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OK . then we've reached consensus finally. Some people are adult, rational and generally know what is right for them. Others are stupid, walk around blinkered from the rest of humanity, and completely incapable of doing things unless told by the authorities how to, right?

It's the perfect philosophical divide.

I wonder on which side of that we all sit?

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YOu would trust the AOT people to put up barrier posts... the same people that somehow forgot to put in 200 or so toilets?

You're right... AOT would probably just shut down the escalators as they have done with the revolving doors. But that probably wouldn't stop impatient you from trying to push a trolley down now, would it?

What's in it for you: you would have the satisfaction of proving some of us wrong, you know, the ones with no common sense.

I'm getting that satisfaction from this thread! You dissapoint me Weho. Real satisfaction would have been taking your money. I was even willing to up the ante... stand there wearing my MP3 player while a JAL or Lufthansa 747 unloads!

So can we all at least agree that at least ONE TIME, someone went crashing down?

Sure - I'll agree that it has probably happened once before in history. After all, it was almost you, wasn't it?

It doesnt take a rocket scientist (or need a sign) to enable a rational person to tell the difference, does it?

Not everyone arriving at bangkok airport is as rational as you are, nor has the great common sense you think we should all have. We pay a high airport tax, signs or better yet pillars should be put in place... and Quite frankly, someone from the airport management should be monitoring these discussions here, to get ideas of what to fix, and they should be installed by the end of the day TODAY. That is reasonable to me.

Anything else that needs fixing by the end of today? I'm sure that worldwide - officials, prime ministers, presidents, monarchs and managers everywhere are carefully monitoring your posts.

This thread is getting a bit ridiculous, I would rather not be nannied wherever I go, Its common sense that you don't turn up an mp3 player too loud or it could damage your hearing, whats next a warning on kitchen knives that they are sharp?

Not everyone arriving at bangkok airport is as rational as you are, nor has the great common sense you think we should all have.

Pretty bloody obvious reading the OP :D

We pay a high airport tax

If taxes cured stupidity there'd be no accidents in Scandanavian countries.

Quite frankly, someone from the airport management should be monitoring these discussions here, to get ideas of what to fix, and they should be installed by the end of the day TODAY. That is reasonable to me.

If that's logical to you then the whole crashing down escalators thing makes alot of sense. However if you have yet to listen to people almost shouting the obvious at you with you just as fervently ignoring it, all I can say is be careful not to drown yourself in the toilet on the flight home. That blue water leaves a stain. :o


This has to be one of the funniest threads I've ever read on the board. The people who run the Darwin Awards need to take a trip to Suvarnabhumi and watch these hundreds of people per day doing backflips down the escalators with their trolleys and breaking their necks in the process. A word of advice to Weho - stay away from Thailand and any other third world country or you will certainly find yourself on DA's 2007 list. You will find very few warning signs anyplace in Thailand or other third world countries. It is assumed that you know what you're doing if you come here and how to keep yourself safe. If not, stay in your home country where you can be warned against everything the slightest bit unsafe. Oh, and while you're at it, you should tell AoT to install warning signs all over the place above the railings overlooking other floors. Someone might just get the idea that jumping over the railing and down to the next level is the fastest way to get there. You wouldn't want them to hurt themselves in doing so.

Sorry for being a bit harse in my comments, but you really do have absolutely no business being in Thailand if you need a warning sign on the escalator. I really do mean that. Please go home and save your life.

This has to be one of the funniest threads I've ever read on the board. The people who run the Darwin Awards need to take a trip to Suvarnabhumi and watch these hundreds of people per day doing backflips down the escalators with their trolleys and breaking their necks in the process. A word of advice to Weho - stay away from Thailand and any other third world country or you will certainly find yourself on DA's 2007 list. You will find very few warning signs anyplace in Thailand or other third world countries. It is assumed that you know what you're doing if you come here and how to keep yourself safe. If not, stay in your home country where you can be warned against everything the slightest bit unsafe. Oh, and while you're at it, you should tell AoT to install warning signs all over the place above the railings overlooking other floors. Someone might just get the idea that jumping over the railing and down to the next level is the fastest way to get there. You wouldn't want them to hurt themselves in doing so.

Sorry for being a bit harse in my comments, but you really do have absolutely no business being in Thailand if you need a warning sign on the escalator. I really do mean that. Please go home and save your life.

Amen to that,

Exactly my point of view, also some of the regular punters seem to be frustrated with everything Thai. If so what are they doing here ?


Exactly my point of view, also some of the regular punters seem to be frustrated with everything Thai. If so what are they doing here ?


This is a virtual coffee shop. People come here to talk about life. No matter if it's Phuket, Manchester, Durban, or Toronto, some of that includes b1tching about the things that bug you. The fact that the culture and language are alien adds to the frustration so they come to a place where they find some common ground and it makes them feel a little more at ease, and they learn to deal with it by getting it off their chest and recieving advice from others who have been through it all before.

Then the "If you don't like it why don't you go home" donkeys chime in..... :o

Exactly my point of view, also some of the regular punters seem to be frustrated with everything Thai. If so what are they doing here ?

Then the "If you don't like it why don't you go home" donkeys chime in..... :o

...signaling that any thread has probably run its course. :D

This has to be one of the funniest threads I've ever read on the board. stay in your home country where you can be warned against everything the slightest bit unsafe.

Sorry for being a bit harse in my comments, but you really do have absolutely no business being in Thailand if you need a warning sign on the escalator. I really do mean that. Please go home and save your life.

My, my. You've really put me in my place. With the attitude of "I'm right, you're wrong, go home", you've shown what common sense is really about. Clearly you are of the ilk that can quickly look at an escalator, analyze it intended use right away, and know which ones can and cannot accomodate people, trolley's and anything else. If only the rest of us could be just like you. You must have had a very bright father too... one that has passed on his common sense to you.

Actually, I don't need warning signs in front of escalators... I need pillars... like I recall seeing at the old airport and in many other airports.

I need pillars... like I recall seeing at the old airport

Don Muang did not have pillars in front of the escalators.

When you consider that Don Muang has been in operation for 82 years, they obviously have not seen enough instances of people crashing trolleys down the escalators to ever consider installing them, or carrying the practice forward to Suvarnabhumi.


Having got used to the new airport and lack of warnings - as on the moving walk ways - at Gatwick the words 'you are coming to the end of the walk way beware' or something like that

I thought - I don't need to be told - I can see that I'm coming to the end

One of Thailand's charm is the lack of PC

"What kind of idiot wouldn't put a sign there?"

More to the point what type of idiot tries to take a trolley down a normal escalator. I cant help but wonder why if you have seen these all around the world why you didnt know what type of escalator to look for.


Went with mother-in-law to Charoensri shopping mall Udon Thain city.

First time she saw an escalator. Took a staircase to go up. Good she did not have a trolley though.

What idiot thai would use an escalator anyway? :o

This thread is getting a bit ridiculous, I would rather not be nannied wherever I go, Its common sense that you don't turn up an mp3 player too loud or it could damage your hearing, whats next a warning on kitchen knives that they are sharp?

Na, ever been in a thai village?

Ever heard the pick-up passing by with 25.000 wat loudspeakers promoting some rubbish?

Just yesterday at Bang Chiang World Heritage parade there was such a pick-up supporting a dancing group. Hearing dammage he? How would they know about that? :o


The expression "Being off your Trolley" perhaps originated from a group of people who did'n't appreciate their shortcomings whilst using them in vertical descent mode and has now manifested itself into this thread's debate


Maybe these whinging fools are right? The troller design is perhaps inferior. Millions of world travellers who choose their destinations based on the arrival terminal trolley design ATTD will no longer come to Thailand. Prices of rent, land, coffee, meals, transportation, companionship, etc. will be plummetting. Traffic will be all but non-exisitant. Pollution will be a thing of the past. The baht will go to 100 to the dollar. Heaven is all but upon us!


As this thread presumably fades away into internet heaven, let's not forget how many cruel people have posted earlier here... ones who don't care if someone tumbles down an escalator, due to lack of signage or lack or pillars. I trust we all agree that at least ONE TIME, someone tumbled down there, maybe as much as 100 times a day.... we don't know, but it has happened AT LEAST ONCE... yet so many of you prefer to hide behind the, "well, if they don't have the common sense that I have to analyze an escalator, then let them break their neck.... and if they have a child ruding on that trolley on the down escalator, that's a bonus, cause the dumb parent, lacking common sense, doesn't deserve to have a child in the first place."

Some of you are cruel, indeed. You would actually like to see people you think are stupid, to be physically injured, and maybe even have their children hurt too. Shame on you.

As this thread presumably fades away into internet heaven, let's not forget how many cruel people have posted earlier here... ones who don't care if someone tumbles down an escalator, due to lack of signage or lack or pillars. I trust we all agree that at least ONE TIME, someone tumbled down there, maybe as much as 100 times a day.... we don't know, but it has happened AT LEAST ONCE... yet so many of you prefer to hide behind the, "well, if they don't have the common sense that I have to analyze an escalator, then let them break their neck.... and if they have a child ruding on that trolley on the down escalator, that's a bonus, cause the dumb parent, lacking common sense, doesn't deserve to have a child in the first place."

Some of you are cruel, indeed. You would actually like to see people you think are stupid, to be physically injured, and maybe even have their children hurt too. Shame on you.

The phrase "put your spade away!" springs to mind. :o

As this thread presumably fades away into internet heaven, let's not forget how many cruel people have posted earlier here... ones who don't care if someone tumbles down an escalator, due to lack of signage or lack or pillars. I trust we all agree that at least ONE TIME, someone tumbled down there, maybe as much as 100 times a day.... we don't know, but it has happened AT LEAST ONCE... yet so many of you prefer to hide behind the, "well, if they don't have the common sense that I have to analyze an escalator, then let them break their neck.... and if they have a child ruding on that trolley on the down escalator, that's a bonus, cause the dumb parent, lacking common sense, doesn't deserve to have a child in the first place."

Some of you are cruel, indeed. You would actually like to see people you think are stupid, to be physically injured, and maybe even have their children hurt too. Shame on you.



Yesterday I was at BKK and going down an escalator (without a trolley). Somewhere beyond half-way down, I hear a crashing noise and thump, thump, thump....the thumping noise gets closer and closer with the time between thumps getting longer. I get a glimpse of a bag tumbling down behind me in my peripheral vision, but the sounds tell me it's not that heavy of a bag and it's just about out of energy, so I maintain my position. It just manages on it's last thump to bump into my leg. I turn around and see a guy with a sheepish grin on his face taking his trolley down the escalator. Weho and friends immediately come to mind. That is the first time I recall seeing anyone trying to take a trolley down an escalator at Suvarnabhumi. I figure it must be Weho is out to get me. Either that or bad karma for being so harse.

I don't know why anyone would try to take a trolley on an escalator unless it was proven safe, ie. either a sign saying it's a trolley-safe escalator, or visual observation of other passengers taking trolleys on the escalator without problem. But anyways, not so much for the safety of the those who are foolish enough to try it, but more for the safety of innocent bystanders, or as Weho mentions the offspring of these not-so-brilliant passengers, I suppose it might be a good idea. I still say that people needing a barrier or a sign have no business being in Thailand though, simply because there are so many dangers lurking throughout Thailand that those who are not cautious and/or observant will likely find themselves seriously or fatally injured in little time. There's no way you'll ever convince people all over Thailand to spend the time and money to bring the country up to anywhere near Western safety standards.

So Weho, you win. Go ahead and put up the barriers/pillars in front of the escalators.


As I remember the trolleys at Don Muang you had to lift the handle to take the brake off, so in its normal state the brake is on.

The last time I went through Heathrow London the trolley brake worked in the opposite direction, normal state the brake are off. That of course assumes that you can find a trolley.

Much more dangerous than Thailand.

My personal opinion at 62 years old is that anyone who tries to take a trolley down an escalator in any case must lack common sense UNLESS the escalator is designated as trolley safe.

An old engineering maxim says if you don't know, treat it as dangerous.

I just feel there should be something called "reasonable signage", like for safety, security, directions, rules, laws, etc. Of course this issue is WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE of what requires signage, and what doesn't.

It rubs the lotion its skin or else it gets the hose again.

Are you for real?????

hel_l, maybe I should start advising all my retail clients who run shopping malls to stick up signs so people won't take shopping trolleys up and down the escalators.

Hold up. They don't. THey have never had an issue with this.

Maybe they should have signs at Don Muang, to warn passengers there. HOld up, they never had an issue there with that either.

Maybe we should have warning signs on cigarettes; will burn if ignited. On coke, will reduce in volume if consumed.

Some of you are cruel, indeed. You would actually like to see people you think are stupid, to be physically injured, and maybe even have their children hurt too. Shame on you.

One wonders what is going through the mind of dear old Weho as he takes time from his day to write such a bizarre sentence.


When an imbecile walks out in front of a car you do him no great service to tell him, "Yeah, they should have a sign saying don't walk out in front of a car moving at high speed! Stupid street designers!".

Yes, and so is Frankfurt. The trolley locks with the steps on the escalators and becomes freed when the steps move on the the flat part.

Max.-weight, I remember(?) is 70 kgs and common sense would be not to load too high to avoid your bags slipping off. There is a bar under which your bag(s) should fit.

Edit to add, the BKK-trolleys do not seems to fit on escalators forming stairs, but ok for me to go up and down on the flat travellators.

As Axel explained, even the escalators that DO accept trolleys require common sense.

As this thread presumably fades away into internet heaven, let's not forget how many cruel people have posted earlier here... ones who don't care if someone tumbles down an escalator, due to lack of signage or lack or pillars. I trust we all agree that at least ONE TIME, someone tumbled down there, maybe as much as 100 times a day.... we don't know, but it has happened AT LEAST ONCE... yet so many of you prefer to hide behind the, "well, if they don't have the common sense that I have to analyze an escalator, then let them break their neck.... and if they have a child ruding on that trolley on the down escalator, that's a bonus, cause the dumb parent, lacking common sense, doesn't deserve to have a child in the first place."

Some of you are cruel, indeed. You would actually like to see people you think are stupid, to be physically injured, and maybe even have their children hurt too. Shame on you.

I know they are stupid.

And yes, it has probably happened because there are people who lack common sense ( basic judgement / reasoning capabilites ) at large all over the world, who would attempt putting a trolley on an escalator. If lack of common sense would cause them to endanger their children, they probably belong in a mental health facility with a padded room to protect themselves.

My personal opinion at 62 years old is that anyone who tries to take a trolley down an escalator in any case must lack common sense UNLESS the escalator is designated as trolley safe.

An old engineering maxim says if you don't know, treat it as dangerous.

I agree 100% with the maxim, Bill!

If common sense makes me cruel, so be it. Better than being stupid....... :o


Missing Thailand and came to the forum today to cheer up!!

Boy has this thread worked, I cannot believe it lasted so long but it has made me laugh. Before I upset anyone, not at the thought of someone tumbling down the escalator but just some of the thread content. :o

Why would anyone drunk or sober clever or stupid put kids on top of their luggage then compound it by attempting to push it down or up an escalator ?

I'm sure even the most stupid amongst us would realise that the kids may suddenly dissapear at speed, but at least you may still keep the trolley stable and hopefully avoid causing a potential 10 cart pile up.

I sense a business opportunity for one of the more clever members out there for the mass production of a trolley safety harness.

I happy to admit I qualify as stupid but even I know that my children young or old are only of use for sitting on suitcases when I can't close them.

Missing Thailand and came to the forum today to cheer up!!

Boy has this thread worked, I cannot believe it lasted so long but it has made me laugh. Before I upset anyone, not at the thought of someone tumbling down the escalator but just some of the thread content. :o

I agree mutley- this thread has been very amusing! Part of the amusement is just imagining the scene....

Can't everyone just see this being a Mr. Bean skit??

He comes out of the baggage area, looking at the escalator, looking left and right with the confused look on his face, wondering "Should I or shouldn't I?" Then- going for it, with his classic determined look on his face.

As he pushes the trolley onto the escalator, the next step emerges, grabbing the trolley's front wheels, jerking it out of his hands and sending the trolley crashing down the escalator arse over teakettle. His suitcases go flying, and crack open as they crash down the stairs. his clothes spill out and his boxer shorts get jammed in the comb plate at the bottom, causing the escalator to jam and stop!

It would be freakin hilarious to watch Mr. Bean or any other TV / movie idiot (Clouseau, maybe?) do this. :D:D

It would be freakin hilarious to watch Mr. Bean or any other TV / movie idiot (Clouseau, maybe?) do this. :o:D

I ordered a poele.

A what sir?

A poele. To stop zer wayward trolleys from going down zer escalator.

Ahhhhhhhh. A Pole!

Yes, a poele. Zat is what I zaid you foole.

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