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It's a year since the Weinstein scandal broke, but the battle is just beginning


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It's a year since the Weinstein scandal broke, but the battle is just beginning

By Eva Wiseman



 ‘If a woman’s civic duty is to speak up, what is the civic duty of a man?’: a march to End Rape Culture in Philadelphia which happened two days after the US Senate held a hearing to investigate charges against Brett Kavanaugh by Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Photograph: Michael Candelori/Rex/Shutterstock


How are you celebrating the anniversary of the fall of Harvey Weinstein? Cake? Crackers? A festive sob in the loos at work? Ten days ago Dr Christine Blasey Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee: “I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me.”


Alyssa Milano (the actor who launched the #MeToo campaign along with Tarana Burke), glared at them from the cheap seats as Republican senators waited patiently for the chance, one by one, to apologise to Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee for the supreme court who denies any wrongdoing, for the pain he had suffered.


And haunting the room, too, were the ghosts of Rose McGowan and Asia Argento and the millions of people that came out as survivors of sexual assault. 


A wood-panelled room, coffin-like, to hold the bodies.


Full Story: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/oct/07/me-too-is-one-year-old-but-the-battle-is-just-beginning-sexual-harassment

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I believe sexual abuse has a long upward battle. But women like Christine Ford  turn it into a circus and hurt the cause more than help. Crap like she tried to pull off losing more support than it adds.  Activists have to learn how to vet what is right and what is not. Not just jump on any harassment allegation and try to push what they feel is justice down ever ones throat. 

  Harassment is not a joke so activist should use good judgement when they wish to assist. Poor judgement will lose support and do  more damage and take away momentum.

  Women should be safe. Women who have been harassed or raped should get strong representation and support. But women who play games with it should be dropped like a hot potatoe. If cases like Ford.s happen to often people will give up on the cause and drop support.

  Why should people support women who are saying it for the wrong reason's or just plain making it up.


Edited by lovelomsak
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18 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

I believe sexual abuse has a long upward battle. But women like Christine Ford  turn it into a circus and hurt the cause more than help. Crap like she tried to pull off losing more support than it adds.  Activists have to learn how to vet what is right and what is not. Not just jump on any harassment allegation and try to push what they feel is justice down ever ones throat. 

  Harassment is not a joke so activist should use good judgement when they wish to assist. Poor judgement will lose support and do  more damage and take away momentum.

  Women should be safe. Women who have been harassed or raped should get strong representation and support. But women who play games with it should be dropped like a hot potatoe. If cases like Ford.s happen to often people will give up on the cause and drop support.

  Why should people support women who are saying it for the wrong reason's or just plain making it up.   

Are you sure that your opinion about Dr. Ford is not tinted by your political view? Let me guess, you support Trump...


I saw her testimony and I though that was about as good as it gets - for something that happened over 30 years ago. She tried to be calm and she described the things she remembered and she also clearly said what she did not remember.


Obviously I don't know if the new supreme court judge was the one who did it or not. But I am pretty sure she was attacked and didn't just make up that story.

The problem was clearly that half the USA wanted to believe that she was almost raped by the judge and half the USA didn't want to hear about it. They wanted and want a conservative supreme court judge. I am sure if it would be proven that he did it 30 years ago lots of people would still want him as the supreme court judge - they couldn't care less about what he did as long as he does in the future what these people want.

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The big poster "Believe women" is asking too much.


There has always been a big number of wrong rape claims.


"Believe women" would make it easy for every woman to get a man they don't like for any reason into prison. 


It is too easy already: they just go to police and claim you raped them and you are in even for months - or longer even if you are innocent.


I am not saying don't believe women. But what I'm saying is that there claim has to be investigated until proven or not - same as the blamed man. 

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Women "live" for the chance to claim the "victim" badge, I've seen on at least 3 occasions where women claim rape, assault and imprisonment with young men that were not only totally debunked by the evidence of witnesses but later by the women concerned! The defence they used was "to get even with the man because.......!" In Oz if a woman makes a claim it is considered true unless substantial evidence is produced by the accused in his own defence! It's so much easier for judges in the family court to decide against the husband rather than insist on proof! God help Oz if the SJW's get their way!

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What is so compelling about this op ed rant from a one of the lefty Guardian's rabid feminazis that it was decided to inflict it on ThaiVisa's captive audience of mainly "white, privileged" men?


We've heard it all before, and from sources more reliable and far less biased.


How about running a follow-up piece putting the other side of the picture, on behalf of men whose lives have been ruined by allegations of sexual misconduct which proved to be false.


Or does the Forum have a political agenda we don't know about?

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17 hours ago, sweatalot said:

The big poster "Believe women" is asking too much.


There has always been a big number of wrong rape claims.


"Believe women" would make it easy for every woman to get a man they don't like for any reason into prison. 


It is too easy already: they just go to police and claim you raped them and you are in even for months - or longer even if you are innocent.


I am not saying don't believe women. But what I'm saying is that there claim has to be investigated until proven or not - same as the blamed man. 

Also, I believe that there has to be a time limit on making a rape or other kind of sexual allegation, if only because after a gap of many years, the accusation almost certainly hinges on a "he said, she said" scenario, which can ruin a man's reputation, without any proof of the allegation being made.  In Kavanagh's case, whether or not guilty of an alleged crime some 30 odd years ago, when he was a teenager, he will always be remembered as the "rape" guy.  I believe that 5 years should be an adequate time frame for reporting an alleged sexual crime.  Fair on the woman involved and also on the guy.

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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Also, I believe that there has to be a time limit on making a rape or other kind of sexual allegation, if only because after a gap of many years, the accusation almost certainly hinges on a "he said, she said" scenario, which can ruin a man's reputation, without any proof of the allegation being made.  In Kavanagh's case, whether or not guilty of an alleged crime some 30 odd years ago, when he was a teenager, he will always be remembered as the "rape" guy.  I believe that 5 years should be an adequate time frame for reporting an alleged sexual crime.  Fair on the woman involved and also on the guy.

Accusations are a problem. But I think the bigger problem are the people who behave as if an accusation is the same as a guilty verdict from a court of law.

It seems a couple of guys lost their jobs already because of accusations.

And the press often pretends accusations must somehow be true.

It's time that people can listen to accusations and decide: Yes, she accused him. Now she should go to court and prove it. And if he is guilty and convicted of a crime then there might be consequences. After the conviction.

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Regarding the current gender slander practiced by the Dems, there is a very good YouTube channel out of Ottawa that debunks the issues and philosophy very neatly: Studio Brûlé.  Give it a look, I think that you will be pleased with its content.  Just search for Studio Brule on YouTube and then subscribe for all of their great videos. Enjoy!

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