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Canada PM indicates he will not bend on key NAFTA demands at talks


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59 minutes ago, blazes said:


If one includes the sentences after this reference (above), we will see this:


"After graduating, he worked as a teacher in Vancouver, British Columbia. He completed one year of an engineering program at Montreal's École Polytechnique, from 2002 to 2003, and one year of a master's program in environmental geography at McGill University, from 2004 to 2005. He advocated for various causes [sic], and portrayed a cousin [sic] in the 2007 TV miniseries The Great War.[7]"


Anyone who knows anything about university education will immediately see that little Trudeau is a dilettante....wandering from subject to subject, never quite managing to finish the course, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.... a rank amateur.


His original job as Drama teacher in Vancouver was the nearest kind of job to suit his personality and position in life....he is an amateur actor....a fake....and most Canadians who are not ideologically blind can see this.  

Trudeau approval 55%. Compare that to Trump's 60% disapproval reported last week. Maybe you should check with those "most Canadians" again.



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33 minutes ago, pegman said:

Trudeau approval 55%. Compare that to Trump's 60% disapproval reported last week. Maybe you should check with those "most Canadians" again.




Thanks to Bully Trump, little Justin has had a temporary bump up in the polls.  [Read all your own reference above where this point is made, so that even the new (Conservative) Premier of Ontario supports Trudeau].

Many (though perhaps not most!) Canadians would rush to "protect" justin against Trump simply because Trudeau "represents" (for the time being) the Canadian nation.


We can have this discussion more intelligently a little over a year from now when the real poll comes around.  (Btw, if, as you say, you are a socialist, I wonder how you can rush to the defence of so grotesque a capitalist as Trudeau.  Ok, not 'grotesque'...how about "hypocritical"?)


In the meantime, take a look (for what it's worth) at the poll results for the last few months:


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11 minutes ago, blazes said:


Thanks to Bully Trump, little Justin has had a temporary bump up in the polls.  [Read all your own reference above where this point is made, so that even the new (Conservative) Premier of Ontario supports Trudeau].

Many (though perhaps not most!) Canadians would rush to "protect" justin against Trump simply because Trudeau "represents" (for the time being) the Canadian nation.


We can have this discussion more intelligently a little over a year from now when the real poll comes around.  (Btw, if, as you say, you are a socialist, I wonder how you can rush to the defence of so grotesque a capitalist as Trudeau.  Ok, not 'grotesque'...how about "hypocritical"?)


In the meantime, take a look (for what it's worth) at the poll results for the last few months:


Feeling nostalgic?

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7 hours ago, blazes said:


Excellent summary.  It is all too rare on TV to find someone able to step back and view the big picture (rather than obsessing about everyday details fed to us by CNN and other "fake news" outlets- fake, not cos they are lying necessarily, but simply cos they fail to see, like here, the larger picture and feed us what is, essentially, propaganda).

I presume you're referring to propaganda like this " Canada could offer to drop the dairy tariff, but I never see this considered. "?

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8 hours ago, Ulic said:

Trudeau, is an idiot, Trump, is an even bigger idiot. The US subsidizes its agricultural industry to the tune of 24 billion dollars a year. The EU does the same. Canada supports the dairy farmers through a quota system ensuring price stability but which Canadian consumers pay a premium price for dairy products. (estimated at an extra $ 1,400 Canadian dollars a year for a family of four) The dairy farmers are no longer mom and pop family owned businesses. Milk quotas have been

consolidated by big dairy corporations. They make a fortune and have a strong political lobby.  They sell the support the small family farm message and hide the big agro-corporation reality. As for the US. They are nobodies allies. They change with the wind. If you agree/support their political view, you are an ally. The US supports only those who support their viewpoint. In the past 70 years, nobody has done more to medal in foreign governments/elections that the US.  South America, Central America, Asia, the Middle East. The number of countries that the US has installed or supported a coup de tat is endless. Russia simply plays on Facebook and there is outrage. As far as trade is concerned Canada is not Americas manufacturing decline problem.  Mexico, where the minimum wage is 65 cents an hour, and the auto industry pays $1.50 an hour  is. Big business wants to maximize profits. They don't give a crap about the American/Canadian public. Then there is China. Stealing intellectual property and forcing technology transfer. This is true, but I do laugh at the international corporations who complain. They could leave manufacturing in North America, and avoid these problems. But they want the cheap  Chinese/Asian manufacturing.


The problem is the regulations forcing local partnerships which split profits and transfer technology to people who will soon be your competitors. Companies love to complain, even when the solution is plainly in front of them. Keep manufacturing in North America/Europe.  Take Burberry as an example. They sell a scarf for 200 Euro/Pounds. It costs 5 Pounds to manufacture

the scarf in the UK. It costs only 3.50 Pounds to manufacture the scarf in China. So they move production to China to increase profits from an already exceptionally high-profit margin product.  Then they moan and complain about counterfeit products made in China. 


Personally, I don't trust any politician or any political party. They all have some good ideas but they are corrupted by trying to stay in power and doing there handlers bidding. In Asia/Africa it is about lining their own pockets. In Western countries, it is about staying in power. 

So much wrong here. Basically, if Burberry's chooses not to manufacture in China or Vietenam or Bangladesh, someone else will. The real problem for workers in American society is the lack of a social safety net. If health care was treated as a right, as it mostly is in the developed economies of Europe, that alone would vastly improve their lives. Instead you have Trump and company trying to destroy health care support for the poor and working poor. And to get a university education, unless you have the foresight to be born to wealthy parents or be extraordinarily gifted you have to indenture yourself to banks. As long as the USA leads in income inequality, and Trump's tax bill only exacerbates that, the middle class and skilled blue-collar class will continue to decline.

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1 hour ago, blazes said:



We can have this discussion more intelligently a little over a year from now when the real poll comes around.  (Btw, if, as you say, you are a socialist, I wonder how you can rush to the defence of so grotesque a capitalist as Trudeau.  Ok, not 'grotesque'...how about "hypocritical"?)

You may have missed this:


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USA has been unfair to Canada, many times in fact. When the Hudson Hope dam was built, the USA got such a deal on electricity that there was no profit for 23 years. So I consider Trump and many people as liars. I do hope that Trudeau does get a fair NAFTA deal but I certainly will not hold my breath.


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39 minutes ago, pegman said:


Well, now that I have read this May 29 article, I am left wondering what point you were trying to make.  Surely not that the Federal Government's purchase of  the Trans Mountain is evidence of ...what..their potentially socialist inclination?  Or that this state-owned capitalist enterprise may one day, if it can ever satisfy the West Coast Nimbys or the remaining indigenous communities, turn a handy buck or two?

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4 minutes ago, blazes said:


Well, now that I have read this May 29 article, I am left wondering what point you were trying to make.  Surely not that the Federal Government's purchase of  the Trans Mountain is evidence of ...what..their potentially socialist inclination?  Or that this state-owned capitalist enterprise may one day, if it can ever satisfy the West Coast Nimbys or the remaining indigenous communities, turn a handy buck or two?

Trudeau showed he's not immune from nationalizing private enterprise when warrented. I wish he would bring back Petro Canada. Norway started StatOil about the same time P.E.T. was blackmailed by the NDP into starting PetroCan. Norway now has a sovereign wealth fund worth $1T. We after sweet #>€^<|\ because Mulroney dismantled PetroCan.  

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46 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

French are a bloody pest, they caused the Vietnam War, abuse internationa fishing ground , flood Europe with Islams, make Canada look weak, Vancouver is nice though the Brits keep em out.?emoji481.png

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Chinese booted the Brits from Vancouver long ago.

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