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Anti-immigration party set for election gains as Sweden swings right


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Anti-immigration party set for election gains as Sweden swings right

By Simon Johnson


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Ulf Kristersson, leader of the Moderate Party and Stefan Lofven, leader of the Social Democratic Party during a party duel broadcast by Sweden's tv-channel TV4 from Linkoping, Sweden September 8, 2018. TT News Agency/Anders Wiklund/via REUTERS


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedes vote on Sunday in a tight election dominated by fears over asylum and welfare, with the populist, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats vying to become the biggest party in a country long seen as a bastion of economic stability and liberal values.


Far-right parties have made spectacular gains throughout Europe in recent years following a refugee crisis sparked by civil war in Syria and ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and parts of Africa.


In Sweden, the influx of 163,000 asylum seekers in 2015 has polarised voters, fractured the cosy political consensus and could give the Sweden Democrats, a party with roots in the neo-Nazi fringe, a veto over which parties form the next government.


"Traditional parties have failed to respond to the sense of discontent that exists," Magnus Blomgren, a social scientist at Umea University.


"That discontent maybe isn't directly related to unemployment or the economy, but simply a loss of faith in the political system. Sweden isn't alone in this."


The centre-left bloc, uniting the minority governing Social Democrat and Green parties with the Left Party, is backed by about 40 percent of voters, recent opinion polls indicate, with a slim lead over the centre-right Alliance bloc.


The Sweden Democrats, who want the country to leave the European Union and put a freeze on immigration, have about 17 percent, up from the 13 percent they scored in the 2014 vote, opinion polls suggest.


But their support was widely underestimated before the last election and some online surveys give them as much as 25 percent, a result that would likely make them the biggest party, dethroning the Social Democrats for the first time in a century.


That could weaken the Swedish crown in the short term, but analysts do not see any long-term effect on markets from the election as economic growth is strong, government coffers are well stocked and there is broad agreement about the thrust of economic policy.




Sweden has flirted with populism before. New Democracy, founded by an aristocrat and a record producer, won nearly 7 percent of the vote in 1991 promising strict immigration policies, cheaper alcohol and free parking, before crashing out of parliament only three years later.


But if the Sweden Democrats get a quarter of the vote, it would be a sensation in a country described as a "humanitarian superpower" by then Moderate party prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt in 2014.


It would also make them the biggest populist party in the Nordic region, topping the Danish People's Party, which got 21 percent in 2015, and trump the 12.6 percent for the far-right Alternative for Germany which swept into the Bundestag in 2017.


With an eye on the European Parliament elections next year, Brussels policymakers are watching the vote in Sweden closely, concerned that a nation with impeccable democratic credentials could add to the growing chorus of euroscepticism in the EU.


Sweden took in more asylum seekers per capita than any other country in Europe in 2015, magnifying worries about a welfare system that many voters already believe is in crisis.


Lengthening queues for critical operations, shortages of doctors and teachers and a police service that has failed to deal with inner-city gang violence have shaken faith in the "Swedish model", built on a promise of comprehensive welfare and social inclusion.


Sweden Democrat leader Jimmie Akesson has labelled the vote a choice between immigration and welfare.


He has also promised to sink any government that refuses to give his party a say in policy, particularly on immigration.


Mainstream politicians have so far rebuffed him.


But with some kind of cooperation between parties in the centre-left and centre-right blocs the only other alternative out of the current political deadlock, analysts believe Akesson may yet end up with some influence on policy.


With both options unpalatable to the traditional players, forming a government could take weeks.


Polling stations open at 0600 GMT and close at 1800 GMT, with exit polls set be published by Sweden's two main broadcasters around that time. Results from the vote count will become clear later in the evening.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-09
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Current government has already tightened asylum seeker / immigration criteria and numbers. Voting for Swedish Democrats would be similar to cutting off your nose to spite your face. Plus manifesto budget policies are highly questionable.

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30 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

The Left politicians do not understand the differences between a subculture and a counter culture. Their lack of emphasis upon immigrants assimilating has led to balkanization. To compound the problem, they label people that do not agree with them as racist.

Read the Swedish Democrats manifesto - makes a nonsense of your claim -  they wish to cut funding for integration for asylum seekers / refugees

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2 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

I did not mention the "Swedish Democrats." Perhaps you should read - rather than react:

" The Left politicians do not understand the differences between a subculture and a counter culture. Their lack of emphasis upon immigrants assimilating has led to balkanization. To compound the problem, they label people that do not agree with them as racist. "

No you did not mention Swedish Democrats, but they are the OP subject matter. However make an effort at comprehension.  i.e. the Swedish Democrats wish to cut funding for migrant integration projects therefore will contribute further social discord which completely undermines your right wing propaganda. Trust you now understand the stupidity.

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2 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

Good news indeed. Better than getting raped, burned and pillaged. 

But you have to remember in the days of the Vikings, those Nordic ruffians,  did often enjoy  a jolly jaunt to the UK for the odd spot of rape and pillaging.  ?

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32 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and the Social Democrats party might be heading for one of the most catastrophic elections since the 1940’s, losing foothold in cities unimaginable only 2-3 years ago. The party’s left-wing politics has been stronger in Sweden than in almost any other country since its parliamentary-democratic breakthrough in 1917, but now the era of the left might be coming to an end. Throughout the summer, a spectacular rise in support for far-right Sweden Democrats has seen the party gaining ground with their eurosceptic and anti-immigration policies.



My BIL lives in Sweden and what this article says, and all the others, are in his words 'Fake News'.  Swedes are not against immigration. The reality is that Swedes have had enough of bad immigrants who are committing so much crime and social disharmony, and they have had enough of a Government that refuses to do anything about it because of left-wing PC lunacy, and they have had a gutful of the EU demanding that they take more and more of them, and they see what has happened in the UK and they want out of the EU too.  How many Swedes will rise up and vote for change, we will see in a few hours - hopefully it is enough to 'take Sweden back'.



The beginning of the end of WW3? but this time it's a financial war.

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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

No you did not mention Swedish Democrats, but they are the OP subject matter. However make an effort at comprehension.  i.e. the Swedish Democrats wish to cut funding for migrant integration projects therefore will contribute further social discord which completely undermines your right wing propaganda. Trust you now understand the stupidity.

Right, because the Sweden Democrats don't want integration, but assimilation. And what have the millions of crowns spent on integration projects actually produced for results? What about the grand scheme of breeding camels? Or makeup classes for muslim women? Or goat keeping? Or the many occupation and training programs which they spend millions on and which in the end only produce a handful of graduates?


It's how you spend the money that counts.

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The moronic forces will be strong with this elections. 


Perhaps we should stop and think again, how the immigration happens in our countries. 


What has happened in Sweden, has not been well controlled introduction of new cultures to the Swedish society. What has happened over the last decades has been a mess. Really.


Sweden became occupied by the feminist movement, which, like chauvinism was a selfish movement and didn't want to see others as people, instead they saw others just as objects.


Quite like in USA politics, if you are not with us, you are against us. 


That's not the way to create societies and we see the results of that behaviour in today's Sweden. It's not working that well. 


Supporting the social leftist Swedish Democrats party is not an answer to any of these problems. Finding a centric party, which can redefine how the society should work for everyone, would be the answer. 

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4 minutes ago, the guest said:

Unfortunately the dirty tricks campaign is starting also to hit the headlines, like SD ballot papers going missing, amongst other things, so voters are not able to choose their party of choice. So much for democracy, Sweden unfortunately is the canary in the mine.


Bring in a load of immigrants at the expense of everybody else, no wonder the country is going to the dogs, especially when you consider how small the population really is. Any slight movement in a negative way, will have a dramatic impact on quality of life. Hence the fiasco which Sweden finds itself.


Are you working for GRU to create confusion?


Seriously voting in Nordic countries is taken very seriously. 

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What I find so surprising is that so many people are surprised by a "swing" to the right. There was no swing as the views have been present all along. It's just that these people did not have a political party with which to express their views.

Sweden has a long history of extreme right wing views. What it has done so well is to cover up those sentiments and its nasty history with the veneer of social righteousness.


I doubt anyone in TVF is aware that Sweden actively persecuted Romani people until the EU forced it to curtail these human rights violations in the mid 1990's and to stop in 2000. Up until the mid 1950's, there was a eugenics policy in effect against the Romani. Discrimination and government sanctioned bias is nothing new in Sweden. Even Swedish people do not wish to accept this, because it is a subject that is taboo.


People have the impression that Sweden is a beacon of social responsibility, a peaceful people.   Not really.  It becomes even more laughable when Swedes wag their fingers at others;

Swedish exports of military equipment came to a total of 11.3 billion kronor ($1.38 billion) in 2017, up 2 percent from the year before. Markets include the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. https://www.thelocal.se/20180226/swedish-arms-exports-topped-11-billion-kronor-last-year

 I don't have an issue with those sales, but what I do have an issue is the hypocrisy of the country that criticizes others for making similar sales. This illustrates the PR spin that supports the false claim of moral superiority and covers up the presence of these extremist sentiments.


The most blatant example of extremist actions was Sweden's history of active collaboration with Nazi Germany. It allowed the transport of the German military  through Sweden to attack and enslave Norway. It sold the iron ore needed to build the  munitions and  weapons of war that killed kill millions. Unlike the brave and courageous people of Denmark, there was no resistance, just profiteering on a  national scale, and because of that many Swedes made their fortunes; Fortunes which still exist today.. After the war,  little was done to confront this shameful part of Sweden's conduct. Instead it was actively covered up. 


In TVF we often read about the ignorance of Thais and their nation's role in WWII. well, Swedish school children and its adults are for the most part unaware of Swedish history. In the past these extreme "right wing" views manifested as extreme "left wing" views. Nothing much has changed except that instead of attacking minorities under the banner of social democracy, they will do it now under the banner of national identity.

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The first real exit poll information.


#SwedenElection TV4 exit poll of 5,500 (first one...SVT at 2000):
Social Dems: 25,4%

Moderates: 18.4%
Sweden Dems: 16.3%
Left: 9.8%

Center: 9.4%

Greens: 5.8%
Liberals: 5.7%
Christian Dems: 6.6%

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Another exit poll


Sweden, SVT exit poll:

S-S&D: 26.2%
SD-ECR: 19.2%
M-EPP: 17.8%
V-LEFT: 9.0%
C-ALDE: 8.9%
KD-EPP: 7.4%
MP-G/EFA: 4.2%
L-ALDE: 5.5%

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4 hours ago, Myran said:

Right, because the Sweden Democrats don't want integration, but assimilation. And what have the millions of crowns spent on integration projects actually produced for results? What about the grand scheme of breeding camels? Or makeup classes for muslim women? Or goat keeping? Or the many occupation and training programs which they spend millions on and which in the end only produce a handful of graduates?


It's how you spend the money that counts.

It's how you spend the money that counts. - Agreed. However the Sweden Democrats are proposing cutting all funding, which is the point I'm making. Ain't constructive is it.

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9 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

What I find so surprising is that so many people are surprised by a "swing" to the right. There was no swing as the views have been present all along. It's just that these people did not have a political party with which to express their views.

Sweden has a long history of extreme right wing views. What it has done so well is to cover up those sentiments and its nasty history with the veneer of social righteousness.


I doubt anyone in TVF is aware that Sweden actively persecuted Romani people until the EU forced it to curtail these human rights violations in the mid 1990's and to stop in 2000. Up until the mid 1950's, there was a eugenics policy in effect against the Romani. Discrimination and government sanctioned bias is nothing new in Sweden. Even Swedish people do not wish to accept this, because it is a subject that is taboo.


People have the impression that Sweden is a beacon of social responsibility, a peaceful people.   Not really.  It becomes even more laughable when Swedes wag their fingers at others;

Swedish exports of military equipment came to a total of 11.3 billion kronor ($1.38 billion) in 2017, up 2 percent from the year before. Markets include the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. https://www.thelocal.se/20180226/swedish-arms-exports-topped-11-billion-kronor-last-year

 I don't have an issue with those sales, but what I do have an issue is the hypocrisy of the country that criticizes others for making similar sales. This illustrates the PR spin that supports the false claim of moral superiority and covers up the presence of these extremist sentiments.


The most blatant example of extremist actions was Sweden's history of active collaboration with Nazi Germany. It allowed the transport of the German military  through Sweden to attack and enslave Norway. It sold the iron ore needed to build the  munitions and  weapons of war that killed kill millions. Unlike the brave and courageous people of Denmark, there was no resistance, just profiteering on a  national scale, and because of that many Swedes made their fortunes; Fortunes which still exist today.. After the war,  little was done to confront this shameful part of Sweden's conduct. Instead it was actively covered up. 


In TVF we often read about the ignorance of Thais and their nation's role in WWII. well, Swedish school children and its adults are for the most part unaware of Swedish history. In the past these extreme "right wing" views manifested as extreme "left wing" views. Nothing much has changed except that instead of attacking minorities under the banner of social democracy, they will do it now under the banner of national identity.

Swing to the right? The far right Democrat party gained 3pts from last election. Their meager 17% means they are still out of government. Better luck elsewhere. That breakout polling predicting 25% turned out to be Fake News. Well done Sweden.

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well done?

SD will still be the 3rd largest party, almost 2nd


unless the 2 centre blocks cooperate (which would be somewhat odd)

you cannot rule without support/blessing from SD, which will come at a price


in some const. the race is quite close for the final seats

guess one has to wait until Wednesday for final seat distribution


early votes and votes from abroad will have to be counted

such votes tend to be more right oriented  than left oriented







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The Establishment parties will keep the new kids out for now but they have made significant gains and it will likely continue to do so if the Government cannot put its own people first. 

The next election could be very interesting if Sweden wants to stay in the EU it will have to switch from the Krona to the Euro and I am not sure the Swedes will like that and by that time the UK will have been gone for 6 years how will the UK's fortunes effect the Swede's view of the future?

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