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Elite Card Not So Elite Anymore...

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The article in Bangkok Post is not fully true, which I know as I work close with Thai Elite.

So please enlighten us. What is likely to happen? And when?

Mr. kronbergTH ? Where are you? :D:D enlighten please. So that we would either keep our hopes high, or simply resigned to our fate and destiny to do VOA and TV. :o

Does anyone have any accurate information about whether anything resembling the changes we have been discussing is likely to happen, and is there a time schediule? Mr. KronbergTH, where are you when we need you?

IMHO this would be very popular among those able to afford it and would be simplicity itself to implement.

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I can see them doing a tiered program ,like the "Longstay" program.(platinum,gold,silver,etc.)

The visa being the main selling point,as it doesn't cost them anything(except the stamp!!)

For example: 5 years for the upper tier, descending to a 1 year visa for the cheaper option(I can't see being able to get a 5 year visa for the reported 50,000~60,000 baht new price).

But as posted before.......mr.kronbergTH,where are you??????????????????????????????????????????????

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Given the recent turbulence regarding the future of the TE membership I sent them an email to try to get some clarification. I am a member so I asked my personal representative. She confirmed to me that changes are pending and will take effect soon. And there will be changes to the privileges. As my sole interest in the TE membership is the visa I specifically asked her about that. She assured me that no changes will be made to the visa privileges for existing TE members.

Take it for what it is but that is the info I got from TE directly.


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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE... with more laughs

Elite Card due for another overhaul

After failing to meet membership targets, the troubled Thailand Elite Card programme has submitted a restructuring plan aimed at achieving profitability in the next few years. Thailand Privilege Card (TPC), the operator of the Elite Card programme, hopes to implement a number of reforms, including limiting membership to 20,000. //Edit to first two sentence quote - lopburi3//

Laughs continued here:



Did Dr. Suvit expect members, after they spent a million baht, to ask that the program not continue??? :o But then perhaps he did... because he said that only "many" members had asked that it continue, not that "all" members had. :D

Increasing the cost three-fold to 3 million baht will certainly drive up the public's desire to purchasing the card and then surely they will be able to quickly meet their 20,000 membership enrollment goal. :D :D

I guess then that soon after that, they'll just keep right on going so Thaksin's stated goal of generating one trillion baht from the Elite Card is just around the corner. Except that at 3 mil each now, it'll generate three trillion baht. wow...

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Yes, I considered buying an elite card but at only 1 million baht I thought the program wasn't "exclusive" enough.

At 3 million baht I will certainly by one and maybe two of them.

i am considering to get one for my dog. after all the dog is farang.

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Yes, I considered buying an elite card but at only 1 million baht I thought the program wasn't "exclusive" enough.

At 3 million baht I will certainly by one and maybe two of them.

i am considering to get one for my dog. after all the dog is farang.

Now Now, no need to call your wife names!!

After all, this programme will last a lot longer than many marriages in thailand

bets are still on for you guys of an older age

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I am told by Thai Elite that there are no plans to alter or devalue the card.

I am also told that any privilege existing at the time of application will continue through any alterations in the program.

Do I believe them? I question it because this is not a normal service. It is a new system, foreign to us and not something that would, could or does exist in our countries of origin. Therefore it is perceived as risky. The answer is simply unknown, only time can tell.

If purchasing membership at conception one could be well on their way to recouping the costs. With this in mind I have worked a few figures…

1 MB

Free Golf at a range of excellent golf courses.

4 games per month: 4 x 2-3000 = 8-12,000 baht/month

The Card Pays for its self in 7-10 years on Golfing alone if one was to play on average once per week.

Averaged over a 10 year period the card costs 8333 baht per month.

Although initially the card appears to be an extravagance, for those who live in Bangkok it does appear to pay for itself relatively quickly.

> A massage a couple of times per month (+/- 2000 baht)

> Golf 4 times per month (8-12,000 baht)

> Airport transfer approx 2 times per month (+/- 2000 baht).

> Gym Membership: (40,000 baht per year (Cost of Capitol Club).

Quick sums show that a reasonable expectation of using its privileges and the card recoups its costs within 5 years.

While my example of reasonable use may receive criticism and with the understanding that everyone is different and many of those who may show interest in the Elite program live in more isolated areas where the privileges are less accessible, for those in the main Cities the card does appear to be of value. With this in mind, I would feel disappointed but not greatly hard done by if the arrangement crashed in 5 years or so.

The icing on the cake is the Life long Visa (5 years renewed very 5 years). Or, if you are a cynic, for as long as Thai Elite, TOT and the folk at immigration remain in agreement. I have a level of convidence in this program as TOT appear to be within the thick of it.

Making my own mind up… I thought it was worth it, it also appears that those posters who have joined the Thai Elite program are in agreement.

Those not in agreement appear to judge the way more fortunate people spend their money. I would also go as far to suggest that if the Thai Elite card operated with a ‘Finance’ type agreement a lot of those with negative attitudes towards the program might develop further interest (although I do admit that if this was the case - if the system failed payment could just be stopped).

And with my Tuppence Worth spent – regards to you all.

Edited by richard_smith237
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With all these great benefits, one wonders why it's been such an unmitigated flop since its launch on October 20, 2003. :o


let me guess

you are an x merchant seaman, american, over 60 with a thai wife?

if you need any help looking for extra income, then thai visa can help you, just look on the jobs section

Edited by Hampstead
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With all these great benefits, one wonders why it's been such an unmitigated flop since its launch on October 20, 2003. :o

I assume because the number of quality tourists, or people who don’t want to rely on a marriage visa, retirement visa and who have a spare million baht floating around was greatly over estimated.

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With all these great benefits, one wonders why it's been such an unmitigated flop since its launch on October 20, 2003. :o

I assume because the number of quality tourists, or people who don't want to rely on a marriage visa, retirement visa and who have a spare million baht floating around was greatly over estimated.

What a flop the retirement visa is? 1500 visa's in 2005 of guys scavaging to have 800k in an account every year

Edited by Hampstead
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I’m sure that if the Elite membership just involved having 1 MB in an account – like a retirement visa more people would go for it.

But that’s not the point of the Thai Elite card is it. Its not called the Thai Card for the poor.

Being Elite – would suggest that they intend to keep it out of reach of, for want of a better description, every day riff raff who have not yet achieved a certain level of financial freedom! In this situation Money is the filter. If one has a spare 1 MB floating around, has limited alternative options the Elite card seems worth it. If you cant afford it, complain about it and knock it.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Hold on did i say 1500 guys in 2005 on retirement visa's scavaging for 800k is without a doubt a flop


in 2005 retirement visa's were far cheaper

in 2005 1500 guys had to find 400k a year, and only 1500 guys over 50 can save this much? wow

Edited by Hampstead
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With all these great benefits, one wonders why it's been such an unmitigated flop since its launch on October 20, 2003. :o


let me guess

you are an x merchant seaman, american, over 60 with a thai wife?

if you need any help looking for extra income, then thai visa can help you, just look on the jobs section

My mistake... it's been a hugely successful program that has well exceeded its goal of a million members and a trillion baht to the Thai Treasury. I must have overlooked that news article.

It would off-topic to say that your assumptions regarding me are as grossly inaccurate and foolishly made as your spending choices, so I won't say it. But then again, you've never come out and actually said you have bought one...

Edited by sriracha john
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Putting the price up to make it more exclusive is just so ###### Thai. They whip themselves up to be VIP, exclusive, selected or part of some unseen 'crowd'. Pathetic really. I guess the muppets in charge of card sales/damage limitation think that everyone is as shallow as they are.

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Hold on did i say 1500 guys in 2005 on retirement visa's scavaging for 800k is without a doubt a flop


in 2005 retirement visa's were far cheaper

in 2005 1500 guys had to find 400k a year, and only 1500 guys over 50 can save this much? wow

Hampstead. Why this total obsession with retired people. I for one find your constant attacks offensive and to be honest rather pathetic. Every day of your life must be spent thinking of ways to put down older people.

It is not our fault you do not fit the criteria for long term Visas leaving you with no option other than signing up to this over priced scheme.

If you are happy to do this, good for you, but attacking other groups because of your predicament is rather unfair.

Stop the attacks and enjoy your stay in Thailand however you achieve it.

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When I was a kid I would intentionally park the stabin wagon right next to a nice fancy mercedes.

Just 'cause I knew it would cause a rash to flare up for the mercedes owners. Now, I could afford a mercedes, but I would not own a dodge, and secondly it looks as though mercedes is going to become a step child again. Any how, I now own nothing.... the wife does, but I do have a designated Honda Wave 125.... talk about torque.

I would buy the elite card, if it had value to me, but it for sure does not. What could I do, Play golf!!!! Oh that does not appeal to a hick in no way. Us folks with New money, we can still have a laugh out on the porch with the commoners. Life is so much better that way. (just my opinion)

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Forgive me for rocking the boat a little here… just a little devils advocacy.

Please don’t take the bait too vigorously…

Why would someone under 50 years old, with money enough to buy and elite card (but prefers not to) be less desirable than someone over 50 with 800k in a Thai account ?

For those rich enough not to have to work, staying in Thailand is a great place to be, but they are left in a situation where visa requirements don’t fit them and currently only the Thai elite can help.

Why are those who choose not shack up with and marry the first little darling who flutters her eyelids, drops her panties and says “I rike youuuu” less desirable than someone who chooses to take their time and not dive head first into a potentially and (please read foot note) disastrous marriage ? (and get the marriage visa)

For those rich enough and too careful to leap blindly into the knickers of a lady of questionable intention – Thai elite can help.

Its difficult to deal with a case by case basis, every one has differing circumstances. Hampstead bashes retiree’s. While this may be unfair, their Visa carte blanche allows them to judge the only alternative some folk have remaining. And those without sufficient funds judge the only alternative those with sufficient funds have remaining. Sour grapes? It seems everyone makes unjust judgment to against those of an alternative demographic.

Many of the folk I know (Thai and western) discuss with disdain, those who don’t know how to behave in public. Why is there a suspected anti western feeling ? because its true. ‘S$%ting on ones doorstep is’ is something westerners do, we are less dignified when it comes to affairs of public behavior and a lack of discretion is every where.

The stereotypes and generalizations exist for a reason. Bashing retirees in Thailand is simply suggesting that there are those who fit a certain stereo type (while there are many who don’t), But a trip to Pattaya speaks for itself. However, there is no need to Bash retiree’s. Enough people Retired and younger make fools of themselves in daylight (in addition to night time) – they are the ones who let the side down for all of us.

Perhaps that’s why the visa regulations are being strengthened – the retiree visa, marriage visa, elite card, are just filters cutting down on the amount of undesirables ‘S$%ting on someone else’s doorstep’

Foot note:

Yes - its understood that there are many relationships that work well and I see and know many happy people. But from the stories I have seen, these people are the smart ones who took their time, chose the right girl and ensured that they are one of the exceptions.

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Good point > after splashing out for the elite card, they may not be able to afford to have sex ;-)

The Elite card with privileges beyond the golf and spa’s i.e. a few of the naughty massage parlors could have a few more folk interested, would it not ?

Edited by richard_smith237
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Why are those who choose not shack up with and marry the first little darling who flutters her eyelids, drops her panties and says “I rike youuuu” less desirable than someone who chooses to take their time and not dive head first into a potentially and (please read foot note) disastrous marriage ? (and get the marriage visa)

For those rich enough and too careful to leap blindly into the knickers of a lady of questionable intention – Thai elite can help.

Nothing like a good old bit of stereotyping.

From what I can remember, and being old my memory may be fading, one of the reasons for offering visas to over 50`s and not under was the thinking that older people are less likely to work ilegally than younger people. They are more likely to be genuine retirees than younger people . Not my thinking but that is the way they see it.

A few years ago it used to be 55 years, so it is coming down.

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