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Platini To Introduce New Rules;


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Wednesday 14th February 2007

Platini to introduce new rules.

From the Sun:

Football’s governing bodies are considering a bizarre concept of using FIVE officials for every football match.

New UEFA president Michel Platini has suggested that the introduction of two refs to patrol the penalty areas would improve the game.

Ex-French ace Platini, 51, may now ask world governing body FIFA to consider using two more refs alongside the main official and the two assistants.

It will be discussed at FIFA's board AGM when they meet in Manchester next month.

A UEFA spokesman said: “Two more officials would definitely help to clear up misunderstandings. Platini does not want to break up the flow of the game with video technology but he is keen to see a new system and possible experiments.”


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Absolutely <deleted> barmy. They already struggle to get decent refs and with all the technology that is readily available, they never cease to amaze me!!

Come on why be amazed, Platini is French ! After all isn't French philosophy " why make a job easy when, with a little more thought, you can make it difficult" ?

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Absolutely <deleted> barmy. They already struggle to get decent refs and with all the technology that is readily available, they never cease to amaze me!!

Come on why be amazed, Platini is French ! After all isn't French philosophy " why make a job easy when, with a little more thought, you can make it difficult" ?

True, true :o

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I'm starting to not like the guy.... :o

It will be a massive injustice if he makes us replay Lille, although some of you will disagree cos of your allegiances. Do you think we should replay, honestly....!

Tax and MrJoeMangles, I reckon i know your answers. "Kick United out". Answer, honestly, please....


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I'm starting to not like the guy.... :o

It will be a massive injustice if he makes us replay Lille, although some of you will disagree cos of your allegiances. Do you think we should replay, honestly....!

Where has he said this Red? I've not seen it anywhere :D

Tax and MrJoeMangles, I reckon i know your answers. "Kick United out". Answer, honestly, please....

Well personally, i wouldn't have even let you in, in the first place :D

What did you expect me to say Red. Seriously though, what the <deleted> is he talking about. Kick you out for what :D Your lot didn't cause any trouble, so they could only really kick you out for cheating with that goal :D

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I'm starting to not like the guy.... :D

It will be a massive injustice if he makes us replay Lille, although some of you will disagree cos of your allegiances. Do you think we should replay, honestly....!

Where has he said this Red? I've not seen it anywhere :D

Tax and MrJoeMangles, I reckon i know your answers. "Kick United out". Answer, honestly, please....

Well personally, i wouldn't have even let you in, in the first place :D

What did you expect me to say Red. Seriously though, what the <deleted> is he talking about. Kick you out for what :D Your lot didn't cause any trouble, so they could only really kick you out for cheating with that goal :bah:

From the not bitter thread... :o


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post Today, 2007-02-22 11:44:13

Post #570

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From: Drink, <deleted>, whiskey....!

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Platini could force Man Utd into replay

2007-02-22 CET 12:00

UEFA's French president Michel Platini could force Manchester United to replay this week's first-leg Champions League win at Lille.

Platini is known for his anti-English views, and there are fears at Manchester United, that he will force them to replay the match.

Lille president Michel Seydoux said: "I will call Michel Platini, who says he defends the beautiful game and the little teams.

"We have developed a beautiful game and we are a little team."

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Of-course, how dare we go to France, play awfully on an even worse pitch, and win. In France.... annoyed.gif

When Henry did it to us, I did not complain because, I understand the rules and saw the ref move away from the ball, at which point the ball becomes live. Henry does this when he can. I like players that play on the rules edge, Ruud used to do it when he floated along the offside line.

If my team had left the pitch as did Lille, after instruction from the bench, I would be disgusted.

I believe the above to be handbags from a man who should know better.



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I'm starting to not like the guy.... :o

It will be a massive injustice if he makes us replay Lille, although some of you will disagree cos of your allegiances. Do you think we should replay, honestly....!

Tax and MrJoeMangles, I reckon i know your answers. "Kick United out". Answer, honestly, please....


The referees decision has got to be final. If they insist on this game being replayed then in future every time the referee makes a questionable decision teams will be appealing and demanding their games be replayed as well. There would be such a backlog of games to be replayed the season would never get finished.

Another point, I've read that UEFA are going to investigate the Giggs goal Friday because a decision needs to be made before the second leg in two weeks time. If Lille are found guilty over the crowd/policing problems then the penalty could be expulsion from the competition so shouldn't that also be investigated before the second leg and not afterwards on 22nd March as I've read it will be?

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I'm starting to not like the guy.... :o

It will be a massive injustice if he makes us replay Lille, although some of you will disagree cos of your allegiances. Do you think we should replay, honestly....!

Tax and MrJoeMangles, I reckon i know your answers. "Kick United out". Answer, honestly, please....


The referees decision has got to be final. If they insist on this game being replayed then in future every time the referee makes a questionable decision teams will be appealing and demanding their games be replayed as well. There would be such a backlog of games to be replayed the season would never get finished.

Another point, I've read that UEFA are going to investigate the Giggs goal Friday because a decision needs to be made before the second leg in two weeks time. If Lille are found guilty over the crowd/policing problems then the penalty could be expulsion from the competition so shouldn't that also be investigated before the second leg and not afterwards on 22nd March as I've read it will be?

Reminds me of the old saying, "one hand doesn't know what the others doing".


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