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Clean street and "mall plaza" food recommendations?

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I don't mind eating in restaurants that have gone to the effort to appeal to high class/picky eaters (like some I saw in Nimman One), but in the interest of stretching my money to last longer: What street stalls and mall plaza stalls would y'all recommend?


I don't have a Thai stomach and my stomach was born and raised in New York City. What places anywhere in Chiang Mai do you guys frequent and have never gotten sick from (and also don't suspect them of foul play)? Anywhere in Chiang Mai you suggest is fine since I'm mobile.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you don't wanna share your spots publicly for some reason, please feel free to message me.


hard to know what may and may not react well for each individual. even for myself though i have never gotten sick from street food. 


got pretty sick once from italian food on Mott Street littleItaly ny..


easy rule of thumb is you are best off where you see a lot of others eating too. 

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For your NY tastebuds head to The Duke’s (Maya has one but the one across the river is the best in my opinion)... Before 6pm they have diner specials... but we prefer thier pizza... my partner and I split a salad and small pizza for less than 500 baht!... they now sell a smaller personal pan pizza for 185 baht too ????


Also so a find outside the city is at Mae Hai Market in the parking lot near the back entrance of Rimping two ladies have a roach coach in the afternoon and make a delicious burrito for a 100 baht!... thier Facebook says they also set up the coach in the Santhium area one evening a week



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Elgenon, I think that you provided me with a joke response, but I don't really have time for such a thing in this serious thread. Are you trying to give me food poisoning? C'mon man...


SFOKevin, the reason that I mention that I am from New York City was to illustrate that I've already been around a lot of dirty air and different kinds of cuisines. Thank you for the Duke's recommendation, but I was more referring to places to get Thai food that is clean (in the sense of not contaminated). I appreciate the burrito place mention though.


kenk24, it sucks that you got food poisoning in Little Italy all those years ago, but that was probably a freak occurrence that can happen anywhere in the world. I am just trying to avoid getting food poisoned every single day in Thailand. I'm sure you understand that Thailand it still considered 3rd world and therefore a lot of places are probably not up to code food safety-wise for Westerners.


Trujillo, I'll do my best to not eat at those kind of places. Thank you for the warning.


yeah. little italy was a bad one. i have been food poisoned in many different countries but thailand has been one the better places. and through many years i have never had a visitor have a problem. so hoping for the best for you... 


with the word poison it sounds much worse than it is.. usually knocked out easily with a course of anti biotics.   


ps.. take a trip out to central festival mall.. ice skating rink and all..  not third world but develooing world. 


i do spend a lot of time in a small farming village. that might be considered 3rd world... 


you are going to be fine.

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1 hour ago, sfokevin said:

Check out this night market across from CMU gate... Many resturants open at night... There is a great place there that does all sorts of Bento Box stuff... Only at night and mostly Uni students... 


Thanks for your reply. Please keep in mind I'm not necessarily looking for places that are cheap, but also for places where you would hardly consider there being contaminated food or dirty meal preparation.

23 minutes ago, InterestedSugoya said:

Thanks for your reply. Please keep in mind I'm not necessarily looking for places that are cheap, but also for places where you would hardly consider there being contaminated food or dirty meal preparation.

Its better to wander around and find new places , rather than going to where other people go to


I eat everywhere without worry and have not yet gotton sick from anything in Chiang Mai.

That said, I'm eating less at street carts because I've noticed hands don't necessarily get washed and food and money handled together is questionable.

Also I wonder where they get the water from? 


I like to see my food get prepared fresh and the malls are great for that. Airport Plaza and the Maya have basement and upper floor food courts, but my favorite is Central Kad Suan Kaew which has seemingly twice as many stalls as the rest.

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16 hours ago, elgenon said:

Khao ka moo vendor near Chaing Mai gate. Your stomach will love you. And the kanom klok vendor on the old city side of the moat near CM gate.

I suspect the KFG vendor of fowl play.


Confirmed--I tipped a guy off to the pork leg guy(good) and yep I can confirm KFG(bad)--Never again...urrrrp.....

7 hours ago, sanemax said:

Its better to wander around and find new places , rather than going to where other people go to

That's 100% true but, someone like Yoga Veg knows what exactly I'm trying to get at in this thread.


It's not necessarily about you giving away all your good spots so then they're going to be overcrowded, but it's more about trying to help fellow travelers out so that they don't get food poisoning by people using less than clean standards of food preparation.


Chaka Khan, thanks for the clarification.

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7 minutes ago, InterestedSugoya said:

That's 100% true but, someone like Yoga Veg knows what exactly I'm trying to get at in this thread.

It's not necessarily about you giving away all your good spots so then they're going to be overcrowded, but it's more about trying to help fellow travelers out so that they don't get food poisoning by people using less than clean standards of food preparation.


Chaka Khan, thanks for the clarification.

I wasnt concerned about giving away "good spots" , posters on here may have their favorite places and they tend to frequent the same few places regularly .

   All the best places that I have found , is by wandering around and having a look, discovering new places and not going to other peoples favorite places .

   You can generally see the cleanliness of places .

Good places that I have found are "Coconut shell" , "Kats kitchen" both near Tapae gate .

And a Chinese place next to Spicy and about three places opposite that on the other side of the moat .

   I found them all by wandering around and trying them out

  • Thanks 1

the larger problem for me with street food is the oil and sugar and salt and msg that go into it. 


the younger me didnt care that much. i do now and have been buying organic veggies and making my Own salads and meals. 


i have been here a long time and rarely have seen anyone get sick from the food and certainly not mexico style badly sick.


there is always an element in recommendations as to immediacy of the moment... is the cook sick and germy? is this a new cook or untrained employee..  



2 hours ago, sanemax said:

I wasnt concerned about giving away "good spots" , posters on here may have their favorite places and they tend to frequent the same few places regularly .

   All the best places that I have found , is by wandering around and having a look, discovering new places and not going to other peoples favorite places .

   You can generally see the cleanliness of places .

Good places that I have found are "Coconut shell" , "Kats kitchen" both near Tapae gate .

And a Chinese place next to Spicy and about three places opposite that on the other side of the moat .

   I found them all by wandering around and trying them out

Yo. MarcoPoloMax That is a great way to do it. I have also found some surprisingly good places just by taking a chance.... and rarely a bad meal...  Max the explorer..  Max A Million... Max Neung lan... 

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i would also say to keep your meals simple at first... unfamiliar spices can mess with your system though not likely to a food poisoning effect..


in general i avoid seafood during the hot season and usually do not seek it out in cm where It has tO be shipped In though i have never had a problem.

On 10/14/2018 at 10:43 AM, Muddy Brown said:

For a really nice small place for burgers, steaks, Hot Dogs, even fish, Spaghetti Carbonara and Sausage and Mash, try this really good Thai owned and run restaurant in Santitham. Known as Marks Burgers, the owners learned the business from Mikes Original. Look for Nana Bakery and Marks Burgers is right next door. They also have a Facebook page but I dont use that so cant tell you where it is. But I do know you can Google the name in Google Maps.

Really great value and I do mean great value, great quality, spotlessly clean and an interesting menu.  Enjoy and tell me here after you have tried it.





Would rather stick to somewhat healthier meals, but if I'm down to my last few baht and need some survival food, I will definitely check this place out because from your description it sounds like a cool vibe.

On 10/14/2018 at 9:43 PM, Muddy Brown said:

Known as Marks Burgers, the owners learned the business from Mikes Original. Look for Nana Bakery and Marks Burgers is right next door. ...Enjoy and tell me here after you have tried it.

I rarely eat burgers but I stumbled upon Mark's one niget and was blown away at how good it is. It's like 40 baht too per sandwich to start, they have chicken, fish and beef burgers (and lots of other stuff), add an egg and fried onions for 10 baht each and you will be amazed.

Not runny eggs like everywhere else (which I find gross) but perfectly cooked egg.

If you get to go they wrap in paper ????

Good fries and rings. Freindly folks, super clean, easy to miss until you are right in front of it.

Highly recommended.

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