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Footage of Australian pedophile raping Thai child so horrific judge delays case


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9 hours ago, SammyT said:

Preventative detention has changed now to potentially an open-ended jail term. Basically puts the onus on the offender to prove to the parole board that they are no longer a risk to society before they are any chance of getting parole. Used for the worst sex and violence offenders.

wish we had that kind of sentence in the US of A................

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15 hours ago, farcanell said:

Even Jesus acted emotionally, according to the Bible... as does god, the ultimate judge... who “smites” evil doers, or condemns them to burn in Hell.... or drowns their ass in a great flood... or turns the into stone etc etc.


do you expect judges to be better than god?


have you never acted from anger and later regretted it.... this judge called for a pause, then handed out a sentence per ascribed laws in Australia... circum venting a call for a mistrial.


Here we see a smart woman... well suited to be a judge.... who recognized the need to calm down and take a breath

The judge broke her oath and should be dis-barred. All for 15 minutes of social media fame.

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Why on earth would you delay the trial? Move this guy up to the front of the line and get him put away for as long as possible, in open jail population, in the worst prison that can be found in your country. Prisoners do not seem to like child rapists, and I am sure his stay would be long and never boring.

Edited by Ahab
corrected grammar
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2 hours ago, britishrepublican said:

The judge broke her oath and should be dis-barred. All for 15 minutes of social media fame.

How did she break her oath, which is to administer justice.... “Without fear, favor, affection or ill will.”


if the judge had immediately handed down a sentence, she would have broken her oath.... by stepping back and pausing to consider... see that word there?... “consider”... that’s what judges do... consider matters.... anyway, by pausing to consider, she in fact upheld her oath, removing emotion.... which she was oath bound to do.


maybe I completely missed something, as the story turned my stomach, and I don’t wish to re read it.... but I’m happy for you to enlighten me as to how you think she broke her oath.

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1 hour ago, farcanell said:

How did she break her oath, which is to administer justice.... “Without fear, favor, affection or ill will.”


if the judge had immediately handed down a sentence, she would have broken her oath.... by stepping back and pausing to consider... see that word there?... “consider”... that’s what judges do... consider matters.... anyway, by pausing to consider, she in fact upheld her oath, removing emotion.... which she was oath bound to do.


maybe I completely missed something, as the story turned my stomach, and I don’t wish to re read it.... but I’m happy for you to enlighten me as to how you think she broke her oath.

Affection... she even admitted to it. Shes a disgrace and precisely the reason why so many people have absolutely no respect for the courts, be it in Australia, UK or anywhere else. I get that hes a heinous man but the courts break their own rules every day in the name of justice. That's not law,  it's subverting the law.

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1 hour ago, britishrepublican said:

Affection... she even admitted to it. Shes a disgrace and precisely the reason why so many people have absolutely no respect for the courts, be it in Australia, UK or anywhere else. I get that hes a heinous man but the courts break their own rules every day in the name of justice. That's not law,  it's subverting the law.

Ok... so...  affection ( assumedly you mean toward the baby raper)


 I had to go and re read the OP and link, to see wherein “affection” came into play.... and I’m wonder now, having re read the article and link, where you see “affection.”


can you lift the paragraph or sentence whereby “affection” is discussed, so I can see what your talking about., because all I see is a judge pausing, to remove emotion from the equation, as is her sworn duty.


or... are you suggesting that her desire to remove emotion from sentencing, such that “Ill will” is absent, equates to “affection”

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Just as an aside , I lived in a part of Africa  in the mid  80's ,  when the 5.00 o'clock TV ( childrens hour anyone ?) was

interrupted by  confessions from  about 10  convicted  rapists/ murderers  -  the  crimes   all involved women and children - some of the 10 were foreigners  . Their death by hanging was shown immediately after . 

I don't know what kind of effect it had as a deterant but it was the talk of the town the next day . !


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On 10/28/2018 at 4:27 PM, farcanell said:

Ok... so...  affection ( assumedly you mean toward the baby raper)


 I had to go and re read the OP and link, to see wherein “affection” came into play.... and I’m wonder now, having re read the article and link, where you see “affection.”


can you lift the paragraph or sentence whereby “affection” is discussed, so I can see what your talking about., because all I see is a judge pausing, to remove emotion from the equation, as is her sworn duty.


or... are you suggesting that her desire to remove emotion from sentencing, such that “Ill will” is absent, equates to “affection”

I didn't get the word "affection" from the article. You took the time to go fact check my statement and you couldn't even do that correctly.  The word affection was brought to my attention by another person who quoted a previous comment I made.


Some advice for you... next time you try to pick an argument with someone or try to make them look stupid, you better get your facts in order or you will appear just as ridiculous as you do now.


"Some people are so far behind that they actually believe they are winning"


Describes you pretty well.



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3 hours ago, britishrepublican said:

I didn't get the word "affection" from the article. You took the time to go fact check my statement and you couldn't even do that correctly.  The word affection was brought to my attention by another person who quoted a previous comment I made.


Some advice for you... next time you try to pick an argument with someone or try to make them look stupid, you better get your facts in order or you will appear just as ridiculous as you do now.


"Some people are so far behind that they actually believe they are winning"


Describes you pretty well.



Ah.... mmmm.... well... yes... the poster that first used the term “affection”, in this thread, was me, when I pointed out what the “oath” is, that an Australian judge takes.


your claim was that she broke her oath.... I asked how.... to which you replied “affection”..... and I’m still waiting for you to clarify how the judge displayed “affection” in this case


???????????? clearly your offered advise is faulty.... or rather, perhaps you should take it yourself, and get your facts right, to avoid looking foolish (as you do now ????)... just a thought.... as you like


????????????so far behind... ????????????.... right.


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4 hours ago, farcanell said:

Ah.... mmmm.... well... yes... the poster that first used the term “affection”, in this thread, was me, when I pointed out what the “oath” is, that an Australian judge takes.


your claim was that she broke her oath.... I asked how.... to which you replied “affection”..... and I’m still waiting for you to clarify how the judge displayed “affection” in this case


???????????? clearly your offered advise is faulty.... or rather, perhaps you should take it yourself, and get your facts right, to avoid looking foolish (as you do now ????)... just a thought.... as you like


????????????so far behind... ????????????.... right.


So far behind is very true. Childish too with all the emoji's. 


What age are you? 10...

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2 hours ago, britishrepublican said:

So far behind is very true. Childish too with all the emoji's. 


What age are you? 10...

Aw... ???????????? so sad you don’t like emojis... so sad, to bad.


And.... I’m still waiting for you to clarify how the judge displayed affection, per your claim


or are you doing a trump thing, given this is the second post wherein you’ve attempted to divert attention with insulting rhetoric.


Of course, you could always admit that you were wrong, and that the honorable judge acted appropriately.... if, as it seems, your unable to back up your claim


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