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Trump directs FBI to declassify information related to Russia investigation


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6 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

just show the real evidence of the guilt you assume is present, if you can't, then

that is the end of it boy.

remove the emotion and condescension and let the evidence flow

End of what? I'm not Mueller, it's his job to "show the real evidence".

You're suggesting I "remove the emotion" and then proceed to call be a "boy"? Clearly shows your emotions:cheesy:

You're just making this too easy.:thumbsup:

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16 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Obviously, you are using Rupert Murdoch's FoxSearch instead of Google, Bing or MSN Search, where such information is readily available.


The SAR's (suspicious activity reports) were filed with respect to $20 million in bank transfers from Aras Agalarov (one of the 6/9/16 Trump Tower meeting attendees) to NY and NJ banks.  Transfers were made immediately after the meeting, and immediately after the announcement that Trump "won" the general election.  Money moved through offshore bank accounts and LLC's that had been dormant for years.


Trump and Trump Org have close ties to Agalarov.  Agalarov hosted Trump when he attended his 2013 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant in Moscow.  Agalarov was also involved in the plan to build Trump Tower in Moscow.


The story even has a Bangkok angle, as it appears Goldstone, who set up the Trump Tower meeting, and his business partner, took what appears to be a sex vacation in Thailand to relax, after the Trump Tower story went public. 



What's the big deal about withdrawing $8,400.00?

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6 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

Again, no actual evidence just headlines and conjecture. 


Do you actually have any verified facts about your claims or just hope? 

What's your definition of "verified facts?"  The word of Trump?  That's rich.  You'd accept the word of the biggest liar in history.  As for this Stormy saga, it's not something I consider big news (although Melania might differ).  I do remember Bill Clinton getting impeached by the House for lying about his "affair."  Trump is doing the same.  But ok, it didn't happen during his Presidency.  Whatever.  If it's the word of Trump vs. anyone else, I'd take the word of anyone else 100% of the time. 

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4 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

Obviously, you are using Rupert Murdoch's FoxSearch instead of Google, Bing or MSN Search, where such information is readily available.


The SAR's (suspicious activity reports) were filed with respect to $20 million in bank transfers from Aras Agalarov (one of the 6/9/16 Trump Tower meeting attendees) to NY and NJ banks.  Transfers were made immediately after the meeting, and immediately after the announcement that Trump "won" the general election.  Money moved through offshore bank accounts and LLC's that had been dormant for years.


Trump and Trump Org have close ties to Agalarov.  Agalarov hosted Trump when he attended his 2013 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant in Moscow.  Agalarov was also involved in the plan to build Trump Tower in Moscow.


The story even has a Bangkok angle, as it appears Goldstone, who set up the Trump Tower meeting, and his business partner, took what appears to be a sex vacation in Thailand to relax, after the Trump Tower story went public. 



so ny times story from July 2017, that is your evidence?

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47 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

What's your definition of "verified facts?"  The word of Trump?  That's rich.  You'd accept the word of the biggest liar in history.  As for this Stormy saga, it's not something I consider big news (although Melania might differ).  I do remember Bill Clinton getting impeached by the House for lying about his "affair."  Trump is doing the same.  But ok, it didn't happen during his Presidency.  Whatever.  If it's the word of Trump vs. anyone else, I'd take the word of anyone else 100% of the time. 

where did I say anything about anyone's "word"?


It will take more than TDS to get what you want

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58 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

so ny times story from July 2017, that is your evidence?

Is that what happens when you search "Buzzfeed" on FoxSearch?  It comes up NY Times Fake News?  FYI, Buzzfeed is the media source that published your "salacious" "fake" Christopher Steele dossier.  The dossier that 3 Russian oligarchs sued Fusion GPS and Buzzfeed over for defamation, and lost their case.  Many NY Times stories are planted by Trump and Giuliani so I usually don't rely upon them as a source.

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1 minute ago, zaphod reborn said:

Is that what happens when you search "Buzzfeed" on FoxSearch?  It comes up NY Times Fake News?  FYI, Buzzfeed is the media source that published your "salacious" "fake" Christopher Steele dossier.  The dossier that 3 Russian oligarchs sued Fusion GPS and Buzzfeed over for defamation, and lost their case.  Many NY Times stories are planted by Trump and Giuliani so I usually don't rely upon them as a source.

I did not say a word about my searches or sources.

I wonder why no one ever talks about the text messages that

clearly and undeniably show FBI creating a story to the illusion

of collusion?

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

What's your definition of "verified facts?"  The word of Trump?  That's rich.  You'd accept the word of the biggest liar in history.  As for this Stormy saga, it's not something I consider big news (although Melania might differ).  I do remember Bill Clinton getting impeached by the House for lying about his "affair."  Trump is doing the same.  But ok, it didn't happen during his Presidency.  Whatever.  If it's the word of Trump vs. anyone else, I'd take the word of anyone else 100% of the time. 

The biggest lie in history is,

 "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor".

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12 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

The thing that tells me that there is a problem in some of this "classified" stuff are the screeches to keep it secret and the lack of interest from the left-leaning media. It is a sad commentary on the state of Journalism in America today that they do not seem particularly interested in finding out even whether the story of government misconduct is true.


and before you accuse me of being a trumpy apologist, please know that I don't trust any government. They are always up to something.


They are evidence in an ongoing investigation, by making them public it hampers their chance of being used in court against them, this is not about scoops, this is about removing a tyrant, shame the NRA aren't on this.

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22 minutes ago, bristolboy said:


  • In October 2002, Bush said that Saddam Hussein had a "massive stockpile" of biological weapons. But as CIA Director George Tenet noted in early 2004, the CIA had informed policymakers it had "no specific information on the types or quantities of weapons agent or stockpiles at Baghdad's disposal." The "massive stockpile" was just literally made up.



They spoke about the weapons that they had sold to them in the 80's and early 90's, ignoring the fact that the UN had already destroyed them.

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14 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

It's all going to come out now. 

Get ready for the indictments. 

Indeed! You may have missed it, but the indictments are already out there. And no, it's not for the DOJ or FBI employees, either current or former. It's for the "best people", you know the Trump inner circle, the swamp-drainers. 

Great to see you on board for the indictments of Trump, his family and his inner circle. 

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


They are evidence in an ongoing investigation, by making them public it hampers their chance of being used in court against them, this is not about scoops, this is about removing a tyrant, shame the NRA aren't on this.

Oh, but they are! The NRA was used to funnel Russian dirty money to the campaign. This is going to be great, so looking forward to the trial.

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13 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

My posts in that thread speak for themselves. Anyone is free to read them.


anyone is free to read what the Press is saying, as well as mr. Schiff. They're free to make their own judgment.


The issue is the declassification of the documents. Are you for or against that? 



May I add,

I definitely want to hear and see how ,what C.Schummer categorized  "there is  six ways to Sunday that  intel agencies can come at you" and what their efforts have  done to my country.  I especially want to see all the sources and methods, which would make PT lies look like a G. Washington cherry tree moment.

 Those so called Professional Career minded Officials should be running like rats to set up their Go Fund Me Page!

Edited by riclag
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10 hours ago, JCauto said:

No, we trust that the lifelong (and politically Republican for the most part) professionals at the DOJ and FBI will undertake their investigation as per their procedures and then present the evidence at trial where it belongs, rather than to the media where this absurd farce is currently taking place. Trump has stated numerous times that he has nothing to hide, and that he's willing to interview with Mueller so all is good and he's in the clear, right? What's your hurry? When the great big nothing-burger of an investigation is finished and Mueller presents what you believe to be evidence that's obviously not credible your man will be puffed up so bigly the world will never have seen such a Phoenix-like rise from the ashes. Why take away the man's glory by giving up the game now?

"we" ?


"Professionals" at the FBI that invent a narrative by leaking it to the press to out it in a surveillance warrant? you mean those "procedures"?


The FBI that was founded on illegally taping and photographing people to blackmail them into going along with what J Edgar wanted while he was wearing women's clothing and getting turd burgalled?


you mean that impeccable "justice" dept that hid Bruce Ohr's obvious illegal contact with the inventor of the bogus dossier? The one that refuses to release information for a year until threat of contempt? Then releases it 90 percent redacted. What are they afraid of? What are you afraid of?


the texts and the implications are obvious, but keep on hoping 


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5 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Because they are irrelevant.  Governmental officers can have political positions and express their viewpoints.  In fact, they have a Constitutional right to do so.  Do you have any evidence, even a scintilla of evidence, that any FBI agent tainted his official duties with his personal political beliefs?


Irrelevant? what planet are you on?


So the people investigating the collusion delusion admit to having no evidence then purposely leak to the press to get stories out so they can reference to them in the FISA warrant. you mean that little irrelevant fact? those are her words, twist it any way you want to meet your narrative




House Oversight & Government Reform Committee discovered an April 10, 2017, text from Strzok to Page that said: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

Then, two days later, Strzok reached out to Page to congratulate her for planting two stories that were critical of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Well done, Page,” Strzok wrote.



It is amazing you want to ignore actual real evidence, but if it fits the narrative you want, go for it.

 there is no doubt you will discount the soon to be released evidence and justify.


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50 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

The great weight of evidence demonstrates that Trump's campaign had improper ties with Putin's Russian agents and traded money and election assistance for a change in the GOP platform regarding Russian sanctions.  Trump's criminal syndicate was designed so that Trump was insulated from direct illegal activity, but who was the beneficiary of the conspiracy to defraud the election (Manafort pleaded guilty to this charge) and bribery (still to be charged in an indictment)?  It really doesn't matter what prompted the investigation, as the investigation clearly has hit paydirt.

Wow. Are you reading from the Indictment issued by a Grand Jury? I better look at the news.

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11 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Hasn't Trump argued that real evidence is a matter only of perspective, of personal opinion, that "alternative facts" are just as evident?

not that I have seen, but we do know that suddenly the left wants the govt to hide evidence. hmmmm

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