the local Amphur.

"Why do I have to bribe somebody to do the job they get paid for?"

Oh... that's right, their salary is a pittance for one reason or another, actually, just one reason.

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

Actually terry, not wishing to offend but this post of yours sound a lot like moaning. Me, I never moan except when:

My beer is warm

my tea is weak

a BG insists on payment for services

it's too hot

it's raining

it's day instead of night

Thais won't learn English

farangs won't learn Thai

my neighbours are noisy

there are too many farangs in Phuket

Thai doesn't understand farang customs

You see, be like me, take the day as it's given you. Easy, isn't it?

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

Gotta love the irony

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