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German domestic security agency failed to act on AfD concerns - media


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7 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

No, it's not (But I am not surprised you're spreading wrong information.) 

Not sure what "Islamic expansionism" you're talking about, but maybe you should consult a therapist for your paranoia.

he is absolutely right for merkel's ill gotten muslim migrant policy imported antisemitism tremendouly even antisemite slaugthers like suzanna a jewish innocent 14 yrs. old girl, we are mourning her in our jewish community. is that right ???




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7 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

mrs petry is not a afd member, so what ??

She was chair of the AfD when she met with Mr. Maaßen. Maybe check the facts next time before posting?


7 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

videos others than  left wing extremist " antifa zecken=ticks" video  where ??

One is bad enough.




7 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

or like berlin lichtenberg afd stand being set up by certain  people  hiring people like a foreigner to be chased by right wingers in a made up ??

So another incident where foreigners where chased by right-wing idiots?


7 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

where are the leaked news , internal police reports ??

Come on,  you can use Google yourself: https://www.google.co.th/search?q=chemnitz+interner+polizei+bericht


7 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

everything happened prior to 2018, concerning mr. maassen is red tape of the past.

Oh, so first you write he did nothing wrong; now, after it is clear that you were wrong again, we should just forget about it? You right-wing people are hilarious, really. 

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3 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

suzanna a jewish innocent 14 yrs. old girl, we are mourning her in our jewish community. is that right ???

Oh, so because a jewish girl was killed, it is okay to protect neo-nazis attacking foreigners and a jewish restaurant in Chemnitz? May we apply the same logic the other way round and protect antisemitism for every muslim killed by jews? 

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16 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Oh, so because a jewish girl was killed, it is okay to protect neo-nazis attacking foreigners and a jewish restaurant in Chemnitz? May we apply the same logic the other way round and protect antisemitism for every muslim killed by jews? 

who where the people 30 of them attacking the restaurant of my jewish people ??? any identifying them as right wing neo nazis, ??




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2 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

who where the people 30 of them attacking the restaurant of my jewish people ???

That's job of the police. Maybe you check with them but I doubt they'll give you their names.


2 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

any identifying them as right wing neo nazis,

According to the police report, yes.

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7 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Calling people fleeing from war “hostile invaders”, suggesting they should be denied their most basic human rights and forced somewhere, and praising a stupid man that is a disgrace for his country and his position — that all says a lot about you. 


If there’s such thing as a second life I hope you will be born in a country of war and crime without having the chance to chill in sunny 

Your attitude betrays not just the young women of Germany but Arab women only. I met many Arabs   men and women who were in despair about their misfortune of being born in Horrible countries.  But the immigrant invaders are coming from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Tangiers, Algeria, Tunis and many other non war zones. They are illegals just battering their way into Europe.  They are rich.  They are greedy. They pay a fortune to pay people traffickers. Islamic terrorists area fact. Many are sp called refugees or second generation refugees. The targetting of vulnerable white girls in the UK is a fact. These unpalatable truths are difficult for you deal with. One day you will.be woke. Happy New Year Germany.



Google Tahrrush Gamea for yourself then read about the History of Islamic Expansionism from the 9th Century to Present Day. Rather than  blindly follow an ideology inform yourself via education. Read a book sometime. If pressed I will.give you a book list and list of websites to help you. I cant say fairer than that can I?

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23 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

mobs of foreign invaders”


Refugees are not mobs of foreign invaders.


Spend some time learning how they became refugees and who it was who drove them towards Europe’s borders.

Of course there's a good reason why the "refugees" are predominantly young males, which is... ?

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20 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

lets hear also hear about left wing antifa attacks at the g20 summit hamburg, left wing attacks on afd politicians for example member of parliament mr. kaman, afd ....or 2016 new years crimes in cologne committed by asylum seekers





Let's hear about them!


There have been some parked cars on fire and some window got smashed.

Some people got injured in brawls with the police.

Policeman and demonstrators!

All bad enough!

A good part of the demonstrator were identified as "demonstration tourists"- about the same level as football hooligans!

You know, what didn't happen?

No houses were set on fire, where HUMAN BEINGS (although: "only" your hated foreigners) sleep in!

No one was chased through the streets and set on fire or clobbered to death!

No children were p!$$ed on!


Let's talk about crime in Germany!

Lowest crime rate in...forever!


You know, what is weird?

For your points, you have to go back to 2016...

To find attacks from the "right": just go back a few days...after that another few days...then another few days!


Not years!


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18 hours ago, The manic said:

Its also supposed to defend German borders and defend against Islamic expansionism. 

Which it is doing quiet well, if you know the story behind a certain Mr. Fuchs and his merry band of Salafists!

Try facts, sometimes

19 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Hold on one second, there reporting about right wing youths in Germany when you have muslim invaders raping, pillaging and murdering the German people. People cant walk the streets safely. Merkel is getting ready to be booted from her office because of her handling of all this madness. What kind of BS story is this? I'm sure this comment will be blocked. Who cares its the truth. Thailand you better beware if this isn't already happening!

Yeah...ahm...care to show some of these many reports?

Raping, pillaging and murdering?

People can't walk the streets safely?

What alternate reality are you talking about?

Your comment should not be blocked!

It should be left standing as a sure sign of complete idiocy and fact free fear- mongering!

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16 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

I am a proud nationalist and culturalist not fascist. Big difference. Islam is not compatible with Western values because they believe in Sharia law. I believe that countries should largely maintain a national and cultural identity nothing more. The same way that Thailand, China, and Japan are allowed to do. The attacks on Western cultures and sovereignty need to be exposed and stopped. The conspiracies to invade and replace western society needs to be exposed and fought and swiftly struck down.

Are you typing this with your left hand, while the right arm is pointing straight forward and slightly upwards?

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It is a well known fact, that the Verfassungsschutz is a bit visually impaired on the right eye!

Nothing new here!

DKP (the German Kommunist Party) was one of the first parties banned after the war.

NPD, Republikaner, DVU and now AfD are free to spread and prosper any which way they like!


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3 hours ago, harrycallahan said:

Of course there's a good reason why the "refugees" are predominantly young males, which is... ?

Yet another unceasing drum beat from the Right of Centre. Persons with hands on experience with refugees / asylum seekers have explained the issue a number of times. i.e. the younger men are usually taking on the risks on finding safe paths / establishing a presence in the host country etc. Totally logical if you invest a few minutes of thought. The approx 50% who are in fact economic refugees would be a completely different matter as they would not be permitted legal residency, subject to deportation, have minimal access to State support, plus many have been trafficked by criminal gangs. In addition crime statistics from German authorities identify 40% of crimes by 'migrants' are committed by 1% of those arrested.

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14 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

he is absolutely right for merkel's ill gotten muslim migrant policy imported antisemitism tremendouly even antisemite slaugthers like suzanna a jewish innocent 14 yrs. old girl, we are mourning her in our jewish community. is that right ???




You have already been provided to links to German police reports the majority of anti semitic activity is currently committed by the far right. For a change stop lying.

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43 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Yet another unceasing drum beat from the Right of Centre. Persons with hands on experience with refugees / asylum seekers have explained the issue a number of times. i.e. the younger men are usually taking on the risks on finding safe paths / establishing a presence in the host country etc. Totally logical if you invest a few minutes of thought. The approx 50% who are in fact economic refugees would be a completely different matter as they would not be permitted legal residency, subject to deportation, have minimal access to State support, plus many have been trafficked by criminal gangs. In addition crime statistics from German authorities identify 40% of crimes by 'migrants' are committed by 1% of those arrested.

That's correct and that's the reason why people also are more and more concerned by the conséquences of chain migration - which is the major path to legal immigration.     

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19 minutes ago, Opl said:

That's correct and that's the reason why people also are more and more concerned by the conséquences of chain migration - which is the major path to legal immigration.     

Chain migration is not available for 'economic refugees'. In any case currently, most if not all, Western countries are highly restrictive and after vetting completed for immediate family only.

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37 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Chain migration is not available for 'economic refugees'. In any case currently, most if not all, Western countries are highly restrictive and after vetting completed for immediate family only.

Do not limit the perspective to the current situation of these "economic refugees". Chain migration means you'll sooner or later automatically legally multiply the influx of migrants in countries where people express their opinion that there are already today too many foreigners living there legally or illegally - and people looking like foreigners. That's a commonly shared feeling in western countries.   

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2 hours ago, Opl said:

Do not limit the perspective to the current situation of these "economic refugees". Chain migration means you'll sooner or later automatically legally multiply the influx of migrants in countries where people express their opinion that there are already today too many foreigners living there legally or illegally - and people looking like foreigners. That's a commonly shared feeling in western countries.   

So what are you suggesting? Implementation of the likes of the White Australia policy for all Western countries - not a good move for number of reasons which can be easily researched.





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3 hours ago, Opl said:

Do not limit the perspective to the current situation of these "economic refugees". Chain migration means you'll sooner or later automatically legally multiply the influx of migrants in countries where people express their opinion that there are already today too many foreigners living there legally or illegally - and people looking like foreigners. That's a commonly shared feeling in western countries.   

Not if there's a yearly cap on the total number of chain migration candidates who can be admitted. The USA has imposed such a cap.

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6 hours ago, simple1 said:

Yet another unceasing drum beat from the Right of Centre. Persons with hands on experience with refugees / asylum seekers have explained the issue a number of times. i.e. the younger men are usually taking on the risks on finding safe paths / establishing a presence in the host country etc. Totally logical if you invest a few minutes of thought. The approx 50% who are in fact economic refugees would be a completely different matter as they would not be permitted legal residency, subject to deportation, have minimal access to State support, plus many have been trafficked by criminal gangs. In addition crime statistics from German authorities identify 40% of crimes by 'migrants' are committed by 1% of those arrested.


I get the reasons just fine. Doesn't change the optics - which do matter as far as public opinion goes. And if anyone imagines demographics do not play an actual role - try to imagine a hypothetical situation in which the vast majority of refugees/migrants/asylum seekers/whatever reaching Europe would be different (or more balanced).


And, not exactly on topic, perhaps - wonder how this plays out as far as those left behind (in home/host countries) are concerned. There got to be some long term effects.

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12 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Did you read it yourself? Point 1 simply agrees that there should be more girls! 


Do you think the Jews fleeing the Nazis were predominantly male? If your life is in danger you flee. These are opportunists not refugees. 

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1 hour ago, seahorse said:

What does that have to do with my response? I was responding to someone claiming in Germany “have muslim invaders raping, pillaging and murdering the German people. People cant walk the streets safely.“ Complete bullshit. 




Btw, on Friday, a 19 years old German-Maroccan guy was killed by a 17 years old German. I am wondering: Where are all the candlelights, protests, worried citizens, and AfD politicians now? 


Their concerns about safety and crimes, their mourning about a dead guy in Chemnitz — it’s all fake as everything they say claim and say is fake. A pretense to create hatred and stir up the mob.


Truth is:


Most Germans are not much concerned or worried about migrants and refugees coming to their country. That’s the result of a representative study that was carried over the last 3 years (2015-2018) asking almost 10,000 people living in Germany. The score indicates an overall positive Image of the multi-cultural society in Germany. 

- Most respondents support accepting refugees and would even do so if Germany was the only country in the EU doing so;

- Number of respondents who see refugees as a threat for prosperity has slightly declined;

- Most negative attitude and reservations agains refugees was expressed by respondents living where least foreigners live, I.e. east Germanry.


Source: https://www.svr-migration.de/en/publications/ib2018/

The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration is based on an initiative of the Stiftung Mercator and the Volkswagen Foundation. The initiative includes seven member foundations. In addition to the Stiftung Mercator and the Volkswagen Foundation, the member foundations are: Bertelsmann Stiftung, Freudenberg Foundation, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stifterverband and Vodafone Foundation Germany.


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Crime wave



the large and growing incidence of sexual assaults committed by refugees against local women. These were not of the cultural-misunderstanding-date-rape sort, but were vicious, no-preamble attacks on random girls and women, often committed by gangs or packs of young men. At first, the incidents were downplayed or hushed up—no one wanted to provide the right wing with fodder for nationalist agitation, and the hope was that these were isolated instances caused by a small problem group of outliers. As the incidents increased, and because many of them took place in public or because the public became involved either in stopping the attack or in aiding the victim afterwards, and because the courts began issuing sentences as the cases came to trial, the matter could no longer be swept under the carpet of political correctness.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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9 hours ago, Morch said:

And, not exactly on topic, perhaps - wonder how this plays out as far as those left behind (in home/host countries) are concerned. There got to be some long term effects.

It has been identified long term implications for the enormous number of children is lack of education, thereby challenged to access a 'normal' future life upon cessation of hostilities.. Mental health problems, welfare dependency as more often than not refused opportunity to work or exploited by low wages etc, etc

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18 hours ago, simple1 said:

The approx 50% who are in fact economic refugees would be a completely different matter as they would not be permitted legal residency


ONLY 50 % are fakes. This is the Left of Centre. 


P.S. The other half can go back too - wars don't last forever. 

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