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I just tried logging in to airasia.com on my iPad through Safari, but could not. I called them here in Thailand and was told to download the app (which I don’t like) and that on Safari, usually you can’t log in.  Thoughts and workarounds please.




Can you give more details what "can not" means?

What you do and what happens?


My first guess is that it is related to the encryption method of the AirAsia website?

For experts I did some SSL test for the site, just "OK" (B rating).



Does not sound like a question for the Travel forum.

More like for Apple/Safari experts?

(which I am 0%)


Hi KhunBENQ,


When I bring up AirAsia.com on my iPad’s Safari or FireFox I get the typical initial page (lots of options, advertising). The Log In/Sign Up tab is quickly over written with options to join the members plan (which allows me to press and press and then get a white bar, see next part). Sometimes that tab is not overwritten but when you press it, the thin white bar fills the centre width of the screen. There is a grey ‘x’ in the bottom right corner of the bar. If you press the ‘x’ the bar disappears and you can press ‘login’ again, with the same result.


Interestingly, you can check future fights, try to check in, maybe more.


This is in landscape mode. In Portrait mode the Log In/Sign Up tab does not display.


The app is special as well. I find that I am logged in (because I was frenzied in trying to sign in or because I was recognized from previous sessions).


It only has a Portrait look. I can change Language (probably a client thing) but for most options (Search Flights, etc) I get this message.


“Sorry there is a problem connecting to the server. Please try again (0). OK”.  Over and over again.


Should I ask a mod to move this thread to what you suggested.





28 minutes ago, NewGuy said:

Should I ask a mod to move this thread to what you suggested.

Already done.

With your description my idea about encryption is void.

Now sounds more like a problem with the scripts on the site?


Let's hope there is a Safari user here who can try.

You enter via this?:



Hi KhunBENQ,


I tried the link (looks like the one I always use) and got the same result.


Does it work for you?



1 hour ago, NewGuy said:

Does it work for you?


It works for me but I am in a different world (Windows, Firefox or Chrome).


Unfortunately the forum is very quiet and no iOS/Safari user here?


I am not 100% sure what the problem is / was, but I just used Safari on my iphone 6s with ios 12 and was easily able to get to the login screen. I do not have an account with airasia, so I could not actually login, but i just entered some random letters in the email field and password field, no problems. then clicked login. it registered the clicked and returned a message that the login details are invalid.

I hope this info helps.


NiwPix, that was helpful. Dummy that I am, I only just tried on my wife’s iPhone 6s. No tab to sign in but I did so going through the Flights option. So back to the iPad. In the app I was able to sign in and out but after an initial fight search I got the ‘problem connecting to the server’ message again.


Using Safari I was able to bring up the enter email and password thingy but it went into a never ending display of the three ‘working’ lights. After a reboot I tried Safari again. The login/sign up tab gave me the thin white bar which changed into a white bar about an inch high that didn’t do anything.


All this was done with and without AdBlockPlus.  


I guess their servers need work, responses were very slow both on TOT wireless and True 3/4 G.


Maintaining Help status!

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