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Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen, in guilty plea, says made payments at candidate's direction


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4 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

Lanny Davis, a Clinton Sycophant....coincidence?


Are you going to post every single Fox News chyron?


"Are cats getting taller" Fox & Friends



Lanny Davis is a DC lawyer, everyone knows he was on Bill Clinton's impeachment team.


tRUmp hired Emmet Flood in May, replacing Ty Cobb. Flood also represented Bill Clinton during the impeachment. Coincidence?





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On 8/22/2018 at 7:39 AM, jimmyyy said:

Cohen Lied to save his skin. The real truth will come out when the investigation of what the DNC did begins, which will be shortly. 

You m an running a shadow government in coordination with the wizards?

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On 8/21/2018 at 6:44 PM, bendejo said:

Can't help but thinking of Al Capone here -- for all he did, what brought him down was tax evasion.

All this Cohen stuff, when you get down to the core of the whole mess, had to do with DT dipping his wick.  And of course yapping off.  You'd think someone over 70 would know when to keep their mouth shut.

And someone that thinks their a gangster 

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4 hours ago, bendejo said:

I've read a few things that claim Eric is the smart one, keeping The Family Business running while the rest are making America grate again.

Remember all those years when we thought Jeb was the smarter brother? 

Most likely spends most of his time in the laundry room keeping track of which machine the money is in!

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question to ask yourself is:  despite the obvious swamp, why do 40% continue to support him.

I believe,  they sense the 'game is rigged' , and he is trying to do something different , despite the terrible incompetent results, they still prefer  someone in charge, who they believe is against 'big government' , because they have conflated government, taxes, etc, with the real evil which is neoliberalism.


opoid death crisis, is just a US twist on the 300,000  India Farmer suicides

Edited by suaychat
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2 hours ago, suaychat said:

question to ask yourself is:  despite the obvious swamp, why do 40% continue to support him.

I believe,  they sense the 'game is rigged' , and he is trying to do something different , despite the terrible incompetent results, they still prefer  someone in charge, who they believe is against 'big government' , because they have conflated government, taxes, etc, with the real evil which is neoliberalism.


opoid death crisis, is just a US twist on the 300,000  India Farmer suicides

I think it is much worse: a big part of society wants MAWA. Latent racists who want to go back 30 years.

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32 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Speaking of "just plain idiots", over half of Republicans believe that Hillary was involved in a child sex ring run out of pizza parlors, and a similar number still believe Obama was born in Kenya:






I couldn't find a poll on how many believe Qanon is a real deep state mole.


This gives an idea of the intellectual caliber of many Trump supporters.

Half of them probably also believe the world has been created in 7 days.....

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On 8/22/2018 at 3:49 AM, bristolboy said:

"Trump will be judged by Congress...most of whom have done far worse than he is being accused of, and are likely terrified of setting a precedent that could come back on them.
Most members of congress have done far worse? Evidence?

The evidence is that they are in congress. For pure corruption look at the Kennedy Clan. Trump has nothing on them.

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1 hour ago, The manic said:

The evidence is that they are in congress. For pure corruption look at the Kennedy Clan. Trump has nothing on them.

Oh, look here; look there;  look anywhere, but don't look at Trump.   Nice deflection, but no cigar.   


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2 minutes ago, Credo said:

Oh, look here; look there;  look anywhere, but don't look at Trump.   Nice deflection, but no cigar.   


It's not deflection its comparison and context.  Joe Kennedy and his clan and Mayor Daley were far more corrupt.  The subject here is not just Trump but political corruption. 

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1 hour ago, The manic said:

It's not deflection its comparison and context.  Joe Kennedy and his clan and Mayor Daley were far more corrupt.  The subject here is not just Trump but political corruption. 

The subject here is "Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen, in guilty plea, says made payments at candidate's direction".

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AP: National Enquirer hid damaging Trump stories in a safe


WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Enquirer kept a safe containing documents on hush money payments and other damaging stories it killed as part of its cozy relationship with Donald Trump leading up to the 2016 presidential election, people familiar with the arrangement told The Associated Press.


The detail came as several media outlets reported on Thursday that federal prosecutors had granted immunity to National Enquirer chief David Pecker, potentially laying bare his efforts to protect his longtime friend Trump.


Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty this week to campaign finance violations alleging he, Trump and the tabloid were involved in buying the silence of a porn actress and a Playboy model who alleged affairs with Trump.



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12 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

It’s 40% because the USA has an awful lot of racists, xenophobes,  misogynists, religious nuts and just plain idiots. 

Perhaps there is a genuine need to shake things up but this idea of “big government” is more akin to a conspiracy theory than anything else as there really is little evidence that parties in power are working against the good of the people except oddly enough, this Republicans administration and this incompetent POTUS. 

I do however agree that neoliberalism has gone too far and people get easily confused with what on the face of it seems a simple idea but doesn’t take enough account of people’s inherant greed and a “me, me, me” attitude that seems to be the norm these days.

But sorry, Ive no idea what your last paragraph means never mind what it’s trying to say. 

no ridiculous assumptions and generalizations here ....let alone the phony sense of superiority

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25 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

maybe he is highlighting a blatant double standard?



No, it's a feeble attempt at deflection.Maybe you should take a look at the title of the thread as well:


"Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen, in guilty plea, says made payments at candidate's direction".


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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

Speaking of "just plain idiots", over half of Republicans believe that Hillary was involved in a child sex ring run out of pizza parlors, and a similar number still believe Obama was born in Kenya:






I couldn't find a poll on how many believe Qanon is a real deep state mole.


This gives an idea of the intellectual caliber of many Trump supporters.

well it must be true then if you believe it

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2 minutes ago, Becker said:

No, it's a feeble attempt at deflection.Maybe you should take a look at the title of the thread as well:


"Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen, in guilty plea, says made payments at candidate's direction".


no, but keep pretending, while deflecting yourself

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Cohen’s guilty plea has opened the door for Avenatti to petition the judge in the ‘Stormy Danniels’ case to allow the case to continue (it was placed on hold on the basis it might prejudice Cohen in his defence against the crimes he just pleaded guilty to).


If, as is almost certain, the judge lifts the ‘hold’ Avenatti will depose Cohen and then depose Trump.


Illiberals Get your denial glasses on, the truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out!

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