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Thaksin Moving To Australia?!?!

sriracha john

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Ousted Thai leader seeks Aussie abode

THAILAND'S exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was deposed in a bloodless coup five months ago, is making plans to call Australia home.

Mr Thaksin spent the weekend in Melbourne and Sydney, playing golf at the Capital Golf Club in Melbourne and at The Lakes in Sydney.

In Sydney, the billionaire has engaged an eastern suburbs property developer to find a suitable home.

"I am looking in the eastern suburbs for a property with good views of the harbour," he told The Australian yesterday. "I think Sydney is very safe and I have friends here. I like Australia. The people are friendly and sincere. The weather is good. It is clean and safe and I can play golf all year round."

Mr Thaksin said he hoped the military-installed government now running Thailand would not see his visit to Australia as provocative.

"I think the Government is too concerned about my activities, which are actually very private," he said.

"Every time I speak to the media I try to be very conservative as a former prime minister. No matter how bitter you are, you have to be very faithful to your country, to your people and to your monarch. I try to be very constructive but they are still concerned."

The Thai Government expressed its displeasure with Singapore after a private meeting between Mr Thaksin and the island nation's Deputy Prime Minister, S. Jayakumar, last month.

Mr Thaksin was at pains to stress that his visit to Australia was as a private citizen.

Mr Thaksin said he would not be meeting media mogul James Packer during his visit but said: "He has been kind enough to send me letters and send Australian wine to me."

Mr Packer's listed Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd is interested in investing in casinos in Thailand. Thailand does not allow casinos, but Mr Thaksin said he believed they could play a valuable role in creating jobs for local people and developing tourism.

Mr Thaksin, whose family controversially sold its stake in Shin Corporation to Temasek Holdings, the investment arm of the Singapore Government, in January last year, said he had no interest in returning to either business or politics and has no business or political interests in Australia.

"We have sold the family business," he said. "All we have now is some real estate. I want my children to grow their own businesses from the beginning. I may just advise them.

"In a way, I am grateful to the military government for forcing me into an early retirement so that I can spend time with my family again.

"Now the only activity I am considering is investing in the stock market and doing charity work to support the rural development work of the king (of Thailand)."

- The Australian


hahahahahahahahahahaha.... :D:o

Good luck, Australia

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He lost out when he had the chance to buy Liverpool FC (couple of Yanks mopped it up last week for a song)a couple of years ago so maybe hes looking for summit similar down in Auz.

Got an uncle who lives in Sutherland (Auz not jockland)and could maybe he could point him in the direction of say ...the Sharkies....dont know if they are up for sale...however??

They have a great set up at Cronulla .... loads of fruit machines etc..and probabally now do thai food ... and they even sell Fosters lager..but seems I was the only one (on last visit) to ask for it.....funny that.....

So wotcha Mr T ...fancy a bit of Aussie Rules ?:o

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He lost out when he had the chance to buy Liverpool FC (couple of Yanks mopped it up last week for a song)a couple of years ago so maybe hes looking for summit similar down in Auz.

Got an uncle who lives in Sutherland (Auz not jockland)and could maybe he could point him in the direction of say ...the Sharkies....dont know if they are up for sale...however??

They have a great set up at Cronulla .... loads of fruit machines etc..and probabally now do thai food ... and they even sell Fosters lager..but seems I was the only one (on last visit) to ask for it.....funny that.....

So wotcha Mr T ...fancy a bit of Aussie Rules ?:D

From my observations, Tox doesn't seem to fancy any sorts of Rules :o

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Thaksin looking for permanent Australia home

Exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has plans to move to Sydney's prosperous eastern suburbs, the media in Australia reported on Monday. The Bangkok billionaire, deposed in a bloodless military coup nearly five months ago, has asked a Sydney property developer to find him a home, The Australian newspaper reported. "I am looking in the eastern suburbs for a property with good views of the (Sydney) harbour," Mr Thaksin told the newspaper. He spent the weekend playing golf at the Capital Golf Club in Melbourne and The Lakes in Sydney. Mr Thaksin repeated that he is finished in Thai politics. "Not just the next election, but for life," he said. Mr Thaksin said he had no interest in returning to business or politics and has no business or political interests in Australia.

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underlining for Rinrada's benefit... :o

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Thaksin looking for permanent Australia home

Exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has plans to move to Sydney's prosperous eastern suburbs, the media in Australia reported on Monday. The Bangkok billionaire, deposed in a bloodless military coup nearly five months ago, has asked a Sydney property developer to find him a home, The Australian newspaper reported. "I am looking in the eastern suburbs for a property with good views of the (Sydney) harbour," Mr Thaksin told the newspaper. He spent the weekend playing golf at the Capital Golf Club in Melbourne and The Lakes in Sydney. Mr Thaksin repeated that he is finished in Thai politics. "Not just the next election, but for life," he said. Mr Thaksin said he had no interest in returning to business or politics and has no business or political interests in Australia.

Continued here:



underlining for Rinrada's benefit... :D

Is this the 27th time he has given up politics ? :o

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Thaksin looking for permanent Australia home

Exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has plans to move to Sydney's prosperous eastern suburbs, the media in Australia reported on Monday. The Bangkok billionaire, deposed in a bloodless military coup nearly five months ago, has asked a Sydney property developer to find him a home, The Australian newspaper reported. "I am looking in the eastern suburbs for a property with good views of the (Sydney) harbour," Mr Thaksin told the newspaper. He spent the weekend playing golf at the Capital Golf Club in Melbourne and The Lakes in Sydney. Mr Thaksin repeated that he is finished in Thai politics. "Not just the next election, but for life," he said. Mr Thaksin said he had no interest in returning to business or politics and has no business or political interests in Australia.

Continued here:



underlining for Rinrada's benefit... :D

Is this the 27th time he has given up politics ? :o

like ovenman reported earlier on his 26th time...

He's quit more times than the Rolling Stones have had "Final Farewell Tours"


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hahahahahahahahahahaha.... :o:D

Good luck, Australia

:o:D :D

:D:bah: :bah:

not funny!

c'mon now... Australia has to share in the "Provide A Home For Deposed Southeast Asian Tyrants Program" and since America took on Marcos, it's only fitting that it's Australia's turn.


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Tried to post this in News Clippings but don't have permission to create a new Topic there. George will probably move this or create a new one.

Exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has plans to move to Sydney's prosperous eastern suburbs.

The billionaire was deposed five months ago in a bloodless coup and has since engaged a Sydney property developer to find him a home, The Australian reports.

He has been unable to return to his homeland since the Thai military seized power in September, when he was attending a UN summit in New York.

"I am looking in the eastern suburbs for a property with good views of the (Sydney) harbour," Mr Thaksin told the newspaper.

He spent the weekend playing golf at the Capital Golf Club in Melbourne and The Lakes in Sydney.

"I think Sydney is very safe and I have friends here," he said.

"I like Australia. The people are friendly and sincere. The weather is good. It is clean and safe and I can play golf all year round."

Mr Thaksin said he had no interest in returning to business or politics and has no business or political interests in Australia.

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Ousted Thai PM seeks Sydney property

Thailand's ousted prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, says he is looking for property to buy in Sydney while visiting Australia.

Mr Thaksin has told the ABC he is interested in real estate while he is in Australia.

"I ask my friend to look for a house in Sydney, especially in the eastern suburbs," he said.

The billionaire former prime minister also says he is finished in Thai politics after September's coup.

"Not just the next election, but for life," he said.

Instead he says he is pondering an academic career focusing on alleviating poverty in the kingdom.

During his six years in office he provided affordable health care for the poorest Thais, as well as funding education and housing programs.

Yet a recent US study has shown that during Mr Thaksin's time in office the gap between rich and poor widened considerably.

Mr Thaksin is also the subject of a number of corruption investigations in Thailand.

He has been in exile ever since the coup in September and has been travelling the region in recent months doing media interviews to combat corruption allegations.

Source: ABC Online - 12 February 2007

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Oh My!!!!!! Toxin is keeping up his relentless attacks on the Thai dictatorship. I hope Plus comes and reads about this most recent of his scathing attacks!!!! He is such a dispicable character to heap such scorn on a gov't which gained power by virtue of the gun. He is such a dispicable character I can see why there are so many posters here whose hearts are filled to the brim for hatred towards him.


P.S. Have they implicated him yet in the sinking of the submarine?


P.P.S. Has anyone but me noticed that Toxin has not made any statement as reported in the news article that indicates that he wants to take up permanent residency in Australia?


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If we let Toxic Shitiwater, buy land in Oz, and promise to keep him safe from Thai politics, can Aussies buy some land in LOS????

No silly boy he has no say in LOS anymore..

Dont know what all the fuss is, let some money grubbibg realestate co get some of his money and its nice that he's spending some of his illgotten gains in the Sunburned Country..

Mind you if he ever gets back in the LOS he might be nice to Aussies..

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he is doing an interview tomorrow night (tuesday) on Australian ABCs "foreign correspondent"...

ill get the barf bag ready

Ok great visual here:

ABC: Today we are interviewing Thaksin Shinawatra, good day sir.

Thaksin Shinawatra: Good day.

ABC: Today we have a bit of a surprise for you, I will be giving up the interviewers seat to journalists from Thailand. (In walk several hard hitting journalists from Thailand)

Thaksin Shinawatra: (wispers to ABC) How much money do you want to make them go away?

ABC: We report the news here sir, and the Thai journalists are much more familiar with the issues than I.

Thaksin Shinawatra: I need to use the toilet, I will use the one in my hotel if that is OK with you.

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