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PM Prayut worried after Chinese tourist attacked


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"The number of Chinese tourists dropped sharply after a boat accident in Phuket, which claimed nearly 50 lives in July. The assault incident could impact the country’s image, the spokesman added". Government authorities should note that other things that impact the country;s image are lack of police control of kamikaze drivers and motor cyclists, unsafe sidewalks cluttered with street vendors, parked motorbikes, advertising signs, and trees, as well as dangling electrical and communications cables, and no rubbish bins provided even in major tourist areas. 

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2 hours ago, z42 said:

What damages the country's image more is the 100s if not 1000s of legitimate migrants (some of whom are holding UN documents supporting their need to wait temporarily in the Kingdom) being forcibly arrested and kept under lock and key while this idiot who just because he holds a Chinese passport acts up and rightly gets a bit of (certainly OTT) rough treatment causes the government to go into meltdown.

Pathetic really, this is only about money, this is only about keeping the Chinese sweet as for a whole raft of reasons many other nationality's tourists numbers are declining year on year.

I watched the video cannot see were he is in the wrong. He was in the waiting area, that security guy was well out of order. He should be made an example of. If the Chines guy was given a good CLEAR reason for being denied entry in a friendly way and calmed down it would have been different.

That security guard was young and too cocky. Thought he was the big guy. Have meet them and seen a few cocky ones in Suvanabum. 

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28 minutes ago, Darkside Gray said:

It is time the High quality tourist from China, where taught how to behave in other countries, would they be allowed to behave like this in there own. I do not think so!


He shouldn't even had the chance to escape back into the airport, 1st fault of the 

Thai security.


When he swings at the tourist he made an even bigger mistake, why not just arrest him or maybe he's never learned that properly?


It shows how unprofessional the Thai still are....i also never see security on the airports walking around with big guns (like on all other big airports).


So now the chinese will get compensation money, i would like to know how much...that's also very unprofessional. Money would be appropriate if his really hit the tourist but he missed (and that for a security guard in a country full of Thai-boxers).



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2 hours ago, stud858 said:

Reminds me of the US incident when the Chinese doctor had his teeth knocked out.

My motto. Always keep calm and friendly.

Express your anger in a closed off room when you are by yourself.

But then again, I don't have a job of certain responsibility to control others. Must be a tough job.

It is a known fact that men of violence are drawn to jobs of violence.  Peace loving, sex crazed hippies like me are drawn to Thailand.  :cheesy:

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So tourists all over Thailand old people being beaten in hua hin old poeple being bottled in pataya ,all over Thailand farangs are being assualted and nothing is done .but a Chinese citizen is bitch slapped and everyone is so sorry .farangs beware no don't care about our dollars that's for sure.

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Chinese tourist or another Nationality ... the security guard is a security guard who is trained as such, wears a uniform, probably trained in basic hand to hand combat, etc, etc, his job is to control troublemakers who do not follow the Laws and Regulations at the airport (In this case) ... he was confronted by a very irate and no conforming Chinese person, if he felt that his stance was in jeopardy, then he took the moves that were probably taught to him ... end of story !

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mr prayut

worrying alone is not sufficient. please see to it that justice is one.


no situation whatsoever merits and assault on foreigners and if you value tourist dollars

please do something drastic to ensure justice in this case and have measures in place that

are tough enough so that no one will dare to repeat incidents like that.


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Ok so how exactly do you restrain a visitor who does not comply to the criteria set out by immigration for entering the Kingdom? If he does not listen and does not follow the instructions given to him? The Chinese are past masters at creating a scene when they are unhappy with something especially when they are in groups. I have seen this first hand for myself at a Japanese airport. They only understand force in these situations which is exactly what they would receive back home!


The reaction to this by authorities is exactly as many here have already pointed out simply kissing the rear end of the Chinese. If it was me I would have ordered the man detained and charged with causing the entire debacle for attempting to escape custody. I would also ensure he was banned from Thailand for good to help send a clear message to any other person deciding to get clever. In addition I would be complaining to the Chinese embassy to let its citizens know how to behave when you have been detained and not to attempt to just walk off.


I would also be investigating why he was coming here and what he intended to do with no onward travel or cash to support his stay?


All Thailand has done with this is tell the rest of the Chinese coming here that if you get into a pinch with Thai immigration simply do not comply or listen to anything they say until someone eventually loses their temper with you and has to forcibly restrain you. Make sure you make enough noise to attract an audience of smart phone cameras or have all your friends filming and hey presto you will be free to go!


As with most things here I would have done the complete opposite of what the authorities come up with...amazing!

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