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Star Wars A new Hope; Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone; Synopsis

  1. Luke Skywalker Harry Potter is an orphan and living with his aunt and uncle on the remote wilderness of Tatooine Suburbia
  2. He is rescued from aliens muggles by wise bearded Ben Kenobi Hagrid, who turns out to be a Jedi Knight wizard.
  3. Ben Hagrid reveals to Luke Harry that Luke’s Harry’s father was also a Jedi Knight wizard and the best pilot quidditch player he’d ever seen.
  4. Luke Harry is also instructed in how to use the Jedi light sabre a magic wand as he too trains to be a Jedi wizard
  5. Luke Harry has many adventures in the galaxy Hogwarts and makes new friends such as Han Solo Ron and Princess Leia Hermione.
  6. In the course of these adventures he distinguishes himself as a top X-wing pilot Quidditch seeker in the battle of the Death Star Quidditch Match, making the direct hit that secures the rebel’s Gryffindor victory against the forces of evil Slytherin.
  7. Luke Harry also sees off the threat of Darth Vader Lord Voldemort who we know murdered his aunt and uncle parents.
  8. In the finale Luke Harry and his friends receive medals of valour win the house cup.
  9. All of this will be set to an orchestral score composed by John Williams

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