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German domestic security agency failed to act on AfD concerns - media


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18 hours ago, Opl said:

Do not limit the perspective to the current situation of these "economic refugees". Chain migration means you'll sooner or later automatically legally multiply the influx of migrants in countries where people express their opinion that there are already today too many foreigners living there legally or illegally - and people looking like foreigners. That's a commonly shared feeling in western countries.   

No it is very well not!

The vast majority of German citizens are FINE with refugees and "people looking like foreigners"!

It is a pipedream of the right, that "people" are afraid!

Some may be!

Mostly the ones, who live in areas, where they have the least amount of refugees!

I am quiet certain, this goes for all other major countries.

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6 hours ago, seahorse said:

the large and growing incidence of sexual assaults committed byrefugees against local women.

What empirical evidence is this assertion based on? Because most statistical data do not show that crimes per capita committed by refugees is significantly higher than the number committed by Germans. 


But i guess I should have stopped reading when the author of your article suggested date-rape is a „cultural misunderstanding“. 

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16 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

What empirical evidence is this assertion based on? Because most statistical data do not show that crimes per capita committed by refugees is significantly higher than the number committed by Germans. 

Well this is from wikipedia, but based on other sources. And I'm sure most of us remember the appalling events in Munich where it was estimated that 1200 women were assaulted by 2000 foreign men - nice way to repay German hospitality. To deny there is a problem isn't going to help. What's needed is a more nuanced approach to refugees, not based on political correctness.


""The statistics show that the asylum-group is highly overrepresented for some types of crime. They account for 14.3 percent of all suspects in crimes against life (which include murder, manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter), 12.2 percent of sexual offences, 11.4 percent of thefts and 9.7 percent of body injuries The report also shows differences between the origin of migrants. Syrians are underrepresented as suspects, whereas citizens from most african countries, especially northern africans are strongly overerrepresented. Afghans and Pakistani are particularly overerrepresented at sexual offenses.[1][8]"


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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

It has been identified long term implications for the enormous number of children is lack of education, thereby challenged to access a 'normal' future life upon cessation of hostilities.. Mental health problems, welfare dependency as more often than not refused opportunity to work or exploited by low wages etc, etc


Are education issues tied with aforementioned demographics? As for economic exploitation and welfare dependency - if so, then it seems the concept of sending the men ahead, and them either providing support from afar or working toward bringing families over doesn't work all that well.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

No it is very well not!

The vast majority of German citizens are FINE with refugees and "people looking like foreigners"!

It is a pipedream of the right, that "people" are afraid!

Some may be!

Mostly the ones, who live in areas, where they have the least amount of refugees!

I am quiet certain, this goes for all other major countries.

You are just denying the fact that - beside the silent majority - far right movements in Europe have rapidly grown since 2001 - this progression being based on public opinion's expressed in polls that people are starting to be concerned and think they want to have control on immigration. And yes you can be born in Germany or in France and look like a foreigner; it was much easier for them a few décades ago than it is now. Wonder why.     

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47 minutes ago, Opl said:

You are just denying the fact that - beside the silent majority - far right movements in Europe have rapidly grown since 2001 - this progression being based on public opinion's expressed in polls that people are starting to be concerned and think they want to have control on immigration. And yes you can be born in Germany or in France and look like a foreigner; it was much easier for them a few décades ago than it is now. Wonder why.     

Still the far right in Germany (AfD) is not a majority force...far from it!

And yeah: I also wonder, why it may be, that life was way easier a few decades ago.

May have something to do with the irresponsible fear mongering by people like you!


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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Are education issues tied with aforementioned demographics? As for economic exploitation and welfare dependency - if so, then it seems the concept of sending the men ahead, and them either providing support from afar or working toward bringing families over doesn't work all that well.

You asked about 'those left behind', large numbers are comprised of children for whom education will be a critical component for the future. Think you will find welfare in UNHCR camps would only be for the basics. not discretionary cash (Scott may wish to shed further light) for other norms of life for their families. In addition you may recall one of the major push factors for attempting sanctuary in the EU was families running out of savings to support themselves in host countries such as Turkey and Lebanon, so not living a wonderful secure financial life were they. Unsure of current conditions, but as you have been advised funding for UNHCR refugee / IDPs support activities in the M.E. is grossly underfunded by the international community. There are funding activities parallel to UNHCR from countries such as KSA, Qatar, UAE, but can't be bothered to research current levels of donations.

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7 hours ago, simple1 said:

You asked about 'those left behind', large numbers are comprised of children for whom education will be a critical component for the future. Think you will find welfare in UNHCR camps would only be for the basics. not discretionary cash (Scott may wish to shed further light) for other norms of life for their families. In addition you may recall one of the major push factors for attempting sanctuary in the EU was families running out of savings to support themselves in host countries such as Turkey and Lebanon, so not living a wonderful secure financial life were they. Unsure of current conditions, but as you have been advised funding for UNHCR refugee / IDPs support activities in the M.E. is grossly underfunded by the international community. There are funding activities parallel to UNHCR from countries such as KSA, Qatar, UAE, but can't be bothered to research current levels of donations.


My post was aimed (and again, not exactly on topic) at a somewhat different angle. It is asserted that a significant part (and perhaps over-represented) of the refugee/migrants/asylum seekers/whatever arriving in Europe is comprised of young (however one defines this) men.


If so, it would imply that with regard to societies (or groups) of those remaining behind, whether in host or home countries - the demographic composition is also effected. As in less of them young men around. I don't know how accurate figures are, or whether figures are indeed that significant. But if it is, then there are probably some social effects to this situation. These could manifest in many ways - economic situation, socials roles, family structures and whatnot.

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11 hours ago, DM07 said:

The vast majority of German citizens are FINE with refugees


The majority of Germans are now afraid of dangerous no go zones from Arab clans.



Enough is enough, it's time for real Western men to stand up and take their countries back. Let no one to convince you to compromise in the slightest on these matters. 

Edited by vinegarbase
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15 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:


The majority of Germans are now afraid of dangerous no go zones from Arab clans.



Enough is enough, it's time for real Western men to stand up and take their countries back. Let no one to convince you to compromise in the slightest on these matters. 


That must be one of the dumbest posts ever!

The majority of Germans is still welcoming to refugees and not at all afraid!

No go- zones only exist in the distorted fantasies of lunatic right wingers, like yourself!

Your source is quoting the Bild- Zeitung!

That is as if I would quote a poll, conducted by me ...on me!

It has no value, whatsoever!


It's time for real western men?!

I don't know, if I should laugh at you for this BS...no...I am rather afraid of people like you!

You might actually believe your own word- turds and do something stupid!

You should really seek help!

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9 hours ago, DM07 said:

Still the far right in Germany (AfD) is not a majority force...far from it!

And yeah: I also wonder, why it may be, that life was way easier a few decades ago.

May have something to do with the irresponsible fear mongering by people like you!


Food for your thought… since you apparently have poor arguments IMHO


As Chancellor Angela Merkel fights to save her government in a heated battle over immigration, an opinion poll Friday showed most Germans support the tougher line of her rebel interior minister.

"The survey found that 62 percent of respondents were in favour of turning back undocumented migrants at the border, in line with the stance of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer who is openly challenging Merkel.
 And 86 percent want faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers, a process now often held up by bureaucratic hurdles and legal challenges, according to the Infratest dimap poll."
Many Germans feel foreign in their own country and are afraid that immigration is changing their homeland rapidly. Every fifth person in Germany comes from an immigration background and that number will continue to climb. What does that mean for the country? By DER SPIEGEL Staff
Large segments of the German population are suffering from a kind of stress relating to identity. Germans without any immigration background in their own families fear that immigrants could strip them of their Heimat, their sense of home. At the same time, Germans with immigrant backgrounds feel marginalized and foreign. But it's an altogether different phenomenon for refugees arriving here. When they think about home, it tends to be the one they just lost."
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30 minutes ago, Opl said:

Many Germans feel foreign in their own country and are afraid that immigration is changing their homeland rapidly. Every fifth person in Germany comes from an immigration background and that number will continue to climb. What does that mean for the country? By DER SPIEGEL Staff

You should use the latest data. The article you posted is half year old. Der Spiegel just yesterday published the exact opposite, based on latest research covering the last three years and almost 10,000 people:


Most Germans are not much concerned or worried about migrants and refugees coming to their country. That’s the result of a representative study that was carried over the last 3 years (2015-2018) asking almost 10,000 people living in Germany. The score indicates an overall positive Image of the multi-cultural society in Germany. 

- Most respondents support accepting refugees and would even do so if Germany was the only country in the EU doing so;

- Number of respondents who see refugees as a threat for prosperity has slightly declined;

- Most negative attitude and reservations agains refugees was expressed by respondents living where least foreigners live, I.e. east Germanry.


Source: https://www.svr-migration.de/en/publications/ib2018/

The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration is based on an initiative of the Stiftung Mercator and the Volkswagen Foundation. The initiative includes seven member foundations. In addition to the Stiftung Mercator and the Volkswagen Foundation, the member foundations are: Bertelsmann Stiftung, Freudenberg Foundation, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stifterverband and Vodafone Foundation Germany

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As i said: seek help, before you do something, you might regret!
But i think, you are just running a big mouth, from the safety behind your keyboard! Probably your daddy doesn't know you use his computer!
I am not even commenting on your youtube-clip!
Stupid people do stupid stuff everywhere!
Come back when "western man" start to fight the Hells Angels or some Nazi- group, that p1$$es on little children or burns a refugee after hunting him down!
...ooops...i forgot: those are most likely the "western man" you so proudly speak off!

Sent from my RNE-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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5 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

We live in the real world and are going to start doing something about it. Like I said, real western men need to stand up and start working together to save their countries. 

That's a nice thought but most 'men' in Western Europe are too feminized and soyed out to actually do anything about it. Soon enough when it's too late I suggest that any real men uproot with family to Poland or Hungary or some other nation that isn't weak and pathetic.

Edited by underlordcthulhu
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13 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

German government just removed him from his post. A disguised racists who’s spinning conspiracy theories and spreading wrong information cannot be head of an intelligence service. 

1. maassen was appointed to a higher post  as state secretary ministry of interior in charge for a. internal security in germany b. cybersecurity. his salary will be moving up from euro 11000 to 14000 monthly.


2. mr maassen a racist the usual left wing crab next to those blunt expressions like neo nazi when a person does not share the same political ideology.




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57 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

1. maassen was appointed to a higher post  as state secretary ministry of interior in charge for a. internal security in germany b. cybersecurity. his salary will be moving up from euro 11000 to 14000 monthly.

Which is a shame, and shows what’s wrong with politics today, I agree. 


57 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:


2. mr maassen a racist the usual left wing crab next to those blunt expressions like neo nazi when a person does not share the same political ideology.

Just stating the facts (I know that’s something you don’t understand). 

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2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Which is a shame, and shows what’s wrong with politics today, I agree. 


Just stating the facts (I know that’s something you don’t understand). 

the plain truth will be seehofer resigning after the bavarian election due to the miserable csu result of 34 to 35%, then mr.maassen will take his position also changing party initials from cdu to csu. thereto, afd is happy by being given a close supporter,555555.




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13 hours ago, underlordcthulhu said:

That's a nice thought but most 'men' in Western Europe are too feminized and soyed out to actually do anything about it. Soon enough when it's too late I suggest that any real men uproot with family to Poland or Hungary or some other nation that isn't weak and pathetic.

You got that right. Hungary knows what they are doing. As much as these soy boys are problems I still hold out hope that some just don't know any better and can change. It's up to real men to keep spreading the word to reach out to them with the goal to teach them how to be real men and bring them in the fold to join us in the fight. 

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19 hours ago, DM07 said:

As i said: seek help, before you do something, you might regret!

I don't regret a thing warning people of the dangers of the Mohammadan invasion taking place in Western countries around the world. There is still hope left for you. Come to our side and we will welcome you. Other than that, if you don't like it's too bad because there is nothing you can do about it. 

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7 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

I don't regret a thing warning people of the dangers of the Mohammadan invasion taking place in Western countries around the world. There is still hope left for you. Come to our side and we will welcome you. Other than that, if you don't like it's too bad because there is nothing you can do about it. 

Uuuuuuhhhh, yeah...I really wanna be a REAL man (did you order Alex Jones-supplements, by the way? All for the Alpha- male!)

Please let me join you!

It is next on my agenda, after some things I really want to do first, because they might be a bit more fun.

Like licking a hot iron or putting some needles in my underpants or scoop my eyes out, with a rusty spoon!


By the way: I think, you are a troll!

Or something, I would loose my posting rights for! 

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21 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

This is a first. Never heard of real men called cute before. I have heard of the soy boys on the left called cute before though. 


For everyone that needs the Leftist Dictionary definition of Fascist:


Fascist: Anyone who disagrees with Leftist group think. A real man who supports his family, culture, and country. A man who is vehemently opposed to his country being invaded by 3rd world Mohammadan hordes who want to bring everyone subject to brutal shariah law. 


? You're such a manly man. I've come over all dizzy. Quick, where do I sign up? Will I have to bash someone with dark skin, or can I just fight the battles safely in my mum's spare room from my keyboard like you?

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4 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

You got that right. Hungary knows what they are doing. As much as these soy boys are problems I still hold out hope that some just don't know any better and can change. It's up to real men to keep spreading the word to reach out to them with the goal to teach them how to be real men and bring them in the fold to join us in the fight. 


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