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Big Joke to fly to England to interview teen who claimed rape on Koh Tao


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13 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

A prediction ;

No meeting will actually take place between Big Joke and the alleged rape victim.

Only the generals explanation for the cancellation will be reported by the thai media.

Any alternative explanations will be referred to the relevent authorities with a view to possible prosecution under the computer crimes legislation.

More likely the girl will find an excuse to pull out of the interview. Probably claim phycological trauma and too emotionally upset over her ALLEGED drug and rape ordeal.  


Now this girl is being called out on this and has a chance to state her case on her own ground. Big Joke is giving her this opportunity.


I guarantee nothing positive will come from her statements, simply because the phantom rapist doesn`t exist and it did not happen.

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1 minute ago, Kadilo said:

That’s a really strong statement to make unless you’re in the know. 

You seem to have a real dislike of this lady, or a deeper agenda. 


I`ve already explained several times. The girl`s story is full of holes and doesn`t make sense. And what I do know that if something does not compute or make sense, then it`s normally not true. It`s not prejudice, this is common sense. So I`ll say again; the phantom rapist doesn`t exist and the rape did not happen.

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Let him go.
He can take a few photos of the bar staff and from other characters running around on Koh Tao there.
If there should be a recognition from a rapist face,
he should also take the DNA sequence of the T-shirt with him.
If that exists then.
Then a DNA reconciliation could be done locally in Koh Tao.
That would be a fine police work.

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6 hours ago, bannork said:

The woman in question has refused to give any interviews to any UK newspapers except The Times and The Sun.

Has it occurred to you Murdoch might well have forced her to sign a contract forbidding any interviews with any other media?


If this is true, then its all about selling papers, for this reason who do you think will pay for the Legal representation in England, any 2nd year law student would know enough to play rings around our famous Mr. Joke, she would not have to say anything, because under the Westminster system she has the right for legal council.    If this was to happen Murdock would make a killing the next Newspaper to hit the streets


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15 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I don't know.


But, in the past, when he's been doing his weekly farang visa overstayer rousts/raids, he's always seemingly relied on subordinates to speak in English with those arrested. So that might be one clue as to his level of English fluency.


That does not prove the assertion.  It is useful to use a qualified interpreter even if he does understand English.  This method allows him to hear the answer direct and observe the respondent's body language whilst their words are being translated; this will often lead to some reasonable insight and assessment of the respondent's story.  Quite often the respondent will lower their estimation of the interrogator because they think he does not speak their language, and they can then make mistakes in their responses.

Or your guess could be right.

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Does he have a UK work visa? hope he meets the FEMALE head of Scotland yard and see's all those other Females that are working in the UK,s police,and i also hope the press pick up the fact about Thai Police not allowing women anymore and their known corruption.


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