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Anti-junta rappers face charges under Computer Crimes Act


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Big difference between singing a song and standing up to an armed military police force. Zero tolerance seems the norm throughout much of mainland Asia and Southeast Asia. Speculation on why it persists would be a more interesting conversation.

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1 hour ago, tomta said:

Everyone should have freedom. Why should it be justified by being artistic?

We are pretty guarded here and really what freedoms do we as foreigners have? If they start pushing and digging deeper, they want to know it all. Look at the internet filter monitoring all email and social media so they can hack your addresses and record your life or a companies life on email. Everyone is being strangle changed. 

Edited by holy cow cm
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Big difference between singing a song and standing up to an armed military police force. Zero tolerance seems the norm throughout much of mainland Asia and Southeast Asia. Speculation on why it persists would be a more interesting conversation.

The country ultimately belongs to the people as every dictator around the world throughout history has found out sooner or later.

The people do not need to stand up to an armed military - if they are united all they need to do is NOTHING - and the entire country comes to a standstill.

And this is then usually the instant when people who think they are powerful find out that without the people they are nothing - they have no power at all.

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19 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Because each time there's a flash point the military slaughter the peaceful protestors just to let them know what the price of protest is. 76,92,2010 - Thailand has a heart of darkness which is sensed but seldom seen brutally out in the open. 


Like this one for instance....





Yes, and a similar event took place just a few years ago in Cambodia. Thailand doesn't exist in a vacuum. The point is:  Perhaps a different approach is needed. But I'm not sure singing a song is going to help with that.

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4 minutes ago, boonrawdcnx said:


The country ultimately belongs to the people as every dictator around the world throughout history has found out sooner or later.

The people do not need to stand up to an armed military - if they are united all they need to do is NOTHING - and the entire country comes to a standstill.

And this is then usually the instant when people who think they are powerful find out that without the people they are nothing - they have no power at all.

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Perhaps you are correct, but why hasn't this happened in Thailand or other Asian countries that have de facto military dictatorships? This is the speculation to which I referred. Although we might need a new thread for such a discussion.

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16 hours ago, JimP said:

What was with the swinging dead mannequin being beaten? Nice touch.

Are you for real? Sorry but any person with a connection to Thailand really ought to know about the October 6 event, the massacre by paramilitary troops on students of the Thammasat university in 1976. Only 3 years after the bloodbath of 1973. And much blood was spilled on various other days since then. ????



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53 minutes ago, dpspike said:

Perhaps you are correct, but why hasn't this happened in Thailand or other Asian countries that have de facto military dictatorships? This is the speculation to which I referred. Although we might need a new thread for such a discussion.

Doing nothing is a form of doing (paradoxical I know). It requires planning and execution. It needs to be done by a vast majority and it needs to be done at the same time .. otherwise it will just be bunch of people losing their jobs...


Planning something like this is illegal....


Edited by hobz
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7 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Thai's maybe asking how come working class Chinese ostensibly from a 'communist country' can afford to holiday  here

Ever visited China?

If you haven't, then you won't have seen any working-class Chinese.

The one's visiting Thailand are the rich and wealthy Chinese.

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7 hours ago, Donutz said:

Are you for real? Sorry but any person with a connection to Thailand really ought to know about the October 6 event, the massacre by paramilitary troops on students of the Thammasat university in 1976. Only 3 years after the bloodbath of 1973. And much blood was spilled on various other days since then. ????



That's all very well, but there are pressing questions - if anything like that happens again, will the bars remain open?????

Edited by JAG
Looking for an emoji to convey dark cynical humour...
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10 hours ago, tomta said:

Everyone should have freedom. Why should it be justified by being artistic?

Why not artist have been known throughout the centuries to make fun of goverment leaders. They always had a bit more slack. This is exactly that so why not call it artistic freedom.


Artists have always had more freedom, and yes everyone should have freedom within limits and rules. Your freedom should not impede on my freedom and guess what we need rules for it.


If you decide to block a road to protest and I wan't to pass that road then something like that is only allowable with some sort of goverment agreement. Just imagine if everyone started to block roads everywhere what chaos we would get. So freedom is not absolute. 

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Ever visited China?

If you haven't, then you won't have seen any working-class Chinese.

The one's visiting Thailand are the rich and wealthy Chinese.

you are ao mistaken its actually funny.. i know many many chinese who are not rich yet travel to Thailand once or twice a year. Even met some coworkers on planes to Thailand and i know for sure their salaries and net worth would rate them aa poor.  

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54 minutes ago, JAG said:

That's all very well, but there are pressing questions - if anything like that happens again, will the bars remain open?????

Full credits for JAG for pointing out the most important issues. 


Other stuff includes if i decide to turn the house into a safe bunker will i be caught for working without a workpermit. 

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Doing nothing is a form of doing (paradoxical I know). It requires planning and execution. It needs to be done by a vast majority and it needs to be done at the same time .. otherwise it will just be bunch of people losing their jobs...
Planning something like this is illegal....

In theory and according to international standards laws passed by an illegal regime that came to power by force can be ignored and must not be enforced by the executive branch of the government - the excuse that they only followed orders is not accepted anymore since the Nazi trials.
Any non violent action is justified against a regime that committed treason and came to power illegally - pardoning themselves later is ridiculous and that pardon can easily be overturned by a proper court of law.

What should happen is - The moment there is a new government that pardon should be declared void by the highest court and then they should all be arrested and jailed and this would be the end of this vicious cycle of coups.

Of course since any corrupt government here is always only replaced with the next bunch equally corrupt nothing is going to happen.

Since this is not going to happen the next generation of Thais has one major ally - time - they can sit back and watch nature take it’s course.
All these people who think they are powerful today will turn into nothing but dust - soon these dinosaurs will all be dead and nothing but a bad memory.

Let’s hope the next generation will use this chance wisely - they seem to be on the right path for the first time in the history of this country a self criticizing song has won the approval of millions of Thais - this would have been impossible just 15-20 years ago. The holy cow has been slaughtered.

The rappers would have been vilified by the right wing and the lame complicit press in this country as traitors and “not Thai”.

The good news is once people are able to shrug off the brainwashing they all have been subjected to and start to criticize what they held - mistakenly -sacred there is only one direction the country can go - forward- hopefully into a bright new future.

The Dalai Lama once said - “lead a good life - so you can enjoy it all over again one more time when you are old and look back “

These power-hungry, self centered people who are supposed to be Buddhists just don’t seem to get it!

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25 minutes ago, boonrawdcnx said:

The moment there is a new government that pardon should be declared void by the highest court

Sorry but the Constitutional Court has already sustained NCPO amnesty and any change would require a constitutional amendment.

As previously noted by many OPs that's very unlikely, especially as the Constitutional Court has been politicized by juntas and the  military will control the Senate.


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1 hour ago, boonrawdcnx said:

In theory and according to international standards laws passed by an illegal regime that came to power by force can be ignored and must not be enforced by the executive branch of the government - the excuse that they only followed orders is not accepted anymore since the Nazi trials.
Any non violent action is justified against a regime that committed treason and came to power illegally - pardoning themselves later is ridiculous and that pardon can easily be overturned by a proper court of law.

What should happen is - The moment there is a new government that pardon should be declared void by the highest court and then they should all be arrested and jailed and this would be the end of this vicious cycle of coups.

Of course since any corrupt government here is always only replaced with the next bunch equally corrupt nothing is going to happen.

Since this is not going to happen the next generation of Thais has one major ally - time - they can sit back and watch nature take it’s course.
All these people who think they are powerful today will turn into nothing but dust - soon these dinosaurs will all be dead and nothing but a bad memory.

Let’s hope the next generation will use this chance wisely - they seem to be on the right path for the first time in the history of this country a self criticizing song has won the approval of millions of Thais - this would have been impossible just 15-20 years ago. The holy cow has been slaughtered.

The rappers would have been vilified by the right wing and the lame complicit press in this country as traitors and “not Thai”.

The good news is once people are able to shrug off the brainwashing they all have been subjected to and start to criticize what they held - mistakenly -sacred there is only one direction the country can go - forward- hopefully into a bright new future.

The Dalai Lama once said - “lead a good life - so you can enjoy it all over again one more time when you are old and look back “

These power-hungry, self centered people who are supposed to be Buddhists just don’t seem to get it!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

You think they go away automatically but they don't. The children of the elite class inherits the positions of generals, ministers, CEOs etc. It's not direct decendence but it stays within the elite class.

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10 minutes ago, JAG said:

My daughter has been telling me about it - very interesting to hear a 13 year olds view (unprompted) of the junta and this song...

My GF was listening at it yesterday or so. I asked her why she was listening to crap like that (rap music had no clue what it was). She explained that many listened to the song and what it was about. She just wanted to know what the hype was about. One thing is for sure junta is not happy.

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21 minutes ago, JAG said:

My daughter has been telling me about it - very interesting to hear a 13 year olds view (unprompted) of the junta and this song...

The rappers just made it on to the Drudge Report.  Her views may be supported by every politico in the US,  The junta will now have to consider what they do very carefully.   Loss of face is on the horizon if they come down on these youths

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4 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Up to 12,394,483 views!  That is almost 20% of the Thai population.  Even my wife, who was a strong supporter of the yellowshirts, is for it! 


I hope they stay out of jail and keep making statements like this. ????

YouTube views are counted like this.

If one person views the video multiple times it's counted as up to 5 views per day per person.

So the real number is probably slightly lower. But also there's iTunes ...

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Very brave guys. I was pretty surprised with the verocity of the lyrics, they certainly aren't pulling any punches. Very powerful images at the end as well, with the infamous lynching from a tree incident that The Dead Kennedy's used for their "Holiday in Cambodia" album cover despite it being in Thailand.


As Thai music goes it's not a bad song either. Better than some makeup wearing prettyboy crooning "kidtern terrrr" like 95% of it.

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I  think the government have no choice but to throw them in jail. The Junta wants to demonstrate their control, and contain any one that steps out of line, otherwise they will lose face. Democracy will be put on hold (again) as they will say this is the reason why then need to hang onto power, it's a vicious circle. 

Edited by the guest
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39 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The rappers through their music have done what many junta opponents were unable to do to highlight and bring attention to the injustice, human right abuses, freedom of speech and corruption to the world. Prayut and his cohorts are now internationally known for the wrong reasons. There is still hopes for Thailand. 

It would be great for the country if the youth became politically charged. Bkk however may feel themselves lacking in popularity after this ,   but such as life when supporting usurpers

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I'd be very curious as to how Prayut is reacting to this, as I assume that he hasn't actually been told the true feelings of the Thai people to date, or for a very long time.


Think about it; I do not know what goes on at the highest level of the Thai Junta, but would you want to be the one who brings (day to day) bad news to Prayut and the others? Or, would you shade/spin that data a bit to make him look good? Human nature supplies the answer. Then, add in Thai culture where an employee will throw themselves on a hand grenade rather than admit a problem to their boss. Finally, consider Prayut's life/career; he has risen through the military ranks rapidly, leading a sheltered life where people would (inevitably, due to his rapid rise) flatter him through night and day.


Now, after four years of absolute power (and certainly more and more flattery), he sees a bunch of Rappers singing a tune which vilifies him and his cronies; that has to be a shock. And, 12 million views? So far? That has to be a shock. Add in that if he or his cronies bans Youtube, he will look like a weak, sobbing little girl? That also has to be a shock. The whole experience has to be a shock.


Faced with a new, unrealized reality, people can go one of two ways; they can accept what is shown them and try to improve OR they can not accept it and double-down on what the problem was in the first place.


What will Prayut do?






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1 hour ago, hobz said:

YouTube views are counted like this.

If one person views the video multiple times it's counted as up to 5 views per day per person.

So the real number is probably slightly lower. But also there's iTunes ...

It’s been viewed a lot is all that matters. And the junta would be incredibly dumb to arrest them. 


You reap what you sow.

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