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Marijuana for medicinal use ‘within eight months’


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23 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Didn't we used to see seized drugs hauls being burnt? Where might this 100kg have come from, if it is all supposed to be disposed of?

Perhaps 'disposed of' is a better way to emphasise it.



I certainly hope none of this refined hash oil goes astray.

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Yes! And why would anyone in their right mind use confiscated cannabis? How do they know which strain it is? How do they know if it’s clean? It could have mold or bad fertilizers in it, it could be years old. If they really want to make this professionally they should develop a good strain first. 
I had the same thought. Probably full of pesticides etc. as well.
How do they know about the CBD and THC content in their raw materials?
What you can read about indigenous Thai strains is that they are pretty low in these useful ingredients.
Probably (like so often) there is something lost in translation that they use the seized material for testing the extraction facilities and for the commercial products they are growing and using their own plant materials.
But they need to understand that it should be special varieties that have to be imported first to have good results.
If they want to develop a Thai strain they could back cross these varieties in a second step with the native ones.
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On 9/26/2018 at 8:49 AM, Skytrain2hell said:


Did it screw up the 60's 70's generation so bad that you're worried?

it was the Vietnam war that stuffed many good people, weed was used by  many through the war to help keep sanity in a totally mad world and many of these people are okay now

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In many cases Thailand can be seen as both the hub of quackery and of repression of liberties..... this is such n example - the case for medical marijuana is still incredibly week yet the case for permitting it's legalisation for recreational use is a strong one.....as ever Thailand ignores fact in favour of assumption

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Guest Jerry787

A Salute to the Thai government to forward research and develop cannabis medical drug.

hope other countries in the region will follow

let legalize it and allow rugalar crops thus will eliminate the illegal trade.

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On 9/26/2018 at 7:32 AM, Skytrain2hell said:

I really hope this happens. My daughter suffers from seizures, and the meds that she takes for that really slow her down. I've heard great things about medical cannabis from those who have tried it in the states.


On 9/26/2018 at 8:16 AM, fvw53 said:


I hope you can see on Youtube the CNN documentary  "WEED" (4 episodes) presented by neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta

He explains that children with seizures can be helped a lot with cannabis /  a niece of my Thai wife is now a young adult women who became brain damaged from seizures as a baby and if cannabis would have been given to her she would be now a normal aldult person

I saw that on CNN on AIS actually if you have AIS you can access most of the channels available in the United States and more.  I remember at the time they filmed that episode there still wasn’t enough sufficient research in the United States because in the US we have some politicians who just do not want to see this happen ever.  The parents were in a position where they had to figure out the dosages themselves because like I said there just wasn’t enough research in the states on medical marijuana.  The parents actually had to extract the CBD oil out of it themselves and the father tested it on himself first to make sure that he didn’t get high off of it.  Apparently for seizures the THC chemical which is what makes you high is not what you want it’s the CBD chemical that’s needed for seizures so the parents in that documentary had a really tough time figuring that out but eventually they figured it out.  That’s another reason why buying street drugs is a bad thing because you don’t necessarily know what you’re getting.  If it was my kid I would be very careful what I gave him or her especially if it’s something new that hasn’t been fully vetted yet especially in this part of the world.  

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Yes the 'slippery slope' that will lead to, happier citizens, less bar brawls, better sex -for both partners, less domestic violence, and maybe less tobacco, and booze profit... Oh Wait! 

It can NEVER be legalized -because they can't monopolize a plant that grows like, ah, weed. ????

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9 minutes ago, Issanjohn said:


I saw that on CNN on AIS actually if you have AIS you can access most of the channels available in the United States and more.  I remember at the time they filmed that episode there still wasn’t enough sufficient research in the United States because in the US we have some politicians who just do not want to see this happen ever.  The parents were in a position where they had to figure out the dosages themselves because like I said there just wasn’t enough research in the states on medical marijuana.  The parents actually had to extract the CBD oil out of it themselves and the father tested it on himself first to make sure that he didn’t get high off of it.  Apparently for seizures the THC chemical which is what makes you high is not what you want it’s the CBD chemical that’s needed for seizures so the parents in that documentary had a really tough time figuring that out but eventually they figured it out.  That’s another reason why buying street drugs is a bad thing because you don’t necessarily know what you’re getting.  If it was my kid I would be very careful what I gave him or her especially if it’s something new that hasn’t been fully vetted yet especially in this part of the world.  

Yes who knows, you or your kid might be the first person in the history of the world to die by cannabis. better not. ????????

It's tragic how there is such a staggering amount of fear and ignorance of out there still. No matter how many doctors and even lawmakers scientifically call for the legalization of everything. 

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22 hours ago, Alisa2233 said:

I don't see anything bad in legalization of marijuana. Of course, if it is used for medicinal purposes. The latest research showed that medical cannabis is really helpful. It relieves pain, anxiety, depression and helps in terms of such diseases as cancer, anorexia, dystonia, glaucoma, inflammation and a lot more. I don't smoke at all and I'm against using it every day, but if it has such benefits, its legalization is necessary.

If you don't smoke it at all (there are other ways to ingest it BTW) how can you have a position on using it every day - for any reason?

Or are you simply echoing from the 'stoner' and 'junkie' cliches. Some of the most talented people in the world are regular users. And I don't just mean rock stars.  

I agree its not a good idea to get high during the day with any serious work to get through, but a small amount every night before bed is neither addicting or detrimental the next day. 

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I'd like to see it legal full stop, but if it has to be medical only, I think there are a lot more use cases than just the three they mentioned.  Hopefully they'll expand the list if its introduction were to go smoothly.
In most, if not all countries, the legalisation of medicinal Marihuana lead to a decriminalisation and eventually legislation of recreational use as well
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As ever the 2 issues mixed up.

The first is recreational cannabis use.....there is good peer review research that strongly suggests it should be decriminalize or legalized.

Many major companies have for years had copywriters names for cannabis products and many countries have taken steps in that direction.

They also like the idea of the potential tax venues.


The second...the issue of medical cannabis is a far murkier area.

Firstly, recreational users WANT medical cannabis to be accepted because they think it helps their "cause" ... in reality it doesn't.

Then you have Big Pharma who can't wait to sell Cannabis based products, mostly through their quack subsidiaries at first.

Cannabis is the new herbalism and represents easy money for every quack throughout the world.

The internet is swamped with claims of cannabis' efficacy; most are dubious at best, others are downright bogus.

The problem is there slimply is not enough proper scientific research....by this I mean REAL double blind peer reviewed papers that convincingly back up ANY claims for cannabis and it's derivatives.

Even the apparent benefits..seen often in video are not valid....Not research exists on long term efficacy or dosage or even the active ingredients.......(anyone whose been really stoned will know that moving is a real hassle, but you don't want to be in that state for life).


The reality is not without precedent, ( e.g. N-rays, electricity, homeopathy), the general public are swept up in the idea that cannabis is some kind of cure-all miracle drug that cures everything from pain through mental illnesses to cancer.

If you want to be so unscientific, before jumping on the bandwagon remember that one of the world's most famous prolific cannabis users, Bob Marley, died of cancer.

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On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 1:32 AM, Skytrain2hell said:

I really hope this happens. My daughter suffers from seizures, and the meds that she takes for that really slow her down. I've heard great things about medical cannabis from those who have tried it in the states.

Hiya Skytrain this is something I have been involved in for over 12 Years now.We have been Medicating a Young Boy who has had Multi Variant Epilepsy with CBD Oil which contains no THC and so is Legal to Buy.We are pushing for Him to be the First Child in Wales to have the THC Version Legally.There is a lot of Lies on the Media about it though and many many red tapes .The CBD Oil Worked wonders in less than 24 Hours and 3 Years on and the Effects of the Oil are starting to Plateau so the need for THC is Imperative now.I highly recommend the CBD Oil for now and the brand is Charlottes Web Every Day Advance which is available on many British Web Sites.Any more information You require I will be more than Happy to Help You just PM Me.I will have a You Tube Channel up shortly with a lot more facts and footage on the Young Boy.His Parents have a Facebook Page going which Diarises from Day 1 of taking the CBD Oil it is called "Mission For Bailey`s Shakes" I am also back in Thailand in 8 Weeks until next July if You wanted to meet Up.Best of Luck

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The above shows a non-scientific approach that in the end shows nothing more than anecdotal evidence.

The plural of anecdote is not data.


"Although it is plausible that THC may contribute to the anti-seizure activity reported for medical marijuana and other cannabis preparations, its adverse psychotropic properties37 and inconsistent activity in seizure models render it undesirable for development for the treatment of epilepsy.38Therefore, most cannabinoid research efforts in epilepsy have focused on the characterization of non-psycho-active agents, particularly CBD and cannabidivarin (CBDV), and the present review will focus especially on these compounds."



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This was the conclusion of a report in the Lancet in 2016.

""Our findings suggest that cannabidiol might reduce seizure frequency and might have an adequate safety profile in children and young adults with highly treatment-resistant epilepsy. Randomised controlled trials are warranted to characterise the safety profile and true efficacy of this compound."



Note that this was an open label trial and reflects the lack of high quality detailed clinical research on the topic.

Edited by kwilco
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On 9/27/2018 at 10:17 PM, CLW said:
On 9/27/2018 at 9:23 PM, Shiver said:
I'd like to see it legal full stop, but if it has to be medical only, I think there are a lot more use cases than just the three they mentioned.  Hopefully they'll expand the list if its introduction were to go smoothly.

In most, if not all countries, the legalisation of medicinal Marihuana lead to a decriminalisation and eventually legislation of recreational use as well


That's encouraging.  Fingers crossed.  It would cut down on my beer a lot, so certain influential companies in this country might oppose it.

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On 9/28/2018 at 6:03 AM, kwilco said:

As ever the 2 issues mixed up.

The first is recreational cannabis use.....there is good peer review research that strongly suggests it should be decriminalize or legalized.

Many major companies have for years had copywriters names for cannabis products and many countries have taken steps in that direction.

They also like the idea of the potential tax venues.


The second...the issue of medical cannabis is a far murkier area.

Firstly, recreational users WANT medical cannabis to be accepted because they think it helps their "cause" ... in reality it doesn't.

Then you have Big Pharma who can't wait to sell Cannabis based products, mostly through their quack subsidiaries at first.

Cannabis is the new herbalism and represents easy money for every quack throughout the world.

The internet is swamped with claims of cannabis' efficacy; most are dubious at best, others are downright bogus.

The problem is there slimply is not enough proper scientific research....by this I mean REAL double blind peer reviewed papers that convincingly back up ANY claims for cannabis and it's derivatives.

Even the apparent benefits..seen often in video are not valid....Not research exists on long term efficacy or dosage or even the active ingredients.......(anyone whose been really stoned will know that moving is a real hassle, but you don't want to be in that state for life).


The reality is not without precedent, ( e.g. N-rays, electricity, homeopathy), the general public are swept up in the idea that cannabis is some kind of cure-all miracle drug that cures everything from pain through mental illnesses to cancer.

If you want to be so unscientific, before jumping on the bandwagon remember that one of the world's most famous prolific cannabis users, Bob Marley, died of cancer.

Placebo double blind and control evidence not withstanding, I've seen someone with Parkinsons at an advanced stage use it, and the effect was dramatic and not 'that' debilitating.  The only other thing I've seen that was as effective was I.M. injection of large doses of Glutathione which is truly startling, but only lasts for about 30 mins.

I have an arm/shoulder injury which is problematic unless slugged by something where it can damp spasms (is that the right word?) by about half.  The bone healed fine and have full range of motion, but I daren't carry anything with it for fear of it slinging something across the room without me intending it to due to what I presume is nerve damage - it's coming back ever so slowly, but it's been a year already and I think the best of the repair is behind me.  That and general social anxiety (and panic attacks if in the wrong situation - I've learned situational avoidance to reduce those to maybe 2 -3 times a year, and I wouldn't wish those on my worst enemy, if I had any), I'd love to get hold of something of known consistent strength so I don't end up with kaleidoscopes and inability to move my legs.  I'm not looking for that effect, just to get by in life and be coherent.  A gentle vape to take the rough edges off would be ideal.  I'm going to ask a doctor when the time is right if they'll prescribe it off label and see what they say.


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So let’s shift our thinking a bit and think about how many expats (working and not working) who will immediately sign up for medicinal ganja once facilities ready in less than 8 months. Is it going to be hundreds or thousands of applicants?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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