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"Inaudable" won't run.


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I have the program Inaudible but it won't run on some files.

I buy the files legit from you know who and usualy have no problems

but some times I do.

This time it's saying that the output path is too long for windows and to

please adjust your output path.

I tried changing the file name in all the places I could think of but

it didn't work.

What can I do..........

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It's not just the name of the file, it's the name of the full file path including all the folders and sub-folders.  Try using a different location or shortening some of the folder names if possible.


EDIT: The full path can be 260 characters, max.



Edited by JaiMaai
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So I put the file in Disk D and change the name to M.
So when I open the program the Audible file is D/M.aax and I change
output file to D//M.mp3.
I see now that I have changed the output file and not the output path.
How do I do this.
If you are attempting to save the file as D:/M.mp3 then you should certainly not be getting an issue with the path length.

Can you post a screen shot of the error? I'm not familiar with the specific program.

Sent from my TA-1021 using Tapatalk

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OP, to test it, copy the file you are trying to open from your normal storage folder to your C drive. No need to change the file name.


Point your program at the copied file on your C drive and try to open it. The path to the file should be C:\ *filename*. This should prove that the problem is with the file path being too long.


Note: Even if you copy to your desktop the file path will be something like: C:\Users\*Username*\Desktop\*filename*.


Edit: If you go to Folder Options (the snap is from W10 but similar on W7), play with the two options marked in red; first one to show the full path and the second to display extension types on files (if you haven't already unchecked it).



Edited by chrisinth
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On 9/17/2018 at 1:36 PM, chiangrai said:

So I put the file in Disk D and change the name to M.

So when I open the program the Audible file is D/M.aax and I change

output file to D//M.mp3.

I see now that I have changed the output file and not the output path.

How do I do this.

How are you changing the extension (from .aax to .mp3)?

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On 9/16/2018 at 11:36 PM, chiangrai said:

So when I open the program the Audible file is D/M.aax and I change output file to D//M.mp3. 

                                                                                                 ^-------------------  try D:\



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