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Gullty Or Not


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In August 1995 stool pigeon of the Phuket gazette published an article about me and i would like to use Thai visa to let people know the truth.I was in Patong,soi Kepsab to be exact,i was playing darts for my friends team,in the bar was a Thai guy that i knew,his name was K.Ghee.I had known him for some years,i didnt like him we had our differences before.In fact the first time i met K.Ghee he and 2 Thai women spiked my drink,if it had not been for my friend i dare to think what would have happened.It was so bad the next day my friend urged me to got thump him but i declined,anything for peace on holiday.Every time i met K.Ghee after that he always goaded me or insulted me, this carried on for a few years.He obviously thought i was afraid of him,i knew the time would come when he would find out otherwise.

On the night in question,i was in Piccadily bar in soi Kepsab,having a nice time playing darts but k.Ghee who was also in the bar kept calling me over and asking me "are you shy"and "are you afraid of me".Not wanting any trouble both myself and my girlfriend left the bar as soon as the darts match was finished.YES! K.Ghee followed us out into the street,he called my name,came over and grabbed my arm.He told me he had no money and demanded i give him some,i told him to let go of my arm but once again he demanded money.i tried to pull away but he tightened his grip.I then looked straight at him,he was smiling sarcastically at me,enough i thought "let my f*****g arm go"i said"money" he replied. BANG! was my answer.I head butted him,i then sidestepped to deliver blows 2/3 maybe 4 but i could see that his eyes were closing and the 1st hit had been a knockout blow.I left Phuket the next day with my girlfriend,i knew the police would be looking for me.Well a farlang hitting a Thai,of course they would.My friends kept me informed of developments in Phuket,apparently K.Ghee had to go to hospital and have an operation on his head.He died six months later in his home town of Nohn Kai.

Am i sorry he is dead ? Yes of course i am.

Was i sorry i hit him ?No,in my opinion i had no option.

Do i feel guilty ?No,i was the one that left the bar,he was the one that followed me into the street.It is a sad sequence of events.

The reason i am writing this is because stool pigeon of the Phuket gazette wrote an article on this "mindless assault"as he put it,and i would like as many people as possible to know the truth.

In his half page article,stool pigeonof the Phuket gazette wrote that i ran up to K.Ghee in the street and punched him for no reason.

Everyone in Patong knew i had head butted K.Ghee.I even e-mailed stool pigeon to let him know this.

Stool pigeon then went on to say K.Ghees wife K.Supin was there and witnessed everything everything.

K.Ghee never had a wife and some basic investigative journalism would have revealed that he was sitting with 3 farlang guys that night.In fact in a later edition of the gazette his "wife"was changed to girlfriend.

Stool pigeon then wrote that on seeing what i had done i "apologized profusely"how can i apologize to someone that has been knocked out cold.

Stool pigeon then wrote,they could not print my name(though they knew who i was),in my e-mail i gave him full permission to print my name.

K.Supin siad in the gazette"everyone liked K.Ghee,he is wonderful and one of the nicest people in Thailand.I bet Eva Braun would have said the same about Hitler.

I could go on and on about the trivial rubbish written about me in the Phuket gazette but i leave the garbage up to those that write it.

I in vited stool pigeon to speak to the dart team at the Picadilly bar or speak to the only witness,i even gave him her phone number,stool pigeon did neither.However he did print an apology,not much bigger than a postage stamp,hardly a rival for his original half page garbage,

In my country there is a law of self defense.I have sometimes thought of going to Patong to try to clear my name but the thought of being in a Thai court,farlang v Thai,i would not rate my chances.Anyway with people like stool pigeon running around depicting me as some sort of Hannibal Lector or anti Christ i do not think i will bother.

It IS sad that this man is dead but for me on the other hand i would rather be here and alive than a headline on a newspaper or forum somewhere reading. BRITISH MAN DIES IN HOLIDAY ROBBERY.

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mazimus, i don't know how long this thread will stay open. I'm not too sure if the content is against ThaiVisa rules. Personally, i'd like it to stay open as it could lead to some very interesting debate (and hopefully not a flame fest) but let's see what the mods think first.

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In August 1995 stool pigeon of the Phuket gazette published an article about me and i would like to use Thai visa to let people know the truth.

If i were you i would keep my head down. You don't do yourself any service by coming with such a story here.

Fact is, that what you did was an assault, and it will be very difficult to explain this away as self defence at a court. I am not judging you here, and what you did was maybe what the guy deserved (not that he later died, of course). But if the courts are not following this up, then you would be lucky, and should let it rest. If the courts are indeed following this up - then you should get a good lawyer, and not post this here.

Let sleeping dogs lie...

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In August 1995 stool pigeon of the Phuket gazette published an article about me and i would like to use Thai visa to let people know the truth.

If i were you i would keep my head down. You don't do yourself any service by coming with such a story here.

Fact is, that what you did was an assault, and it will be very difficult to explain this away as self defence at a court. I am not judging you here, and what you did was maybe what the guy deserved (not that he later died, of course). But if the courts are not following this up, then you would be lucky, and should let it rest. If the courts are indeed following this up - then you should get a good lawyer, and not post this here.

Let sleeping dogs lie...

Exactly let sleeping dogs lie......

Extraditions TO Thailand are quite rare but they do happen

I guess he is well out of the country and if so do not come back

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