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Fox News: Democrats projected to win control of U.S. House


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10 hours ago, Becker said:

Aww, are you sad that the GOP lost the house and now you need to blame the evil illegal immigrants for it? So sorry dear but that's not only sad but utterly pathetic.

Poor darling, it's probably gonna be very hard for you to sleep tonight.

Just think how many jurist he can now put on the Supreme Court and no one to stop him.

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16 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Approx 13.5 million more votes for the Democrats, than for Republicans. In effect an unrepresentative government for the majority of the people. Plus trump will continue with the destruction of civility, unity, institutions and the global Rule of Law. 


trump is unfit to represent the Office of the President of the USA. My prediction is the large majority of US citizens will rue the day trump gained power.

The large majority of citizens, even ones who voted against Trump, are doing better right now than they have in years. Thats why the blue wave was a blue trickle. But you dont live there so what do you know?

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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Democrats and Republicans are nothing more than the political front for differing (sometimes overlapping) baskets of special interests. The noise about caravans, trans, abortions, veterans, women vs men, races, guns,  that's all just the smokescreen under which billionaires fund each side to do their bidding and and make them ever wealthier.

It's true, but not for most voters, they are caught up in it all, just like pro wrestling. And even many who know its fake still get caught up in the hype and cheer for their favorites. It's a sporting event. Bread and circuses. 

My entertainment comes from watching the crowd and questioning their bizarre affiliations with unworkable concepts like socialism, polygenderism, and cooling the climate. And now that the media is totally on one side it is an even more fascinating social experiment. Billionaires never had it so good.

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34 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 But it is not. There are real policy issues that have real effect to real people.

I am 61 years old will be 62 this spring, at which time between social security and my union pension I will have a good retirement income and should be able to retire full time in Thailand,  but if I retire I lose my work provided health insurance and I don't get Medicare until 65   . I have pre existing medical conditions and can't be without health insurance for three years so I work. If Trump had not won, ACA would be intact, and I would be in Thailand right now.

For me this is not political football, it is reality, It will be for you also when global warming starts to adversely affect you because we are not doing anything about it.  


First World problems, eh? BTW, other than the mandate what part of the ACA is not intact?

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

The large majority of citizens, even ones who voted against Trump, are doing better right now than they have in years. Thats why the blue wave was a blue trickle. But you dont live there so what do you know?

And when the markets crash or nosedive and everyone is doing worse are you gonna blame that on Trump?


PS. Were still waiting in breathless anticipation for you to make good on the following promise:

"For every lie that President Trump tosses, I'm sure I can find one that Obama tossed."

Edited by Becker
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14 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Small picture policy is the smoke that conceals the big picture. They don't really care if you win a little once in a while. Or vice versa obviously.


Small picture police are the pixels that compose the big picture.

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dems dont apprehend that their paphyrrus advancement will become their grave coz everything which pr. trump implements and not working out, the dems will be 100 % scapegoats. trumpy boy has laid with the senate victory the foundation to be reelected in 2020.


@attrayant whether it represent a collusion with the us law, is to be judged by the attorney's office.




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On 11/7/2018 at 11:16 AM, Longcut said:

Not a problem. He can just do what the last president did. Executive Order. 


22 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

Trump can make executive emergency decisions can’t he still?


And here I was thinking everything the last president did was bad. Far as I recall, Republicans and their supporters on this forum whined quite a bit about this issue, at the time.

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11 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:


Yep Trumps the real winner he controls obviously the presidency and the Senate.


The Democrats will get blamed for everything that goes wrong and if the economy start tanking oooodear it will be blamed on the Dems.



Finding a scapegoat: the essence of democracy and Winning, courtesy of a Trump supporter.

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22 hours ago, blazes said:

Does this really change anything?  I mean, to anyone not American (unAmerican?), the difference between Dem and GOP is minuscule.  For any European, both Dems and GOP are right-wing parties.  


Will the Dems move to re-construct themselves...will they take on board the views of Bernie Sanders, O'Rourke of Texas or Ocasio-Cortez in NY???  If all they do is call Trump names and produce gridlock in Congress, they will be no different than the Republicans in Obama's last years.


If the Dems don't make a major shift in ideas and personnel, it will just be business as usual. 


IMO, while there's sure to be some wilful obstructionism for its own sake, quite a bit would be grounded on objective resistance to the Trump administration policies. That said, I feel that overall, the Democrats are more open to compromise and bi-partisan initiatives on certain issues. Probably more about cooperating with Republican initiatives, rather than the administration's per se.


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9 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

The large majority of citizens, even ones who voted against Trump, are doing better right now than they have in years. Thats why the blue wave was a blue trickle. But you dont live there so what do you know?

In the same way as most people I can read / research. 13.5 million more votes than those for trump is a 'trickle'? 


President Donald Trump heads into a midterm referendum on his presidency showing no real progress on a core promise: to raise the wages of America’s “forgotten man and woman.”


Once the impact of inflation is included, ordinary Americans’ hourly earnings are lower than they were a year ago.



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11 minutes ago, Nilats said:

I'm not really a trump hater... but supporter - where's the evidence of that? I definitely wouldn't be interested in supporting either of the camps 100% ???? I see far too many problems on both sides, neither is even nearly acceptable for my standards. Just a hint instead of sending barrage of hate and insults - maybe your camp should consider to think why so many people voted for him in the first place... staying on the same course and doing what you are doing now doesn't seem to be a winning strategy.

exactly but dems are too intolerant to bother



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4 hours ago, Nilats said:

I'm not really a trump hater... but supporter - where's the evidence of that? I definitely wouldn't be interested in supporting either of the camps 100% ???? I see far too many problems on both sides, neither is even nearly acceptable for my standards. Just a hint instead of sending barrage of hate and insults - maybe your camp should consider to think why so many people voted for him in the first place... staying on the same course and doing what you are doing now doesn't seem to be a winning strategy.

maybe your camp should start considering about how somebody can be so unpopular with the economy putting up such strong numbers.

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I saw somewhere back that someone had claimed that the democrats had only gained 26 sears or something like that. Actually, that number was only for confirmed victories. It's likely that by the time all the votes are counted and recounted, democrats will have gained 33 seats. The total right now is 29

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/06/us/elections/results-house-elections.html?action=click&module=Most Popular&pgtype=Homepage

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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

You mean you believe that Trump has done nothing to weaken the act and increase its costs? Really?


I think anything short of single payer / Medicare for all is an expansion of the healthcare system that is designed to fail. ACA could have been single payer but it was not, so to my way of thinking it was designed to fail. BTW my premiums have gone up every year since the ACA came into being.

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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

maybe your camp should start considering about how somebody can be so unpopular with the economy putting up such strong numbers.

I'm not in any camp for sure... definitely not American enough for that. Same as I'm not in either pro- or anti Jair Bolsonaro camp... nobody is entitled to be in either one of those either. This is the hardest thing to break through to you - none of your conduct or behaviour proves that you are "better people" than anybody - it's quite the opposite I'm afraid ????

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6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

I think anything short of single payer / Medicare for all is an expansion of the healthcare system that is designed to fail. ACA could have been single payer but it was not, so to my way of thinking it was designed to fail. BTW my premiums have gone up every year since the ACA came into being.

That wasn't exactly an answer. Actually this year in lots of states premums are falling. And would have in a lot more if not for Trump's sabotage. And despite your comment that ACA is failing, despite Trumps attempts, enrollment is still very high. It may have fallen very slightly.

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On 11/8/2018 at 7:34 AM, Nyezhov said:

The large majority of citizens, even ones who voted against Trump, are doing better right now than they have in years. Thats why the blue wave was a blue trickle. But you dont live there so what do you know?

A gain of 35 seats in the house is hardly a "trickle'.

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14 hours ago, Nilats said:

I'm not really a trump hater... but supporter - where's the evidence of that? I definitely wouldn't be interested in supporting either of the camps 100% ???? I see far too many problems on both sides, neither is even nearly acceptable for my standards. Just a hint instead of sending barrage of hate and insults - maybe your camp should consider to think why so many people voted for him in the first place... staying on the same course and doing what you are doing now doesn't seem to be a winning strategy.

Where's the evidence? Could be that you make up facts like that the Democrats were expected to win in the Senate or that they fell short of expected gains in the House. 

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