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Thammasat Actress Set For A 'hot' Dressing Down

Jai Dee

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> I am disappointed... I thought ThaiVisa readers/posters were made of stonger stuff.

"...16,112 posts later, Jai Dee's expectations of the forum were aligned perfectly with reality. " :D


You're right... I should have known better... :o

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Ooooooooh, touchy. How am I flaming? It's a simple statement of fact. I simply pointed out that as a Thammasat student she's in the top echelons academically in Thailand. A Thammasat student is like an Oxford, Cambridge or Harvard student.

Cheers! I studied at Thammasat for a semester, glad to see someone thinks I'm as well educated as any Oxford, Cambridge or Harvard scholar :o

Trust me, the stardard of education at Thammasat is fairly mediocre (if not below average) by Western Stardards. I came away with a 3.7 GPA for the semester in Business Administration... i'm assuming i could not have achieved the same at Harvard.

There are various reputable world university rankings measuring quality by a number of criteria.In all of these listings Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard are placed in the top ten.The highest placed Thai university is Chula which from memory is ranked about 160.Thammasat does not normally rank in the top 200.None of this says anything about individual students and I am sure there are some higher achievers at say Thammasat than say Harvard.What it does say however that by international standards the so called top Thai universities are very weak.Therefore I'm afraid that Bendix's assertion is highly questionable.

As far as this particular incident is concerned, I am having difficulty in understanding why Thammasat is involved at all.It would not be seen as a university's business anywhere else.

As far as the educational standard of this forum is concerned, I am not sure the proportion holding university degrees is anything than an approximate pointer.Nevertheless I suspect it would be rather few.It is obvious from polls recently conducted and frankly from the internal evidence of posts that this is primarily a blue collar discussion group.

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I agree with the university’s stance of rebuking her. I know TU alum who don’t want her to be associate with the university. Mind you rebuke is NOT the same a formal punishment. Of course she should not be kicked out of school or anything like that. She has a right to wear what she wants. Unfortunately she chooses tacky attire. There is nothing wrong with saying you disapprove of something it is not the same as banning it. Many people including TV members seem not grasp this point.

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As far as the educational standard of this forum is concerned, I am not sure the proportion holding university degrees is anything than an approximate pointer.Nevertheless I suspect it would be rather few.It is obvious from polls recently conducted and frankly from the internal evidence of posts that this is primarily a blue collar discussion group.

Are you holding your nose whilst you slum it with the riff-raff here? :o

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I agree with the university’s stance of rebuking her. I know TU alum who don’t want her to be associate with the university. Mind you rebuke is NOT the same a formal punishment. Of course she should not be kicked out of school or anything like that. She has a right to wear what she wants. Unfortunately she chooses tacky attire. There is nothing wrong with saying you disapprove of something it is not the same as banning it. Many people including TV members seem not grasp this point.

But what earthly business is all this with the university or its alumni? It's in any case precisely by associating this girl's off campus activity with the university that you are drawing attention to her in the first place.Aren't there matters of greater concern for the university and its alumni to worry about that this trivial incident.They are behaving as though Thammasat is not a leading Thai university but a rather dim little high school in one of the more provincial mid American states.Grow up for heavens sake.

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PR stunt to fit in very nicely with the current moral climate. Would anyone know who Liz Hurley is without the safety pinned Versace dress? How about the J Lo green dress (also Versace??) Big storm about the dress & suddenly everyone knows who she is.... It's worked for others. :D

This is good 'exposure' for her in more ways than one :o - at least people are talking about her, as they did with Liz Hurley and J Lo

My PR team have potentially hit the right note by doing this, although this being Asia and morally different to Europe and USA, it could easily backfire

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As far as the educational standard of this forum is concerned, I am not sure the proportion holding university degrees is anything than an approximate pointer.Nevertheless I suspect it would be rather few.It is obvious from polls recently conducted and frankly from the internal evidence of posts that this is primarily a blue collar discussion group.

Are you holding your nose whilst you slum it with the riff-raff here? :o

No because I do not confuse social class with intelligence or perception.Many without much formal education have a great deal interesting to say.I do not pay much attention to those interested in sex tourism, drinking beer, football, Pattaya, bargirls, barboys, visa running and obsessive one subject posters.I must confess to a slight prejudice against uneducated Brits (why do I always imagine them as fatties?) expounding uncritically on Thai politics and culture in terms of the current received opinion.There are however some excellent posters, many of whom I often disagree with, and I suspect there is a wide diversity in educational background.

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As far as the educational standard of this forum is concerned, I am not sure the proportion holding university degrees is anything than an approximate pointer.Nevertheless I suspect it would be rather few.It is obvious from polls recently conducted and frankly from the internal evidence of posts that this is primarily a blue collar discussion group.

Are you holding your nose whilst you slum it with the riff-raff here? :D

No because I do not confuse social class with intelligence or perception.Many without much formal education have a great deal interesting to say.I do not pay much attention to those interested in sex tourism, drinking beer, football, Pattaya, bargirls, barboys, visa running and obsessive one subject posters.I must confess to a slight prejudice against uneducated Brits (why do I always imagine them as fatties?) expounding uncritically on Thai politics and culture in terms of the current received opinion.There are however some excellent posters, many of whom I often disagree with, and I suspect there is a wide diversity in educational background.

Fair enough. :D

I sometimes wonder though.... Why does Thailand and TV forum attract intelligent, educated people; to discuss and intellectualise what is an essentially uncomplicated, unsophisticated country? Thailand is probably the "dumb blonde" of SE Asia. :D Okay, the Philippines is riding shotgun under the "Sharon & Tracy" sun screen, but,.... :D

Maybe should be a separate thread? :o

Ooh! Look at that shiny thing over there!....

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I don't have a problem with her dress, I think it's stylish and sexy, but she should have known that it was pushing the bounds of social acceptance here, and perhaps she didn't accurately guage those boundaries?

Evidently what goes on in Korat doesn't stay in Korat.

One thing I've heard a few Thai people mention is that she doesn't appear to be wearing anything under the dress (g-string, panties) which seems to be a big problem.

She is quite fetching, it looks like she went for 350 cc's (total displacement: 700 cc's) for the new front porch, and has had significant upgrades on the facade. From the pictures it's hard to tell if she had the back porch enlarged too? I wonder what she looked like before?

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She is quite fetching, it looks like she went for 350 cc's (total displacement: 700 cc's) for the new front porch, and has had significant upgrades on the facade. From the pictures it's hard to tell if she had the back porch enlarged too? I wonder what she looked like before?

Man, you have good eyes :-)

I would have guessed 300 overfilled to 325 :o

Ah well, we can thank Sriracha for confirming your analysis :-)

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And it's not tits it's TEATS!

The sad part of this is that apparently the University doesn't have enough work to do trying to educate young people. It has to get involved in other issues. I think they should focus on what they are supposed to be doing!

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The sad part of this is that apparently the University doesn't have enough work to do trying to educate young people. It has to get involved in other issues. I think they should focus on what they are supposed to be doing!

All colleges and universities in the U.S.A. have a published "Code of Conduct" which all students are subject to. {I suspect the same is true in most other countries as well. }All of these cover "Misconduct".


Misconduct is behavior that:

- interferes with the safe functioning of the College or of those who study or work in the College, or

- damages the College or its reputation, and/or

- is a criminal offense

Obviously no one the U.S.A. would be disciplined for violating the code of conduct for wearing a racy dress, but it would be interesting know if Thammasat University has a Student Code of Conduct.

Edited by lomatopo
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Given the rampant plagerism that exists in the Thai education system I can fully undestand the university's concerns.

Imagine for a moment rampant copying of this dress among the female undergraduates.

OK calm down..... Now you understand!

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I agree with the university’s stance of rebuking her. I know TU alum who don’t want her to be associate with the university. Mind you rebuke is NOT the same a formal punishment. Of course she should not be kicked out of school or anything like that. She has a right to wear what she wants. Unfortunately she chooses tacky attire. There is nothing wrong with saying you disapprove of something it is not the same as banning it. Many people including TV members seem not grasp this point.

I'm not at all sure it's the universities business to comment on the attire of one of it's student off campus. For the sake of argument, let's say it is though. Why isn't the university just as publically vocal when one of it's alums is marched off to jail or engages in corrupt practices, or is a judge who's judgements are for hire? Plenty of those, as you know.

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