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Smoking Ban


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I remember an incedent at Don Muang domestic airport, when the had a smoking room there.

A couple of women moved into the room to have a gasper, but it appeared it was too smoky for them so they propped a door open to get some fresh air, they were extremely annoyed when the door was closed by a security guy, who got a tirade from these "ladies" now I only understand a few words of german but these were recognisable to me :o:D:D

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I think it was you ( not sure ) mentioning smokefree beaches because of C.buds and maby second hand smoke, it has got to be one of the single dummest things I have ever heard

In Australia smoking on certain beaches has been banned because of the discarded butts left in the sand.

Some facts to consider:

Cigarette butt litter is a major problem at our beaches, in the ocean and throughout the watersheds which carry water, trash and debris to our beaches. Cigarette butts discarded in parking lots, along sidewalks and in street gutters miles from the coast inevitably make their way through storm drains, creeks and rivers to the beach and the ocean. Direct litter of cigarette butts at the beach adds to the problem. It isn't just a matter of unsightly trash and litter. Toxins from cigarettes collect on the filter and are then washed out into our waterways and the ocean. Birds and sea mammals ingest the butts, thinking that it's food. All of us can do things to eliminate cigarette litter throughout our watersheds.

Litter Statistics

* In just one day 230,000 cigarette butts were collected from California beaches during the 2000 Coastal Cleanup Day. Cigarette butts were the number one trash item found (http://www.cigarettelitter.org).

* According to the Ocean Conservancy, cigarette butt litter accounts for one in every five items collected during cleanups, making it the most prevalent form of litter on earth.

* There are over 176,000,000 pounds of discarded cigarette butts in the United States each year.

* Over 4.5 trillion cigarettes are littered worldwide each year. They are the most littered item in the world (http://www.cigarettelitter.org).

Source of information here,

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let's face it smoking is a dying habit, both for the participant and those around, and these are also documented and proven facts :o

Nobodies disputing that. The problem is the demonization of existing smokers and the bull-shit that is spouted in defence of it.

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Smoking bans in public places can only be a good thing, I have pity for the people that are addicted to nicotine via cigarettes, but I sure as heck don't want to breathe in their second hand smoke!

It's a disguisting filthy dirty habit, full stop! I was just glad I could kick the habit very easily 10 years ago. :o

Smoking is not cool, it's anti-social, expensive, and fawks up your health and the health of those who happen to have the misfortune to be in the vicinity of you when you are polluting your lungs.

Smokers should be ...........................smoked.

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I have always shown consideration to the non-smokers in my company and even strangers nearby and funnily enough I also happen to be respectful and considerate during my day to day life (well as much as possible anyway).

You are obviously a polite and considerate person. Unfortunately amongst smokers, this trait is rare.

I believe that most people have the same core values, after all how many smokers have you seen blatantly smoking in non-smoking zones, ok sure, no doubt occasionally but I would hazard a guess and say that these cases were the exception rather then rule.

If a "No Smoking" zone is not policed, smokers will light up regardless of signs. It is the No Smoking bans applying to certain areas, both indoor and outdoor, that started this thread.

The selfish smokers seem to believe that they have a right to pollute another persons' clean air space hence the reason for such bans.

So it is fair to say, that most smokers restrict their indulgences to only the places where smoking is permitted, and many will take that a step further and ask others before lighting up or choosing not to smoke whilst others are eating, even if they are in an area where smoking is permitted. There are limits to consideration to others though, as has been evidenced by the pollution arguments earlier.

This thread is all about smoking so don't side step the argument of tobacco smoke by referring to other substances of pollution. Let's stick to the topic.

So don't be surprised if you get less than an enthusiastic response to your presumptuous request to a smoker to move away or cease their indulgence whilst you are both outside or in an area where smoking is permitted. It is rude in the extreme, and as others have pointed out you can choose to take action by moving away yourself.

Smokers indulge themselves in a filthy habit. Just because an outside area has not been deemed a 'No Smoking Zone', a smoker does not have any right to light up and blow his chemicals all over non-smokers who are also trying to enjoy the outdoors.

If you want to smoke in the outdoors amongst others, choose a position where your smoke won't interfere with the comforts/health of other people, it is the height of arrogance to expect others to move away from you. Non-smokers are not causing any harm to your health by their clean, non-smoking practices and all they ask is for the same consideration from smokers.

Now that rant and catarrh is off my chest, I saw that the UK smoking ban also affects Cigar Clubs, how many non-smokers will that affect I wonder?

I think that smoking bans still have a long way to go. What we're seeing now is just the beginning.

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Phil- Just the kind of squishy thinking that's led so many Western countries down the road to not being free. Tocqueville and others correctly noted that the biggest threat to freedom in a democracy is not from the right, but instead from the left--i.e. not from a fascist takeover (obviously possible, but an obvious threat), but instead from the subtle, creeping tide of regulation. And of course each new law is made with the best of intentions, and generally justified as protecting people from others.

Of course each should have the right to live reasonably free from the interference of others, and so the issue is of course where to draw the line. I believe that we should draw the line conservatively in the sense that we allow more rather than less, that we require people to be tolerant of others' smoking, music, talking, speech, etc. more liberally than we restrict the behavior of people.

Second hand smoke is not substantially more dangerous, I suspect (although admittedly without any sound surveys to quote), than many other dangers caused by other activities in which people engage that put others at risk (cell phones and other distractions while driving; new drivers; old drivers) or by other things people do that can harm others (involvement in businesses that market unsafe drugs, involvement in the medical industry that pushes long term use of drugs, etc.)

So you go live in a country that regulates as much as possible pursuant to what the elites say is right for everyone else and I'll go live in a country where people are more free to live their lives as they choose.

Absolutely correct & well said.


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Yet more assumptions about smokers. The demonization continues.......

Well, as smokers pollute my lungs and the lungs of my children with second hand smoke.......................

I think demonisation is a very leniant sentence, crucifixtion is an all together different sentence but could be applied to smokers who harm innocent children with the poison they inhale and exhale into the rest of the normal population. You wanna damage your own health, fine, just stay away from me and my children!

Smokers should smoke where they can not affect other people who choose not to smoke.

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Non-smoker's wants the right to a smoke free atmospher while smoker's want the right to smoke.

The non-smoker's want to be capable of leaving their homes without having to fight second hand smoke. They want to enjoy a nice dinner without having to smell the stell ashtray across the room. I agree with the non-smoker. They should not have to smell smoke while they are eating. That is why smoking and non-smoking areas are seperated in most resteraunts. If the areas are not seperated the non-smoker has the right to choose another place to dine.

The smoker's feel they have a right to smoke in public. The tobacco industry makes millions of dollars on the smoker's of America. The American government is collecting revenue from the tax placed on the tobacco products. Smoker's are paying for the right to smoke when they purchase the product.

The smoker's of America feel they have a right to dine in public and light-up after their meal. The smoke from tobacco can be no more dangerouse then the fumes from the gas grill in the kitchen. Are they going to try to ban cooking on gas grills?

New automobiles are coming off the line without ashtrays.Are the manufactures all non-smoker's, saying smoke shouldn't be allowed within the cars? The smoke inside the car can be no more dangerous then the fumes of factories we drive by. The smoke can be no more dangerouse then the fuel we pump into those vehicles or burn as we drive. If the smoker is willing to chance the dangers of being in a vehicle opperated by gas fumes, don't they deserve an ashtray in their car?

What it comes down to it's simple, life is unsafe. With the fumes from cars and factories smoke isn't going to make that much of a differance.

There is some danger in everything we come into contact with in life. From the dirt beneath our feet to the cleaners we use there is some element of danger.

I believe every smoker has the right to smoke in public. I believe every non-smoker has the right to choose if they come into contact with that smoke. Every time I walk out my door I am choosing to come into contact with everything in the air at that moment. If I should choose not to take my chances with the dangers in the air, I can stay at home. As for non-smoker's it is their choice.

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My opinion is that if you can buy a product legally then you should be allowed the liberty to consume it. But as a nice guy, I never smoked around a non-smoker; I had seen too many of their alligator tears and gasping fits merely from the sight of one being lit. Most Anti-smokers are major drama queens and a vexation. Now I quit smoking a long time ago. But I despise this fascination with regulating peoples behaviors. I never needed any one to tell me how to be a decent guy.

One thing I do not understand though is why cigarettes are legal at all. They have no benefits other than maintaining addictions and calming the addicted. But the negative aspect of tobacco is massive. The only over the counter product which, if taken as directed will kill you. They ban sweeteners that give cancer to rats, but cigarettes, no problem, smoke em if ya got em! I guess it’s all in the tax revenue. The government is your pusher and your nanny.

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crucifixtion is an all together different sentence but could be applied to smokers

"Crucifixtion's a doddle....."

Jesus, the anti-smoking lobby on here is getting hysterical (both meanings of the word).

Anyway, beer o clock. Better things to do than read all the self righteous, PC bumff on here.

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I agree that some seem to demonize smokers. Here are a few of my random thoughts, 20 a day by the way and not proud of it-

1. Smoking is bad for you and others around you (shock!).

2. I smoke but never in my apartment of in others houses as it smells bad.

3. I go outside to smoke at restaurants and sit in the non smoking areas. No one wants smoke around food

4. I like to smoke when out for a beer.

5. We all have free choice. Choice to leave a place if its too smoky, to smoke if we want.

6. Governments make a ton of cask from smokers (uk).

7. Owners of bars should have a choice whether to ban smoking then people can choose whether they want to go in there.

8. Banning smoking at work is fine but provide an outside space out of view if necessary for us.

9. I hate the smoking rooms at airports and I am truly reminded when I go in them how bad my addiction is.

10. How much pollution do we all suck in everyday in our journeys around Bangkok?

As I said random thoughts.

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I believe every smoker has the right to smoke in public. I believe every non-smoker has the right to choose if they come into contact with that smoke.

Can I believe what I'm seeing ? :o

So you think non smokers should try to detect where smokers lurk in public places and detour around the said places ?

Non Smokers should be inconvenienced because they don't want to breathe in second hand smoke from the addicted ?

Smoking should be banned in Public places and SMOKERS who endanger the health of non smokers should be inconvenienced for their troubles, not the other way round!!!

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I have always shown consideration to the non-smokers in my company and even strangers nearby and funnily enough I also happen to be respectful and considerate during my day to day life (well as much as possible anyway).

You are obviously a polite and considerate person. Unfortunately amongst smokers, this trait is rare.

Why thank you you are obviously a gentleman and a scholar, but think that we must agree to disagree on the rarity of this trait

I believe that most people have the same core values, after all how many smokers have you seen blatantly smoking in non-smoking zones, ok sure, no doubt occasionally but I would hazard a guess and say that these cases were the exception rather then rule.

If a "No Smoking" zone is not policed, smokers will light up regardless of signs. It is the No Smoking bans applying to certain areas, both indoor and outdoor, that started this thread.

The selfish smokers seem to believe that they have a right to pollute another persons' clean air space hence the reason for such bans. Smoking bans are all well and good, on the most part, but when Cigar aficionados can not enjoy a smoke at a Cigar Club of all places its gone too far. I mean why would you choose to work or frequent a Cigar Club if you do not smoke or mind smoking? Surely if you do opt to frequent or work at such a place such one must expect and accept the associated dangers that comes from it, as say an Alaskan crab fisherman does with their job, certainly I would accept the risk to personal injury should I choose to visit such a vessels on one of their hazardous trips

So it is fair to say, that most smokers restrict their indulgences to only the places where smoking is permitted, and many will take that a step further and ask others before lighting up or choosing not to smoke whilst others are eating, even if they are in an area where smoking is permitted. There are limits to consideration to others though, as has been evidenced by the pollution arguments earlier.

This thread is all about smoking so don't side step the argument of tobacco smoke by referring to other substances of pollution. Let's stick to the topic. No side steps taken, just trying to make a point, lets take another example, everyone has a limit to how far they will go to accommodate others comfort, some will give up a seat on the BTS for a lady some will not, some smokers will choose to be respectful to other others in areas where smoking is permitted some will not, that doesn't make it wrong

So don't be surprised if you get less than an enthusiastic response to your presumptuous request to a smoker to move away or cease their indulgence whilst you are both outside or in an area where smoking is permitted. It is rude in the extreme, and as others have pointed out you can choose to take action by moving away yourself.

Smokers indulge themselves in a filthy habit. Just because an outside area has not been deemed a 'No Smoking Zone', a smoker does not have any right to light up and blow his chemicals all over non-smokers who are also trying to enjoy the outdoors.

If you want to smoke in the outdoors amongst others, choose a position where your smoke won't interfere with the comforts/health of other people, it is the height of arrogance to expect others to move away from you. Non-smokers are not causing any harm to your health by their clean, non-smoking practices and all they ask is for the same consideration from smokers.

I guess it comes down to who was their first. What if a non-smoker arrives in a bar or plonks themselves down in a vicinity where others are already / have been smoking and proceeds to ask them stop for his/her benefit? Should smokers just stop because of someone's say so? What next, ask all smokers to emulate Raliegh and lay down their coats for non-smokers to walk upon rather than dirty their shoes?

Now that rant and catarrh is off my chest, I saw that the UK smoking ban also affects Cigar Clubs, how many non-smokers will that affect I wonder?

I think that smoking bans still have a long way to go. What we're seeing now is just the beginning.

Edited by quiksilva
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crucifixtion is an all together different sentence but could be applied to smokers

"Crucifixtion's a doddle....."

Jesus, the anti-smoking lobby on here is getting hysterical (both meanings of the word).

Anyway, beer o clock. Better things to do than read all the self righteous, PC bumff on here.

good idea cur burr, you've had your troll fix for now, albeit small :o .

If I was over there we could have a beer together, in a non smoking bar of course

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Well in Scotland the ban has been on the go for a while now. As a non-smoker I am enjoying breathing fresh air in the pub but I do think the ban is a little bit OTT in some instances.

For example, the last company I worked for here said that smoking was not permitted in your OWN CAR !! etc etc.

I think smoking is insane, but if you want to spend money on killing yourself (WITHOUT GETTING HIGH) then I believe you should be able to do it in your own car.


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Well in Scotland the ban has been on the go for a while now. As a non-smoker I am enjoying breathing fresh air in the pub but I do think the ban is a little bit OTT in some instances.

For example, the last company I worked for here said that smoking was not permitted in your OWN CAR !! etc etc.

I think smoking is insane, but if you want to spend money on killing yourself (WITHOUT GETTING HIGH) then I believe you should be able to do it in your own car.


growing up in the sixtys and seventys i was told by adverts on tv it was cool to smoke .did you know smoking is harder to quit than drugs true fact ,it really pi**es me off when im told where and when i can smoke if they ban it in thailand i will leave ,the worst people to complain are the reformed smokers,if i want to kill myself thats my desion ,and yes another benson just hit my lungs and its great :o

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I think it was you ( not sure ) mentioning smokefree beaches because of C.buds and maby second hand smoke, it has got to be one of the single dummest things I have ever heard

In Australia smoking on certain beaches has been banned because of the discarded butts left in the sand.

Some facts to consider:

Cigarette butt litter is a major problem at our beaches, in the ocean and throughout the watersheds which carry water, trash and debris to our beaches. Cigarette butts discarded in parking lots, along sidewalks and in street gutters miles from the coast inevitably make their way through storm drains, creeks and rivers to the beach and the ocean. Direct litter of cigarette butts at the beach adds to the problem. It isn't just a matter of unsightly trash and litter. Toxins from cigarettes collect on the filter and are then washed out into our waterways and the ocean. Birds and sea mammals ingest the butts, thinking that it's food. All of us can do things to eliminate cigarette litter throughout our watersheds.

Litter Statistics

* In just one day 230,000 cigarette butts were collected from California beaches during the 2000 Coastal Cleanup Day. Cigarette butts were the number one trash item found (http://www.cigarettelitter.org).

* According to the Ocean Conservancy, cigarette butt litter accounts for one in every five items collected during cleanups, making it the most prevalent form of litter on earth.

* There are over 176,000,000 pounds of discarded cigarette butts in the United States each year.

* Over 4.5 trillion cigarettes are littered worldwide each year. They are the most littered item in the world (http://www.cigarettelitter.org).

Source of information here,

For gods sake MM, butts are made of cellulose acetate (wood pulp or a kind of paper if you like), in contact with water they dissolve in a relative short time, alltough I agree it can be unsightly it is hardly a enviromental problem worth a mention, I have never had a cigarette with the butt made of plastic, and I challenge you to show any water quality test off the Pacific Ocean outside Californias beaches that show any trace of toxins from cigarettes, or in any other ocean for that matter, the sites with your information is from anti smoke and enviromental nutters, and is pure unsubstanciated propaganda. Unfortunately legaslative powers sometimes makes decisions based on poor knowlegde and to score cheap green points while saving money at the same time.

Cigarette filter buds: cellulose acetate comes from wood pulp, according to Wikipedia is produced from reforested trees therefore it is regarded as enviromentally friendly and will compost.

Kind regards :o

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All you anti-smokers who believe you have a right to fresh air. What about the people who ride bikes and don't fly or drive cars. Don't they have a right to fresh air either?

Be careful what you wish for or no one will be able to do anything that pollutes the atmosphere. Cars, planes, diesel engines etc surely pollute more than ciggy. Or are smokers gonna be blamed for the depletion of the Ozone as well!!

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