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China's defence minister vows never to cede any territory


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China's defence minister vows never to cede any territory



FILE PHOTO: China's Minister of National Defence Wei Fenghe speaks to ASEAN defence ministers during a meeting at the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting in Singapore October 19, 2018. REUTERS/Edgar Su


BEIJING (Reuters) - China will never give up an inch of its territory, whether the self-ruled island of Taiwan it claims as its own, or in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, the country's defence minister said on Thursday.


Beijing has been infuriated by recent U.S. sanctions on its military, one of a growing number of flashpoints in ties with Washington that include a bitter trade war, Taiwan and China's increasingly muscular military posture in the South China Sea.


Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe made the remarks at the opening of the Xiangshan Forum in Beijing, which China styles as its answer to the annual Shangri-La Dialogue security forum in the wealthy city-state of Singapore.


China's military ties with the United States are important and sensitive, Wei said, adding that Taiwan was a "core" interest of China's and Beijing opposed displays of strength by "outside forces" in the South China Sea.


The world's two largest economies needed to deepen high-level ties so as to navigate tension and rein in the risk of inadvertent conflict, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told his Chinese counterpart last week.


Mattis saw firsthand last month how mounting Sino-U.S. friction can undermine military contacts, when Beijing upended plans for him to meet Wei in October.


China has been angered by the U.S. sanctions on its military for buying weapons from Russia, and by what Beijing sees as stepped-up U.S. support for democratic Taiwan, which it claims as sacred territory.


China has also expressed concern after U.S. President Donald Trump said Washington would withdraw from a landmark Cold War-era treaty that eliminated nuclear missiles from Europe because Russia was violating the pact.


China is not a party to that treaty, but Trump has also suggested Beijing's military strength played a role in his decision, which China has described as "completely wrong".


On Monday, the United States sent two warships through the Taiwan Strait in the second such operation this year.


China-Taiwan relations have deteriorated since the island's President Tsai Ing-wen, of the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party, swept to power in 2016.


Beijing, which has never renounced the use of force to bring Taiwan under its control, has also viewed U.S. overtures toward the island with alarm, such as a new de facto embassy there and passage of a law to encourage visits by U.S. officials.


(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Writing by Christian Shepherd; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-10-25
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4 minutes ago, Burma Bill said:

Beijing should follow the example of the Korean Peninsula - negotiate a possible "peace" deal but they want to take over the World - shame!!

they want to be recognized in the international community but don't follow international community rules, laws and regulations.....shame and pity not to mention their stupid arrogance

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The South China Sea Islands have been in dispute for many hundred years. 

The dispute will continue until further notice.  


With so many Chinese finally get to travel and see what the world is like, 

China will eventually become a democratic country like Taiwan.  

There will be a unification just like the East and West Germany.    


Taiwan had an authoritarian government up until the 1980s. 

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14 hours ago, Mavideol said:

they want to be recognized in the international community but don't follow international community rules, laws and regulations.....shame and pity not to mention their stupid arrogance

The Chinese didn't have the money to import grains until about 12 years ago. 

The first time I visited China in 2000, an average man in Southern China wore size 28 pants, a 28 inch waist. 

Poor countries don't like to follow rules set by wealthy countries. 

During the last 150 years, the Chinese were dirt poor and other countries treated them in stupid arrogance ways;

therefore, the newly "slightly wealthy" Chinese behave just like the countries before them.  


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15 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Beijing should follow the example of the Korean Peninsula - negotiate a possible "peace" deal but they want to take over the World - shame!!

Due to the common nationalistic feelings in all those old countries,  

China wants to regain it's former status as the superpower of Asia.  

India wants the same status too.   

"Taking over the world" is just a conspiracy theories for wealthy countries

to try to slow down the advancement of some former dirt poor country. 

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16 hours ago, farcanell said:

Cede territory?

lmao.... Latin American countries are up for sale, grab those too whilst the fire sale is on.

The South China Sea Islands have been in dispute on and off for many hundred years.  

Taiwan was formed by the losing side of the 1945 civil war. 

What historical relationships does Latin America has with China ? ?


Nationalism is the usually cause for border disputes and wars.   

Latin America is too far away from Asia.  


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15 hours ago, Kenscot said:

Good job the south China Sea and Taiwan are not chinese.  If they believe that there will be big troubles.




Taiwan was formed by the losing side of the 1945 civil war. 

China and Taiwan will have a unification just like the East and West Germany.  

A new democratic China will continue the "centuries old" South China Sea Island dispute with their neighbors.   

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1 hour ago, Johnnyngai said:

The South China Sea Islands have been in dispute on and off for many hundred years.  

Taiwan was formed by the losing side of the 1945 civil war. 

What historical relationships does Latin America has with China ? ?


Nationalism is the usually cause for border disputes and wars.   

Latin America is too far away from Asia.  


Look forward my man, ever forward, not backwards..... moving forwards, China can buy South America ( thru aid), because those “historical” ties are being severed, leaving them adrift..... s***hole countries that the US is abandoning, because in Donald’s words “ they give us nothing, NOTHING!”


in 2120, they might celebrate a 100 year anniversary, hailing mutual Chinese relations, crediting them with saving them from 100’s of years of imperialistic invaders.


relying on old ties, is what the world does... historical ties... sure... but these ties change over time... alliances change.... obviously you know this because you decided to quote history at me.


right now we see the world questioning existing alliances, existing ties.... ergo, without more aid, Latin American countries are up for sale, via aid..... so not only wont China cede territories, it’s gaining territories, by building new alliances, and who can blame them (Latin American countries) for that? Who can fault them for that? 


at least this time around, with Potential Chinese investment, they will get to choose their “poison”.... historically, they didn’t really get to choose, from spanish conquistadors, moving through time, till today


In an historical context, if you must look at it from there, jump back to 1818, and ask instead, what historical ties does the US have with Latin america


oh.... as an after thought for “too far away”.... the moon used to be to far away, yet Armstrong stuck a flag in it.... lol... too much, right. Ok.... it used to take months to travel from England to Australia, now it can be done in a day.



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3 hours ago, Johnnyngai said:

The Chinese didn't have the money to import grains until about 12 years ago. 

The first time I visited China in 2000, an average man in Southern China wore size 28 pants, a 28 inch waist. 

Poor countries don't like to follow rules set by wealthy countries. 

During the last 150 years, the Chinese were dirt poor and other countries treated them in stupid arrogance ways;

therefore, the newly "slightly wealthy" Chinese behave just like the countries before them.  


Are  you Chinese!!! attitude and arrogance has nothing to do with not having grains, if one wants to be respected (even if poor and have no grains) one should respect others, China does not,  never has and never will be an international player, lived there for 12 years, know well their lack of trust, not respecting any contracts and/or commitments, The new generation is very or extremely arrogant thus could some how be understandable but the old generation that had ""no grains"" know better and should adjust their attitude and arrogance, trust me, nothing will change, they are the best thus because everybody took advantage of us now lets push everybody around..... somebody once said, """"" I am a killer because my father was a killer..... I am a drug addict because my parents were drug addicts...."""



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1 hour ago, Burma Bill said:

Taiwan - the power base of Chinese Nationals who were fighting the mainland Chinese Communists led by Chairman Mao

Oh, right... Taiwan, the last refuge where the legitimate government of China evacuated too, after failing to suppress the rise of communism in their homeland.


a peace treaty with China might destroy alliances with the US and it’s allies, worsening the current geopolitical strife, underpinning Chinese claims to large areas of what are currently deemed international waters, thereby encouraging further Chinese expansionism in its area of influence... ok... maybe they should, but now I understand the last few words of that post... ????

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23 hours ago, Mavideol said:

Are  you Chinese!!! attitude and arrogance has nothing to do with not having grains, if one wants to be respected (even if poor and have no grains) one should respect others, China does not,  never has and never will be an international player, lived there for 12 years, know well their lack of trust, not respecting any contracts and/or commitments, The new generation is very or extremely arrogant thus could some how be understandable but the old generation that had ""no grains"" know better and should adjust their attitude and arrogance, trust me, nothing will change, they are the best thus because everybody took advantage of us now lets push everybody around..... somebody once said, """"" I am a killer because my father was a killer..... I am a drug addict because my parents were drug addicts...."""



When a billion cavemen living in a gigantic cave with not enough food or space, that is what happen. 

Might is right, they work like dogs 60 hours a week. Look how much they have built since the 1980 economy reform.

The only way they will not be an international player is if they would start another civil war. 

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" China can buy South America ( thru aid), "    

The money China has is full of Chinese blood.

Up until 12 years ago, the "TOTAL" compensation for a dead coal miner was only 20,000 rmb.  

China will never be as generous as an average western country, no aid for anyone. 


Business alliances with Latin America, definably.

For whatever reason, Chinese are just as good as Jewish when it comes to wheeling and dealing.   


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23 hours ago, Mavideol said:

Are  you Chinese!!! attitude and arrogance has nothing to do with not having grains, if one wants to be respected (even if poor and have no grains) one should respect others, China does not,  never has and never will be an international player, lived there for 12 years, know well their lack of trust, not respecting any contracts and/or commitments, The new generation is very or extremely arrogant thus could some how be understandable but the old generation that had ""no grains"" know better and should adjust their attitude and arrogance, trust me, nothing will change, they are the best thus because everybody took advantage of us now lets push everybody around..... somebody once said, """"" I am a killer because my father was a killer..... I am a drug addict because my parents were drug addicts...."""



In Thailand and Eastern block countries, senior soldiers abuse new recruits.

They claim that when they were new, they were abused. 

I was lucky to have been in the civilized US army.    

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On 10/25/2018 at 10:15 PM, farcanell said:

Oh, right... Taiwan, the last refuge where the legitimate government of China evacuated too, after failing to suppress the rise of communism in their homeland.


a peace treaty with China might destroy alliances with the US and it’s allies, worsening the current geopolitical strife, underpinning Chinese claims to large areas of what are currently deemed international waters, thereby encouraging further Chinese expansionism in its area of influence... ok... maybe they should, but now I understand the last few words of that post... ????

A legitimate government is a government with popular support.  The raggedy communist with popular support drove out the well equipped corrupt nationalist, but too bad that the communist has become just as corrupt as the former nationalist.  

The same thing in many other countries, many times the new government becomes just as corrupt as the old. 



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3 hours ago, Johnnyngai said:

A legitimate government is a government with popular support. 

The raggedy communist with popular support drove out the well equipped corrupt nationalist,

but too bad that the communist has become just as corrupt as the former nationalist.  

The same thing in many other countries, many times the new government becomes just as corrupt as the old. 



Ah.... no.


a legitimate government is a government generally acknowledged as being in control of a nation and being deserving of recognition, generally symbolized by an exchange of diplomats.


chiang Kai shek was recognized by most of the world as the head of the legitimate government of China until the 1970’s


the “popular” communist party overthrew this legitimate government, in a civil war, on mainland China..... (although it still exists on Taiwan.)


nowhere is a legitimate government deemed to have to be “popular”, to be legitimate.... that would be a “popular government”.


maos new regime was recognized as being legitimate by the US, years after chiang’s death.



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