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British Requirements To Retire In The Uk

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The best way to limit the latter group is with ID Cards (ones that are verifyable and impossible to forge - Chipped). Make it a requirement to submit it for benefits, medical, school registration etc.
This is true but you are missing the point,people turn up in the U.K. legally but with multiple identies obtained from their own country they then go to different social security offices obtain a social security number and then defraud the system so having a chipped card won't stop them because they will have loads of chipped cards.

I was married to Thai woman I took her back to the U.K. and went to the local social securty office. I for one was amazed how easy it was for her to obtain a social security number once you have one of them you are in business.

- even France beats us.

Is that why Sangatte was closed? Is that why there are literally thousands of people in Calais trying to get to the U.K.? I have seen them even if they do get to the U.K. and get turfed out they will be back.

I have had first hand experience with "Asylum seekers" in the U.K. I even met a couple of men from, get this,Maylasia a well know troublespot.

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quite agree that there are illegals in the UK, and that it is too easy to get NI Numbers etc. The point is, therefore, how do you stop it. You can't simply close the door, it does not work. It merely stops the legitimate immigrants and assylum seekers. ID Cards used effectively and with proper security - UK Govt is talking about using retina scans ans possibly even DNA sequences on the cards - as there is a one in 7 billion chance of having two people with DNA close enough to be undistinguishable, it makes it bloody hard to get more than one card. It just has to be done properly - DNA (or whatever) taken at a Govt Lab and no card until checks have been run - this will include checking that it is not already on file. This will also help with habitual returners too. There are two sticking points: Human rights campaigners that are worried about DNA being used for other purposes (looking for racial traits or likelyhood of genetic problems/diseases); it is expensive and the UK Govt wants the recipients to pay for the cards out of their own pocket. Neither is insurmountable.

Sangatte was closed as part of a deal between UK and France - UK took a big % of the 'visitors' there, and France closed it. I agree with your sentiments though - a lot of immigrants move across 'safe' countries where they should claim assylum heading for the UK. It is just that more of them stop off along the way and claim (as they should) than come to the UK. Sorry, but this is fact - regardless of what the Murdoch says.

As I said in my original post - there are always people that will attempt to take advantage of everything - the onus in this case is on the UK Govt to ensure that this is as difficult as possible for them to succeed.

A couple of years ago in Preston there was a family of Pakistanis who made millions, yes millions of pounds by running each other over and claiming compensation from the insurance companies,two days before they got arrested four million pounds left the U.K. never to be seen again.


And Taxexile, I have not invited anyone to join the BNP, I just asked if you have ever thought of joining.

The arguments you put forward are right out of their rantings... a little push and they'll have you goose stepping.

And as for my spelling.

I did not learn english until I was 13 years old. I think I am doing quite well in a language that is not my mother tongue.

Maerim. Taxexile, let me ask you.

Have you bothered to learn Thai?

Can you read and write the language.

I can!

I took the trouble to do so, and when I make a mistake in Thai, the Thais correct me and praise my effort.

But then the Thais aren't locked into that 'Little Mindedness' that is so prevelant amoung the anti immigrant ranters back in the UK.

Yup my old man loved the place, never heard him say a bad word about it.

I'm not surprised he never said a bad word about it if I were him neither would I

He found life long work there, never claimed the dole or any social benefits in over forty years

A Pakistani who never claimed any benefit?

This has to be a first, have him shot stuffed and put in a glass case before he does.

Can you read and write the language.

I can!

I would try and master English first but with all your "qualifications" you don't really need to, do you?


Hey Morning Maerim,

What's all this about my old man being a Pakistani?

Where do you get this stuff from.

Look I haven't got time to rant with you this morning, I've a living to earn, things to do and places to go.

I'll be back later though, so don't go away.

Maerim. Taxexile, let me ask you.

Have you bothered to learn Thai?

Can you read and write the language.

I can!

what on earth has that got to do with anything?, so you can read and write thai,well done. you still havent been able to put forward one valid reason (in english or in thai) why the uk should persist with its policy of unchecked immigration.
But then the Thais aren't locked into that 'Little Mindedness' that is so prevelant amoung the anti immigrant ranters back in the UK.

if you got out more and spoke to thais you would soon realise what a lot of them really think of immigrants in this country and how far off the mark your statement really is. they show a lot of tolerance , and they welcome tourists , but foriegners in this country are kept firmly in their place.

ever seen them re-patriating burmese at gun point across the rivers up there, ever taken a look in the immigration jail and seen how they treat poor foriegners who have broken some minor regulation, i'm not talking about white people here, i'm talking about burmese,cambodians,laotians,bangladeshis etc... their neighbours for gods sake.

you can read thai..... well read some of the thai newspapers here, some of the snidey little articles that get printed with stories guaranteed to keep thais on their guard against foriegn influence here.

there is positive stuff as well, by the way. its not all anti.

the more you post the more i am convinced that you have little knowledge of what you write about.

ยิ่งพูดยิ่งโง่ !

(ask your maid to translate)


I don't know what to say to cool you folks down a bit. I think Wolf has put it very well. I suggest you have a cup of tea and read the last 2 pages again, then edit out all the irrelevant stuff and personal attacks.

suggest you have a cup of tea

anyone got a chocolate digestive to go with that !! just the thing for a rainy grey day like today.

i'm finished with guesthouse now and yes wolf did put it well.

you still havent been able to put forward one valid reason (in english or in thai) why the uk should persist with its policy of unchecked immigration.

The UK needs immigrants, despite your rants about living on the dole and spounging off the tax payer, immigrants are a net gain to the British Ecconomy.

You both go running your keyboards off about immigrants draining the resources of the national health service, yet if we removed the immigrants from the national health service we would not have enough nurses, doctors and a whole bunch of other health professionals. Not to mention cleaners, cooks, porters and all the ancilliary staff. if you really did work in the NHS then you would know exactly how true that statement is.

The vast majority of immigrants to the UK are legal and come to the UK at the invite of the British goverment and British companies, they work, they pay taxes and they bring with them skills education and a whole lot more things (Culture, Food, Music, Art).

These influences have had a marked effect on British Society, one classic example is that the most popular food in the UK for a night out at a restaurant is India Food.

Music, art, fashion - three areas of commerce in the UK that provide huge amounts of income to the UK, they are dominated by second and third generation immigrants.

The British Goverment realise the importance of immigrants and their contribution to British Society, that is why there are still encourging people to come and live in the UK.

read what wolf Wolf says above, and get yoru head around the fact that the pension promises can not be kept without bringing hundreds of thousands of yourng people into the work force.

British birth rates are falling, Thatcherism consigned half a generation to the scrap heap and the UK needs to catch up. The Baby boomers are getting old and will soon be claiming their pensions.

We need immigrants to support that system.

They are not the ruination of the welfare state, they are needed to save it.

A few publicised cases of people abusing the system splashed across Murdoch's newspapers and you jump inline and start chanting.

Britain needs cleaners, cooks, vegitable pickers and bus/taxi drivers just as much as it needs, Doctors, Engineers and Scientists.

The reason why the government are not doing anything about illegal immigrants is because they know that the current 80~100,000 a year (Figures from the Tory Party campaign against illegal immigration) are both sustainable and in truth the kind of numbers we need.

As one of you said 'Why are they all young ment?'

Because they want to work and earn money... working and earning money is making a contribution to the ecconomy.

But Taxile... where were your family from that you suddenly don't want others to have the same chance?

Immigrants to the UK include
















And all that before the time of Shakespear

The Queens family are Germans by decent, Prince Philip is Greak, Diana ###### near married an Egyptian Muslim

It is a never ending tide, it has made Britain the Country it is and it will continue to make Britain a better place.

I don't need to justify immigration to the UK, illegal or otherwise, but I can tell you it has always made Britain a better place.

And as I say above, with inter racial romancing etc etc etc

You know if you could come back in perhaps a couple of hundren years I reckon the English might be a bite better looking.


'You know if you could come back in perhaps a couple of hundren years I reckon the English might be a bite better looking.'

Yeah, the choice of food has much improved in the last twenty years, more healthy and aiding to reduce the malnutricious features. As the newly affluent Thai middle class will be able to obtain UK retirement visas, there will be more chippys selling Som Tam as well.


i said i was finished with guest house but i guess i'm not. :o

once again you have failed to understand what i have said.

your reasons are fine for controlled immigration, i agree with you wholeheartedly and have done from the start on that.

i want to stop the freeloading and abuse of the benefit system by illegal immigration.

are you saying that illegal immigration should be allowed.

I don't need to justify immigration to the UK, illegal or otherwise, 
justify illegal immigration??? will you condemn it, will you condemn illegal immigration into thailand.

i have worked in the nhs, and know how the budgets are stretched to breaking point in some areas because of the amount of illegals that are treated. ive treated them myself.

who comes first in the line for treatment guesthouse ?

the 20 year old benefit claimer who sneaked into the country and is working illegally sporting the latest fashions and mobile.

or the 75 year old man in pain, on a 4 month wait for an operation,(because the beds are full of illegal newcomers getting their diseases treated) living on a 60 pound a week pension after paying taxes all his working life.

is that right.

situations like that, that are well publicised, turn people against all kinds of immigration and immigrants, especially the ones that are needed and legal.

the situation is as worrying to them as it is to the 75 year old man.

dont accuse me of racism and where my racial roots lie is of no relevance to this discussion.

You know if you could come back in perhaps a couple of hundren years I reckon the English might be a bite better looking.

and with remarks like that you just prove again that

ยิ่งพูดยิ่งโง่ !

you are truly an ignorant person,

i've done now. i promise.


What about the British spongers/fraudsters......

I live here in the UK, in the city of Liverpool, and have lived in many places in the UK. Everybody here is on about the immigrant spongers, well belive you me for every immigrant claiming multiple benefits and frauding the system, there must be at least 10 English ppl doing the same. I know personally of 2 people who live out in Thailand and are living there on 'dissability living allowence', they get about £180 per week (about 11,500 baht per week!!!), thats paid directly into their bank accounts, and they withdraw it from the ATM's in Thailand, oh by the way these two guys are British born and bred. They are claiming dissability and there is absolutley nothing wrong with them, they are just working the system to their benefit. And not only are they claiming that beneift but they are also claiming housing benefit for property's that they dont stay in!!! A dodgy landlord splits the rent cheque with them which is £400 per month, after the cheque is split, that leaves another £50 per week that they get on top of the £180 per week (which totals about 14,750 baht per week!!!) Also know of expats who are on the sick, living abroad, again the money being paid into bank accounts, so it can be withdrawn from anywhere on the planet.

Also somebody mentioned Fraud, oh like its only the immigrants who are doing fraud in the UK. 90% of it is committed by Brits themselves. So before slagging off every immigrant maybe you should look at your own people!!!

And what was it somebody said about white Brits finding it impossible to get multiple identitys??? u must be joking, obviously you've never heard of identity theft (the UK's fastest growing crime industry), and forgeries!!! Again its mostly the white British criminals behind it, who actually supply the immigrants!!!


and i cant argue with much of that either, controls against fraud in the uk are a joke.

because the immigrant fraudsters get so much publicity, it makes life difficult for the legal immigrants as they all get tarred with the same brush.

hence the increase in racist attitudes in the uk that will lead to, i believe, more divisions in society in the future.

the uk is a very soft touch.

have you thought of reporting the fraudsters you speak about to the authorities??



You've come over all reasonable now... what happened to all the ranting about Albanians and Pakistanis?

have i ever thought about reporting them to the authorities!!!

Absolutley not, Im not a 'Grass', and grassers have a habit of getting shot, or if they're lucky ending up in intensive care for a week or so.

Besides good luck to them, if they r clever enough to beat they system.... well good luck to them I say.


i never ranted about pakistanis or albanians (i said there were a lot of albanian illegals involved in crime)

mr. helper.

Besides good luck to them, if they r clever enough to beat they system.... well good luck to them I say.

that attitude merely prevents help reaching those who need it the most. and encourages more people to take advantage of the system.

the nhs is short of cash, and so long as money is being given to those who dont need it,then those who need it will suffer.

maybe you will find yourself waiting 6 months for an operation, or a place in a nursing home,or a kidney transplant. lets hope your friends in thailand living on uk taxpayers money are enjoying themselves.

they are thieving scum. no less.and its your money they are taking mr. helper.cant you even see that. helpless more like.

the selfishness and "dont give a damm" attitude that pervades western society today frightens me.


I am finished with this,I think we have established that the U.K. is a great place to live if you are a parasite or illegal immigrant so if you are a parasitical illegal immigrant you have got it made.

If you are white pay taxes and do what is right forget it, but worms do turn you know.

Guesthouse I thought you were at the "nookleer reeaktor" or did you just put it on automatic?

With people of your quality why should we worry about nuclear energy?

i've done now. i promise.
It's like fishing for eels, they keep on biting the bate.
I am finished with this,I think we have established that the U.K. is a great place to live if you are a parasite or illegal immigrant so if you are a parasitical illegal immigrant you have got it made.


I thought what we had established is, scrounging is not actually limited to people who are not white and immigrants.

You aren't one of those people claiming benfits in the UK and living in Thailand are you..?



just thought I'd play the translator for those that don't speak/read the lingo (or have a maid :o )...

ยิ่งพูดยิ่งโง่ ! - Ying Poot Ying Ngoh - Lit. "Keep Talking, Keep Stupid", Thai saying meaning "The more you talk, the more you show how stupid you are".

Not my words, don't shoot! Just translating.

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