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Punched in the Face: Plunge in Chinese Tourists Rattles Thailand


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Oh no,Thailand no longer in the hands of elderly Caucasian whingers! I I suspect it will get worse once the pound drops below 40THB????


Chinese tourism to Thailand is most likely an unstoppable and very positive future force.

While there is a current drop due to various economic reasons, the most compelling being the depreciating Yuan, it is very much a short term effect and the big neighbor to the north will continue to drive Thailand's tourism performance over the years to come.

Never mind the pathetic Muay Thai antics of one security staff or tragic boat accidents.


What really is happening fast is a shift from tour groups to independent travel by Chinese nationals.

So if your got your money on a never ending increase of tour groups and associated businesses, you are in a bit of a trouble now.

As all get rich quick schemes they are doomed to fail and only a selected lucky few will make it.

Chinese travelers start to realize they they are getting ripped of by these tours and all services associated with it. Chinese media has reported on it and people smarten up. There will be a huge move to independent travel, just as very few Europeans arrive on packaged bus tour groups to Thailand these days.

These travelers will spend more money, have a far better travel experience and will contribute more to the overall tourism industry.

Shitty tour operators, low quality tour hotels and restaurants and rip off retail operations are in for a rough ride and it is already happening.

However Thailand will always be a unique and fantastic value for money destination. Unbeatable in South East Asia for the foreseeable future.

I recommend the doomsday prophets to pick up a bit of Mandarin Chinese, so they can communicate with the aliens, who so irritate them. But since most of the grumpy keyboard heros probably still say " Song Sip" after many years if not decades in their adopted home country, it is a difficult task????



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Oh no,Thailand no longer in the hands of elderly Caucasian whingers! I I suspect it will get worse once the pound drops below 40THB????


Chinese tourism to Thailand is most likely an unstoppable and very positive future force.

While there is a current drop due to various economic reasons, the most compelling being the depreciating Yuan, it is very much a short term effect and the big neighbor to the north will continue to drive Thailand's tourism performance over the years to come.

Never mind the pathetic Muay Thai antics of one security staff or tragic boat accidents.


What really is happening fast is a shift from tour groups to independent travel by Chinese nationals.

So if your got your money on a never ending increase of tour groups and associated businesses, you are in a bit of a trouble now.

As all get rich quick schemes they are doomed to fail and only a selected lucky few will make it.

Chinese travelers start to realize they they are getting ripped of by these tours and all services associated with it. Chinese media has reported on it and people smarten up. There will be a huge move to independent travel, just as very few Europeans arrive on packaged bus tour groups to Thailand these days.

These travelers will spend more money, have a far better travel experience and will contribute more to the overall tourism industry.

Shitty tour operators, low quality tour hotels and restaurants and rip off retail operations are in for a rough ride and it is already happening.

However Thailand will always be a unique and fantastic value for money destination. Unbeatable in South East Asia for the foreseeable future.

I recommend the doomsday prophets to pick up a bit of Mandarin Chinese, so they can communicate with the aliens, who so irritate them. But since most of the grumpy keyboard heros probably still say " Song Sip" after many years if not decades in their adopted home country, it is a difficult task????



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Oh no,Thailand no longer in the hands of elderly Caucasian whingers! I I suspect it will get worse once the pound drops below 40THB????


Chinese tourism to Thailand is most likely an unstoppable and very positive future force.

While there is a current drop due to various economic reasons, the most compelling being the depreciating Yuan, it is very much a short term effect and the big neighbor to the north will continue to drive Thailand's tourism performance over the years to come.

Never mind the pathetic Muay Thai antics of one security staff or tragic boat accidents.


What really is happening fast is a shift from tour groups to independent travel by Chinese nationals.

So if your got your money on a never ending increase of tour groups and associated businesses, you are in a bit of a trouble now.

As all get rich quick schemes they are doomed to fail and only a selected lucky few will make it.

Chinese travelers start to realize they they are getting ripped of by these tours and all services associated with it. Chinese media has reported on it and people smarten up. There will be a huge move to independent travel, just as very few Europeans arrive on packaged bus tour groups to Thailand these days.

These travelers will spend more money, have a far better travel experience and will contribute more to the overall tourism industry.

Shitty tour operators, low quality tour hotels and restaurants and rip off retail operations are in for a rough ride and it is already happening.

However Thailand will always be a unique and fantastic value for money destination. Unbeatable in South East Asia for the foreseeable future.

I recommend the doomsday prophets to pick up a bit of Mandarin Chinese, so they can communicate with the aliens, who so irritate them. But since most of the grumpy keyboard heros probably still say " Song Sip" after many years if not decades in their adopted home country, it is a difficult task????



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8 hours ago, webfact said:

an airport guard apparently punching a Chinese tourist

Opportunity 'ere .. Rather than punch a real one put some of those fairground style machines around the place .. 10bt a whack and no Chinese floored in the process .. winner winner chicken's foot dinner .. 


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5 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I worked with the Japanese for over 10 years before retiring to Thailand. So many of their concepts would help Thailand improve their service industry: "continuous improvement", "total quality management," "having the customer in your heart", "building long term relationships with customers."


I suspect that for the Chinese, who have also adopted many of these service principles, the lack of commitment to customer service and satisfaction sometimes encountered here can fall strikingly short of expectations as well.

Chinese service has improved a lot in 12  years, only recently i ordered a new led  screen for a laptop and it arrived with  some minor  damage, they answered my  e mails quickly sent me another and refunded me the postage back to China, I left them a glowing report on Amazon which  they  e mailed me and thanked me for on saying that Forsee garage  door  openers also Chinese even though they say how wonderful they are never  e mailed me back twice and dont tell me where to get spare parts from.

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13 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

Opportunity 'ere .. Rather than punch a real one put some of those fairground style machines around the place .. 10bt a whack and no Chinese floored in the process .. winner winner chicken's foot dinner .. 


Oooooh i think youd make a LOT  more money with Prawit/Prayuts face on that

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2 hours ago, PhilippBKK said:

Oh no,Thailand no longer in the hands of elderly Caucasian whingers! I I suspect it will get worse once the pound drops below 40THB????


Chinese tourism to Thailand is most likely an unstoppable and very positive future force.

While there is a current drop due to various economic reasons, the most compelling being the depreciating Yuan, it is very much a short term effect and the big neighbor to the north will continue to drive Thailand's tourism performance over the years to come.

Never mind the pathetic Muay Thai antics of one security staff or tragic boat accidents.


What really is happening fast is a shift from tour groups to independent travel by Chinese nationals.

So if your got your money on a never ending increase of tour groups and associated businesses, you are in a bit of a trouble now.

As all get rich quick schemes they are doomed to fail and only a selected lucky few will make it.

Chinese travelers start to realize they they are getting ripped of by these tours and all services associated with it. Chinese media has reported on it and people smarten up. There will be a huge move to independent travel, just as very few Europeans arrive on packaged bus tour groups to Thailand these days.

These travelers will spend more money, have a far better travel experience and will contribute more to the overall tourism industry.

Shitty tour operators, low quality tour hotels and restaurants and rip off retail operations are in for a rough ride and it is already happening.

However Thailand will always be a unique and fantastic value for money destination. Unbeatable in South East Asia for the foreseeable future.

I recommend the doomsday prophets to pick up a bit of Mandarin Chinese, so they can communicate with the aliens, who so irritate them. But since most of the grumpy keyboard heros probably still say " Song Sip" after many years if not decades in their adopted home country, it is a difficult task????



Come again.......

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5 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I worked with the Japanese for over 10 years before retiring to Thailand. So many of their concepts would help Thailand improve their service industry: "continuous improvement", "total quality management," "having the customer in your heart", "building long term relationships with customers."

Japanese are far ahead in many things, except work-life balance. They've also managed to have business in Thailand for years without trying to build a commie empire. If Thailand has to flirt with other Asian countries, they'd do better selecting Nippon.

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7 hours ago, mercman24 said:

the Russian city called JOMTIEN has been devoid of Russians for  months HOORAY !! and at last the Chinese can see further than their noses, better and more welcoming places  (and cheaper) than Thailand to visit and spend their hard earned money, ( well they must spend it somewhere, but i have never seen them spending it) they arrive here get herded around like cattle, only go into Chinese owned establishments, i am baffled. as to where they do spend their money

The Chinese are herded around in buses that take them en-mass to " purpose built shopping experiences ".

These are basically rip off places that have been built in the last couple of years or so where the Chinese become Captive audiences to purchase " traditional Thai " products at hugely inflated prices. And by herding the Tourists from one " Experience " to another, there is little or no time available to them in which to search out their own shopping experiences.

As you would expect, these " purpose built shopping experiences" are owned and run by just a handful of business people, who also pull all the strings with the bus companies and Hotels.

Basically, you answered your own question


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8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...Chinese tourist arrivals in Thailand are tumbling, dragging down overall visitor growth in the Southeast Asian nation and dimming the outlook for an economy that relies on spending by holidaymakers.


Travelers from China slid 12 percent in August, the biggest drop in more than a year, keeping the overall pace of visitor growth near a 16-month low. Thai officials are rattled as Chinese visitors are the top source of foreign receipts in an industry that makes up about a fifth of the economy..."


The chickens are coming home to roost!


The Junta has been so busy sucking up to their 'new best friends' and ignoring all the paying customers that they had, and now...


Most of the economic growth in Thailand since the coup has been from tourism, and most of that has been from Chinese tourism. It behooves the Junta to learn the lesson from S Korea a few years back; S Korea angered China, so China cut off tourism there for a bit and damaged their economy. How many points of GDP will be lost if China does the same here? And, they have already done it to S Korea to get their way, who would believe that they wouldn't do it again? Is the current drop in Chinese tourism due to accidents and safety concerns? Probably, but China could also assist and promote tourism to help their 'new' friends... Are they? Er... Ahem... Nope, it does not seem like they are...


The Junta has created a horrible dependence on China/Chinese tourism, a dependence that will haunt the Kingdom for years to come. Yes, it made/makes sense to develop the Chinese market, but to neglect the 'Western' market is the dumbest thing ever. And, the endless 'nationalistic' BS turns off westerners, not to mention all the visa crap... However, as we all know, "foreigners don't understand".


You reap what you sow; my only concern here is for the proverbial 'little guy' who will be hurt due to the stupidity of the higher-ups. And, on my tourist island, they are hurting already.


Sad, sad days for beloved Thailand.



I was under the impression that Thailand was a Chinese colony?

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IMHO  Thailand ,should treat guests with dignity respect and professionalism...And remember (relying on the old'' Amazing Thailand'','' Land of smiles'' routine) is over ...no one buys it anymore..

Edited by mok199
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6 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

On a recent trip to Cambodia (Siem Reap) I had an interesting conversation with the Khmer owner of my regular hotel and discovered that the Chinese "package" tourists are decreasing (as in Thailand) BUT there is an increase in more discerning Chinese tourists who make their own arrangements and travel independently - especially as families (mum, dad, kids). I am no fan of the Chinese but two families staying at the hotel were very pleasant and could speak some English. The room rate was US$50 per night including breakfast and their sightseeing trips were booked by hotel reception using official (registered) Khmer tour guides and tuk-tuk drivers.  The hotel manager was more than happy to have these Chinese as guests.


Chinese tourists need a guide and group....this is why....



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1 hour ago, mommysboy said:

Big spenders too!

Everyone goes on about how the Chinese don't spend money here. They see them in big groups and make the assumpp0tion they don't spend money. According to Bloomberg, Chinese numbers are 1/5 of total tourists and account for 1/3 of total tourist spending. Who should I believe? 

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

According to Bloomberg, Chinese numbers are 1/5 of total tourists and account for 1/3 of total tourist spending. Who should I believe? 

I wonder where they get their numbers from... could it possibly begin with a T? 

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Some funny posts about thailand is doomed. When the country was getting close to civil war and shopping centers were being blown up, airports taken over and shut down, military coups..

And they still kept coming. I doubt a China man getting punched in the face is going to make an impact.

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25 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I wonder where they get their numbers from... could it possibly begin with a T? 

I think they are hurting much more than they are letting on (T, that is). I was surprised the drop was only 12%, but it's not clear if that's per month, or over the time since the boat sinking disaster. They are talking about a shortfall of 1 million tourists.

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20 minutes ago, blackhorse said:

Some funny posts about thailand is doomed. When the country was getting close to civil war and shopping centers were being blown up, airports taken over and shut down, military coups..

And they still kept coming. I doubt a China man getting punched in the face is going to make an impact.

Yes, and the baht remained relatively strong throughout. We were waiting for the devaluation that never happened.

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12 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

neglect the 'Western' market is the dumbest thing ever.

Little p understands to Chinese.  He likes to go to bed early.  They like to go to bed early.  His demeanor suggests he does not like to drink.  Most Chinese are not big drinkers either.  Chinese make weapons.  He likes to buy them.  Westerners like to stay out all night and have a good time.  Little p probably sees that as subversive behavior that undermines Thai culture.  There again that Sanook feeling was pervasive up until he snatched power.  He is trying to sanitize Thailand to a point where Westerners and Chinese find it dull.  Good news for Malaysia and Vietnam.  Those countries should send him thank you letters. 


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