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Synagogue massacre suspect in court; Trump to visit grieving Pittsburgh


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9 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

No you miss understand by what I considered succinct post I mean the left who hide their own violence or it never gets mentioned in the MSM. For example the violent but cowardly thugs of the left ANTIFA. Never get criticized at all, by Democrats or the MSM. But now we are both getting off topic.


Trump shows great courage going to Pittsburgh in defiance of the lefty Democrat protesters who were being disrespectful to the murder victims by holding a very noisy protest for so few protesters outside the murder scene at the synagogue. They looked like the usual rent a mob the left so kindly provides and should have shown much better judgement in their actions.


I hope you will join me in condemning their actions and disrespect they showed, then share my condolaces to the families of those who were murdered with unity of all who care deeply about their loss?




How, exactly, did Trump show "great courage" by going to Pittsburgh? Disregarding his rather largish security detail, you yourself claim there were but a "few protestors", but do go on about Trump's brave act of "defiance". At most, his ego would have been bruised.


I won't be joining you in any faux condemnation for any imagined "disrespect". Trump long lost any basis to claim respect, anyway. And either drop the nonsense about "unity", or at least try and keep the contrived narrative constant - either you go on about "unity", or take swings at "the Left". Can't have it both ways.

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6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Because we’re all supposed to stay quiet as extreme rightwing racists target Jewish people at prayer and murder them?!


What because you wish to impose respect for the dead and those who grieve over their murder, or because you really want to sweep extreme rightwing murder campaigns under the carpet?


This attack is a mirror image of the attacks on Jews in Germany during the 1930s.


It is well past the time for ‘good men’ (and women) to step up, speak up and above all not ‘do nothing’.




I don't think that dude can be classified as the right - we don't really know that... that's just your OPINION ???? Imo he's more similar to those people who tried to get into the country in that caravan, they are just of different race... in all other respects - exactly the same thing, i.e. they don't have any well formulated political philosophical background - they are just very poor and unintelligent so they act on impulse.

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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


What are you on about? How do we "don't really know"? Or how is it an "opinion"? He had quite a presence on social media, where he expressed his views. That you try to muddy the waters won't change that.


On the other hand, you do don't really know much about the people on that caravan, other than spewing a bunch of generalizations which you couldn't begin to substantiate.


There's nothing "exactly the same" here. And the race comment was about what one would expect from some posters on a topic like that.


My statement is the only relatively correct in all the threads - you should read up on the classical definition of Right vs Left... Right is always associated with wealth, aristocracy, morals of the powerful... whereas the Left always looks or pretends to look for the interests of the uneducated, poor, unintelligent classes... so out of those two  - which category does the attacker belong to - the same as the people in the caravan... again I'm the only one unfortunately making any sense here imo ????

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13 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:


Oposing The spread of hate and racism.

Where is the rightwing outrage over this mass murder?

You seem to be suggesting that all right wingers a racist hate filled people who support this massacre . This attack was carried out by a demented Nazi extremist , yet you are trying to lump him in with the right wing , just to further your leftist ideals

  Are you actually bothered by the massacre , or are you happy to have yet another angle to go on rants about Trump ?

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1 minute ago, Opl said:

"random ferocious attacks on Trump" ? 


At the October 30, 2018, anti-Trump march, 'Pittsburgh Loves All Our Neighbors.' (Amanda Borschel-Dan/Times of Israel)Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump pittsburgh"

I was talking about posts on Thai visa , and you are using extreme to proave a point that I didnt make.

   I cannot deal with this anymore .

People just dont seem to be able to understand anything , I cannot keep explainng 

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Trump's antisemitism

The closing advertisement for Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign featured Mr. Soros — as well as Janet L. Yellen, the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve at the time, and Lloyd Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, both of whom are Jewish — as examples of “global special interests” who enriched themselves on the backs of working Americans."

How Vilification of George Soros Moved From the Fringes to the Mainstream


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"trump" is soft on white nationalist supremacists and white nationalist terrorism. Good people on both sides?!? He never calls out domestic white nationalist terrorism specifically. What's he afraid of? Angering his most rabid supporters? He intentionally riles up that sick racist, hating portion of the American public -- white nationalists. They think he's on their side. They think he's encouraging them. The week of the mass bomb attempts and the worst anti-Semitic massacre in U.S. history and "trump" decides to go full on with proclaiming himself a NATIONALIST. That timing could not be more messed up! A word directly related to global fascist Jew murdering autocrats. Doesn't mean he is one literally. Does mean those that relate to that feel they're being winked at aggressively. There is no American movement for leaders to identify as nationalist in the U.S. except from explicit white nationalist fascists. It's not the same word as PATRIOTS at all. The protesters in Pittsburgh were the patriots, protesting against a vile president that proclaims he's a NATIONALIST. Words don't matter, some people might say. If they don't matter why does our current president insist on labeling himself with that particular word?




How Trump’s immigrant bashing feeds white supremacists’ obsession with Jews

Pulling white nationalists' fear of migrants into the mainstream also stirs anti-Semitism


For American white supremacists, hysteria about immigrants is inextricable from anti-Semitism: Many of the far-right nativists who cheer Trump’s immigration rhetoric are also obsessed with Jews. When prominent Republicans warn that a powerful Jew is secretly funding an invasion by foreigners, it doesn’t matter how many Jewish grandchildren the president has — he and his party are fueling anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the sort that the suspect in the Pittsburgh shooting posted on social media just before he walked into Tree of Life synagogue on Saturday.







Edited by Jingthing
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5 hours ago, sanemax said:


And there's an example of what I was referring to ?

Mad random ferocious attacks on Trump , using the attack as a vehicle .

Its quite frightening to read sometimes , peoples hate and aggression 


4 hours ago, sanemax said:

I was talking about posts on Thai visa , and you are using extreme to proave a point that I didnt make.

   I cannot deal with this anymore .

People just dont seem to be able to understand anything , I cannot keep explainng 

I know the feeling!

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:


And there's an example of what I was referring to ?

Mad random ferocious attacks on Trump , using the attack as a vehicle .

Its quite frightening to read sometimes , peoples hate and aggression 

Yes quiet frightening 

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6 hours ago, Thakkar said:

David M. Perry (@Lollardfish)

10/28/18, 9:01 PM

Good morning. The President of the United States suggested that Jews were funding the caravan. The murderer in Pittsburgh was outraged by the ideas that Jews were helping brown people get to the US via the caravan. 

There's only one dot. No need to connect.

He was been interviewed he never said Jews some asked him a question they mentioned Soros and why would anyone think he is a Jew?


President Trump is again innocent in this !

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3 minutes ago, Opl said:


Food for thought, even for desperate cases...


when the president of the United States says George Soros or globalists (read Jews) are responsible for a caravan of dangerous miscreants and migrants (read non-whites) who are going to invade the country, he is not just trafficking in what the facts unambiguously show to be a fictitious conspiracy theory. He is taking a very specific action, one that identifies an enemy, mobilizes hatred for that enemy and encourages violence against them. Speech is action and in this instance the president’s speech is an act of inciting violence."



We have to accept that "trump" loyalists are never going to change. Just as "trump" is never going to change (except to get worse). The battleground for the American soul are the traditional republicans (you remember, control the deficits, free trade without tariffs, etc.) and the large portion of Americans that are more or less independents (either officially or not). It's a total waste of time trying to convert "trump" fans. They thrive on his lies. They take perverted pleasure when decent Americans are properly offended by what a horrible fear mongering demagogue he is.

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18 hours ago, Thakkar said:


The point of the trip was for *him* to show respect to Pittsburgh.

instead, he’s bragging abput how Pittsburgh respected him.

In his last tweet on that page he remarked that the Office of the President was respected.


I agree with him. The Office WAS respected, but not so the occupant.

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